One Piece Shadow Army

Chapter 155: The Cross


"I am guilty..."

"I am guilty of blasphemy..."

On the street, two young hooligans who were beaten black and blue by Bartolomeo began to confess what they had just done.

They don't want to do that either.

But under Bartolomeo's violent fist, he had to do so.

After the two young hooligans finished their confession, they asked nervously.

"But, it's ok now..."

Bartolomeo glanced at the two men, causing them to be a little scared: "What happened to that navy captain just now?"

The gangster youth seemed to be afraid of being beaten, so he immediately told the information he knew.

"The captain's name is Maude. He borrowed money from our boss and didn't pay it back for a long time. That's why we are in this situation."

“Why did he take out a loan?”

Bartolomeo was a little confused. Logically speaking, a naval captain would never be short of money.

Another young gangster answered.

"His father has a 'strange disease' and needs to take special medicine every day to relieve the pain, but this special medicine costs one million Baileys a bottle.

Over the years, his family didn't have much money, so he had to come to us for a loan. If it weren't for our boss seeing that he was a naval captain, he wouldn't have lent him so much money."

Bartolomeo frowned.

A bottle of special medicine costs one million Baileys. The price of this medicine can be said to be extremely expensive.

"Is this disease common? Why is a bottle of special medicine so expensive?"

The young man had read Mod's message and understood this, so he replied:

“There aren’t many people suffering from this strange disease in our town of Roge, maybe only seven or eight. But there must be a lot of people in the entire East China Sea, and all of them need special medicine.

Originally, this special medicine only cost 100,000 Baileys in the North Sea. However, because the four seas are not connected and there is a huge red soil continent between the East China Sea and the North Sea, this medicine can only appear through the channels of the World Government, and the price has increased tenfold.

That’s all we know.”

Bartolomeo was silent.

Based on the information provided by these two thugs, he could fully imagine what kind of terrible situation this strange disease would bring to people.

If this is the case for a naval captain, then those civilian families cannot afford it at all. After selling off all their belongings and property, they are almost all heavily in debt.

After letting the two young hooligans leave, Bartolomeo began to pay attention to this strange disease. After understanding the way of salvation from the Bible, he felt sympathy for the disasters and misfortunes in the world.

Bartolomeo felt that what happened today should be the instruction of "God" and he should do something.

A few days later.

As the night crept into the sky, most of the people in Rogue Town began to prepare for rest.

And in the East District.

The atmosphere is very tense.

The gang's largest casino two years ago has now been converted into a meeting hall. In the slightly dim environment, one can see that those sitting there are leaders of various gangs in Rogue Town.

These people each have their own manpower and weapons, occupy territories and collect protection fees, and no one is willing to submit to anyone else, which leads to the group's disintegration and the fact that there is still no unified force.

These people gathered here today to unite together.

And since it is a union, it naturally needs a supreme leader.

Simply put, the boss.

Otherwise, if they continue to act on their own and refuse to be managed, this alliance will be of no use.

For the position of the boss.

The leaders of the various gangs present were arguing with each other and could not reach a consensus.

The atmosphere on the spot was tense and everyone was about to flip the table and start fighting.

The door of the meeting hall was pushed open.


Clear moonlight shone in from outside and fell on the flat ground.

The leaders of each gang looked outside in confusion, and they saw a two-meter-tall young man with green hair striding in, holding a Bible in his hand and a short blade on his waist.

"Bartolomeo, what are you doing here?"

"Are you also trying to grab the position of the boss?"

"I advise you to stop dreaming. Not to mention you, even if Gray were to be resurrected, he might not be able to suppress us!"

Some people present knew this small leader of the largest gang in Rogue Town who had survived two years ago.

Bartolomeo looked around at everyone present.

His eyes were calm, and he did not show any anger because of the ridicule. He simply pulled out the dagger from his waist and spoke calmly.

"You are guilty."

“So, everyone needs to be redeemed.”

One of the gang leaders sensed the danger and immediately stood up, taking out his musket and aiming at Bartolomeo's head.


Gunshots rang out!

Blood splattered on the ground.

However, the blood spurted out from the neck of the gang leader who fired the shot.

Bartolomeo dodged the bullet at an extremely fast speed, flashed to the side of the leader who fired the shot, and killed the other person with the short blade in his hand.

The gang leader whose neck was cut had his eyes wide open. The rifle in his hand fell to the ground. He subconsciously covered his neck with both hands, but found that he could not stop the gushing blood.


Afterwards, the gang leader collapsed weakly and gradually lost his life.

"Bartolomeo, what are you doing?"

"He also killed all of us, damn it, let's kill him together!"

When the other gang leaders saw this scene, they were immediately shocked.

After shouting in panic, they all started fighting.

Bartolomeo didn't care about this. He appeared behind a leader again and stabbed him in the back, killing him.

A chaotic battle broke out in the hall.

During the siege of Bartolomeo, some gang leaders also wanted to take advantage of the chaos to kill some people so that they could take over and unify the gangs.

However, they obviously overestimated their own strength and underestimated Bartolomeo.

At this time, Bartolomeo was no longer the small gang leader he was two years ago.

After the gang was destroyed, Bartolomeo became deeply aware of his own weakness. In addition to searching for salvation in the Bible every day, he also did not give up his own training.

Two years of uninterrupted training greatly improved Bartolomeo's strength, and he even learned a technique similar to "shaving" in the navy.

This extremely fast assassination attack was because Coles had killed the gangster boss Gray with a silent slash, and this scene had left an indelible impression on Bartolomeo, so he had been imitating this move.

After the moves were used today, the gang leaders present were unable to resist at all.

About ten minutes later.

The fight in the arena subsided, and none of the gang leaders were left standing.

Bartolomeo held the short sword and shook off the blood on the blade to prevent the dirty blood from tainting his weapon.

This scene immediately made the frightened gang members tremble in fear.

They felt that Bartolomeo at this moment was like a demon! So scary!

After killing the gang leader, Bartolomeo did not kill the gang members because he needed these men.

"From now on, I am the common gang leader of the 150 streets in Rogue Town. Are there any of you who object?"

The remaining gang members present looked at Bartolomeo's devil-like face and the bloody tragedy of the gang leader's death on the ground, and none of them objected.

Even the powerful gang leader was killed, and their subordinates had no power to resist, so they had to choose to obey.



After cleaning up the bloody scene, the gang members all bowed their heads.

Bartolomeo looked at his men in front of him, feeling a little happy.

He always wanted to become a gang boss, and today he finally did it.

However, this trace of joy quickly disappeared, because he was unifying the gang not to become a gang boss, but to bring salvation to everyone.

“I know that everyone joins gangs and gathers here for various reasons, but the majority of them undoubtedly do so for a living.

We need money, or we will be ragged and starving on the streets;

We need medicines, or we will suffer from illness and pain;

We need to keep each other warm, otherwise we will shiver in the cold winter...

And I will bring all of these to you.

In this world, gangs and mafia groups are already out of date. Today, I will bring you a brand new life, because what I want to create is not a gang or a mafia group, but an organization.

This is the most promising direction now. Join the organization, and your life will become richer, your body will be healthier, and your safety will be more guaranteed..."

During the time that Bartolomeo served as a church priest, he learned a lot, and inciting the emotions of the believers was the most basic skill.

After hearing these words, everyone present suddenly became excited, and they even began to imagine their wonderful future life.

"Boss, what is the name of our organization?" someone asked expectantly.

Bartolomeo looked around at everyone, holding the Bible in his left hand, making the sign of the cross with his right hand on his chest, and answered solemnly.

"The name of our organization is 'The Cross'."