One Piece Shadow Army

Chapter 160: Should I be angry?


“Stand up!”

In the empty and silent valley, Coles' voice was particularly clear.

The black shadow power emerged from Black Plague Albert's body and quickly formed a hunched shadow soldier.

"Meet the King!"

Driven by his subconscious and instinct, Albert knelt down to salute Coles.

At this time, Albert also understood the meaning of Coles' last words. Under the checks and balances of power, this kind of submission and loyalty could not be betrayed.

Coles gave orders to the shadow soldiers on the scene, asking them to sort out the drugs in the factory and pile them up in the open space outside.

In addition to destroying the drug production bases, he also cannot allow the drugs that have already been produced to leak out and harm the world. He wants to destroy them completely.

Don Quixote family.

Beihai’s second drug production base.

A large number of buildings collapsed and the drug production factories were in ruins.

On the ground.

The guards of Don Quixote's family were lying in a mess, already lifeless.

A fat, curly-haired lady with triangular-framed glasses was hiding in a dark corner of the street and dialing a Den Den Mushi.

Her name is Jora. She is a cadre of the Don Quixote family, a killer of the "Trebol Army", and has eaten the "fruit of art".

She can turn her target into a work of art created by her imagination, and can turn her imagination into smoke and throw it at her opponent. Whether it is a person or an object, she can turn it into a work of art similar to an abstract painting according to her will.

She is a family cadre sent by Doflamingo to guard the second drug production base in the North Sea.

But not long ago, as Lams broke into the drug production base, almost no one was his opponent, and his men were killed one after another.

It was only by relying on the power of his fruit that Jora was able to temporarily avoid Lemus.

This sudden situation was something that Jorah was simply not able to handle, so she immediately contacted the young master through Den Den Mushi.


Den Den Mushi was picked up and Doflamingo's voice came out.

"Jorah, what's going on?"

Qiao La quickly told the story.

"Young Master, something terrible has happened. A powerful attacker suddenly appeared at the Second Drug Production Base. He was completely black and looked exactly like the Crazy Fang Remus who died in the newspaper."

"All black, dead Remus..."

Doflamingo has collected some information about Charlotte Coles. He knows that this young rear admiral possesses the ability of the Shadow Fruit, which allows him to summon the dead to become shadow soldiers, which is very similar to Moria's Shadow Fruit ability.

Lams is one of the shadow soldiers summoned by Coles using his power!

It was Charlotte Coles who took action.

They actually cracked down on his drug industry in Beihai, that’s really amazing!

In an instant, Doflamingo roughly guessed the person behind the scenes and the whole story.

At this time, Jorah's hiding place was also discovered by Lemus.

Seeing Remus walking towards him with murderous intent, Jora immediately shouted to the Den Den Mushi.

"Young Master, please save..."

Jorah's cry for help came to an abrupt end because Remus had already grabbed Jorah's neck, making him unable to speak.

Den Den Mushi imitated Doflamingo's tone and voice and threatened.

"Lamus, right? I know that Charlotte Coles is behind you. I advise you to let Jorah go. Otherwise... you know the consequences."

Facing the threat from the Seven Warlords of the Sea Donquixote Doflamingo, a sneer appeared on Remus's ferocious face.

The strength in its hands suddenly increased.

Under the threat of Doflamingo's words, Jora's life was ended directly.

Then, Remus stomped on the Den Den Mushi that was contacting Doflamingo and crushed it.

Dressrosa, Royal Palace.

Looking at the Den Den Mushi whose communication was cut off, Doflamingo's expression was extremely gloomy, and a hideous blue vein bulged on his forehead.

How many years? I can’t remember clearly!

Someone actually dared to ignore his threats and kill his family cadres!

Charlotte Coles, you really pissed me off!

Doflamingo did not know that high-level shadow soldiers had the ability to think.

He just thought it was controlled by Coles, just like his ability Shadow Rider Line required self-control.

Bru Bru!

Bru Bru!

The other Den Den Mushi on the table started to ring; they were the other drug production factories in Beihai.

