One Piece Shadow Army

Chapter 16: Death Knight


As the ghost ship approaches.

The other people on the patrol ship also saw this scene, and it immediately made them feel a chill down their spines.

Old and dilapidated ship!

The silent and empty ship!

The sight of sailless automatic!

All this shows that the ship in front of us is unusual and strange!

In the sky, a shadow covered the moon, making the dilapidated sailboat not far away even darker.

"This, could it be a ghost ship?"

Finally, Maud couldn't stand the tense atmosphere anymore and asked softly.

However, this question made the atmosphere and state on the ship even more deserted.

Legend has it that if you encounter a ghost ship, almost no one can escape safely.

Will they die

Many sailors swallowed nervously, and fear began to spread in their hearts.

Kahn stood at the bow, constantly looking at the ancient ship not far away.

He was naturally aware of the rumors about the ghost ship. If he wanted to solve it, he probably had to board the ghost ship in front of him and find out what was going on.

"The situation is unclear right now. You guys wait here. I'll go over and investigate."

To avoid the possible dangers on the ghost ship, Kahn decided to act alone.

"Yes, Major."

The rest of the navy breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, it was a ghost ship and the danger level was extremely high. Coupled with the fear in their hearts, those who were not strong enough chose to follow the major's orders and wait on the patrol ship for the time being.

Kahn lowered a small boat into the sea, preparing to use it to approach the ghost ship.

As he jumped off the deck, a young sailor also jumped off the deck.

The boat was pushed down a little below the sea surface, and waves splashed around it.

Kahn was a little stunned.

"Why did you come down?"

Coles explained.

"Major Kahn, my ability has something to do with the undead. I'll go with you to investigate, and maybe we can find something in advance."

Kahn asked doubtfully, "Aren't you afraid?"

In response, Coles just showed a very charming smile: "If I am afraid to move forward just because of a ghost ship, then I will never be able to become stronger."

Kahn's sense of Coles increased again. He did not expect that Coles would have such a firm determination to become stronger.

"Okay, but you have to follow me closely."

After a little thought, Kahn agreed, but he still asked Coles to follow him to avoid being unable to rescue if danger suddenly arose.

"Yes, Major."

Coles said he would absolutely obey the order, then reached out and rowed the boat, beginning to approach the ghost ship not far away.

The sea is calm.

But the ghost ship continues to move forward.

With Coles' work, the boat also approached the ghost ship and finally came under its bow.

This ghost ship is slightly larger than a patrol ship, about the same size as a real warship, and can carry nearly a thousand people.

Such a large ancient ship, I wonder what it was used for in the past.

Kahn reached out to pull the ladder used to climb up the ship, and with a little force...


The ropes of the ladder broke and fell into the sea like torn hemp.

Kahn sighed.

"It must have been too long. Although the rope of the ladder can still remain intact, it has long been corroded and can't bear the force at all."

But they were not unprepared.

Coles picked up a rope hook from the boat, grabbed the rope with one hand and the front of the hook with the other, then rotated it to gain leverage and threw it out.


The rope hook accurately hooked the side of the ship. Coles pulled it hard and after making sure it was strong enough to withstand the gravity, he handed it to Kahn.

"Alright Major."

"Yeah." Kahn nodded, took the rope, and climbed up directly with his hands and feet.

After successfully boarding the ship, Kahn first glanced around the deck vigilantly, and only shouted to Coles after making sure there was no danger.

"You can come up now."

Coles grabbed the rope and, with the coordination of his body, stepped onto the bow deck just as easily.

A sudden gust of cold wind blew, causing Kahn's navy coat to flutter.

There was indeed no one on the bow deck, and even the rudder that controlled the direction had long been broken.

Kahn led Coles forward while carefully observing the surroundings.

A cold wind blew across the boat from time to time.


A creepy sound was heard, and the hull seemed to tilt slightly, and a round skull rolled past in front.

Coles had already been mentally prepared and did not show any special reaction.

As the two continued to move forward.

They can also clearly see the entire bow deck.

On the silent bow deck.

Apart from Kahn and Coles, there were only some corpses that had long since turned to bones.

Some swords and weapons were scattered on the ground.

But it has already rusted.

There are many traces of battle on the hull, but the time cannot be determined, and it is not known how long ago these traces were left behind.

From the panoramic view, there was nothing unusual on the deck except for the emptiness and silence.


Under Kahn's guidance, Coles slowly came to the door of the cabin.

Just as Kahn was about to push open the wooden door.

Coles's expression changed, and he said solemnly: "Major, be careful."

I don't know when.

In the aisle on the left side of the ship, a black shadow appeared silently.

The black shadow rushed towards the two people at an extremely fast speed, as if it wanted to kill the outsiders.

Kahn had already noticed this, and he immediately drew out his famous sword Yu Jin.

The pitch-black blade was unsheathed.

The sound of swords clashing rang out!

Kahn stopped the sneak attacking black shadow with a knife, but another new black shadow suddenly appeared in the aisle on the right side of the ship.


The second black shadow raised a huge black sword high up. If that powerful sword fell, Kahn would definitely be seriously injured.

On the silent ghost ship.

Coles' voice sounded again.

"Yulon come out!"

On the deck shrouded in black shadows, a huge shadow more than four meters high suddenly appeared.

Then, under Coles's order, Yulon used his body to block the sudden attack for Kahn.


A slight breaking sound was heard.

The dangerous attack was blocked, and Yulon's body was shattered by the blow.

But it doesn't matter, because as a shadow soldier, Yulon.

It will never die.

With the faint starlight in the sky.

Kahn and Coles also saw clearly what the two dark shadows that attacked them were.

They turned out to be two knights wearing tattered armor!

The shape of the armor is a bit outdated, obviously because it was made so long ago.

"Who are you?"

Kahn asked with his eyes gradually turning colder.

The two knight soldiers did not answer, as if they had no emotions at all, and attacked Kahn and Coles again!

This time, Coles directly collided with the armored knight attacking him with the long sword in his hand.

His blue twin also looked directly into the armor's visor, but he saw only darkness.

A huge force came.

Coles was repelled by the armored knight!

However, after the close collision just now, he finally confirmed one thing.

The armored knight is not a human!

"Major, these armored knights are made up of undead power!"

It’s hard to imagine that such a “Dead Knight” would appear on the ghost ship!

However, Coles was not afraid. He even felt the blood boiling in his body.

That's the thirst for battle!