Doflamingo knew without even having to answer that those factories must have also been attacked and destroyed.

He temporarily suppressed his anger and began to contact Albert using Den Den Mushi.

The other drug production factories could not be rebuilt if they were gone, but the largest drug production base was very important, and he now urgently needed to confirm the situation of his partner Albert.

Bru Bru!

Bru Bru!

The voice of Den Den Mushi suddenly rang out over the corpse of Black Plague Albert.

Coles looked there.

A pitch-black shadow soldier appeared out of nowhere and took out the Den Den Mushi.

This Den Den Mushi has some special costumes. It wears red sunglasses on its eyes and a pink mink on its back, which is very eye-catching.

Based on this iconic outfit, and the Den Den Mushi found on Albert, Coles easily guessed who was on the other end.

Under Coles's order, the shadow soldier picked up the receiver of the Den Den Mushi.

Doflamingo's voice came out.

"Hey, Albert, are you okay over there?"

Coles replied calmly: "Albert is dead."

There was no sound from the Den Den Mushi for a while.

Doflamingo fell silent. Based on the information and circumstances revealed by Jorah before, he had already guessed the identity of the person who was speaking.

"Charlotte Coles, this should be our first call, right?"

Coles did not comment.

“I guess so.”

After hearing Coles admit his identity, Doflamingo began to question him, with a hint of coldness and murderous intent in his voice.

"My family cadre, Jorah, was just killed by your ability. Albert was an important partner of mine, and now you have killed him again.

Moreover, you destroyed my entire drug production base in Beihai, which is equivalent to cutting off an arm of my huge industrial chain.

Tell me, should I, a Shichibukai, be angry?"

In response to Doflamingo's question, Coles just sneered and asked back.

“Your Don Quixote family is putting a bounty on my family in the underworld, do you think I should be angry

Your business sells drugs, which has brought disaster to countless families around the world, causing them to lose everything, be separated from their wives and children, and even die...

You say, should they not be angry? "

Doflamingo did not answer Coles's powerful question.

He just let out a loud laugh.


"Good, good, good! Very good!"

Doflamingo announced to Coles in a condescending voice.

"You have successfully aroused my murderous intent. I will come to find you soon. I hope you will still be able to talk to me by then!"

Coles replied calmly.

"Chabaoti Archipelago, at your service at any time."


The Den Den Mushi was hung up, and Doflamingo's cold voice disappeared completely.


Coles looked at the mountain of drugs in front of him, gathered the shadow power in his hands, and a ball of energy was quickly condensed.

In the blink of an eye.

The volume of this shadow energy ball exceeds that of the entire drug production base.

Shadow Sun!

Coles controlled this powerful move and smashed it down with a bang, centering on the pile of drugs.

The next moment.

Bartolomeo and others who were standing outside the valley watching only felt a dazzling light flash before their eyes, making them unable to open their eyes for a while.

At the same time, a loud bang was heard.

A huge explosion occurred in the valley, and strong shock waves spread out in all directions.

Bartolomeo and others held on tightly to the big trees outside the valley to avoid being blown away.

The noise of this huge explosion naturally spread to the small town, and the awakened people had no idea what had happened.

After dozens of breaths.

The energy explosion gradually subsided.

Bartolomeo and the others looked into the valley again, but they were all filled with shock.

As far as the eye can see, the piles of drugs have long been blown up, and the huge drug production base is also close to disappearing, leaving only the brown rock layers of the valley and some undestroyed steel wreckage.

The Don Quixote family’s huge drug production base was destroyed in a bombing

What an astonishing destructive power!

Is this kind of power really something that humans can create

For Bartolomeo and his group of people who were going out to sea for the first time, the scene before them was so shocking that they were a little bit unbelievable and it took them a long time to recover.

Coles retracts his right hand.

Turned around and walked out of the valley.

At this time, dawn has not yet arrived and the dark night still covers the world.

But when Bartolomeo and others looked at Charlotte Coles walking out of the valley, they felt a faint light appearing on her body.