One Piece Shadow Army

Chapter 167: Possess the strength of the Seven Warlords of the Sea


"Are you okay?"

Kuzan ignored Doflamingo who was leaving and turned to ask Coles.

"It's just some minor injuries, nothing serious." Coles shook his head.

At the same time, he let the Shadow Dragon flap its wings and fly back to the shore of the Sabaody Archipelago.

"Since you have become an enemy of Doflamingo, remember to be more cautious in the future."

Kuzan walked down to the ground, gave Coles some instructions, then he yawned, turned and walked towards the Navy Headquarters.

"Thank you, General." Coles thanked him.

After all, Doflamingo stopped temporarily today because of Kuzan's appearance.

Kuzan waved his hand leisurely and rode away on the bicycle parked on the shore.

Coles did not stay there, but turned back to the naval garrison and went to the infirmary to treat his injuries.

A moment later.

The people on the shore who were stunned by Doflamingo's Conqueror's Haki also woke up one after another.

They were all a little confused, not knowing what had just happened and what was the outcome of the battle between the Shichibukai Doflamingo and Major General Coles

A middle-aged reporter came up to Matthew, who had remained awake, and asked him questions.

"Commander General Matthew, can you tell me what just happened? Who won between Doflamingo and Major General Coles?"

"Yes, we all want to know the answer!"

Other reporters also rushed over to inquire, wanting to get first-hand information.

Matthew answered sincerely.

"The battle was fruitless."

After Admiral Kuzan arrived, Doflamingo and Coles stopped fighting, and the battle naturally ended in nothing.

However, after hearing what Matthew said, the reporters were all very excited.

"The battle ended in nothing? It seems like it's the same as what we saw before, the two sides were evenly matched and it's hard to tell who's winning!"

"Major General Coles was able to fight Doflamingo without losing, so amazing!"

"Big news, big news, quickly contact the newspaper and prepare the headlines for tomorrow's newspaper."

Matthew looked at the scene in front of him and was speechless.

He just said that the fight had no result. How did these reporters understand it

Why has it evolved into a situation where the two are evenly matched and evenly matched now

Naval base, inside the office.

After treating his injuries, Coles began to review the battle with Doflamingo.

As soon as the battle began, he used all his sword skills, but it was only with his strongest sword move, the Blue Dragon Slash, that he was able to injure Doflamingo.

There is no doubt that Doflamingo's overall strength is far beyond his.

Afterwards, Coles and Shadow Dragon Albert besieged each other.

This is how we can overcome some disadvantages.

However, facing Doflamingo, whose domineering, physical skills, and fruit ability development are far superior to his, his strength is obviously not enough.

Even though he later summoned four A-level shadow soldiers to join forces in the sealing barrier, they only suppressed Doflamingo for a short period of time.

After adapting to the battle situation, the opponent immediately reversed the disadvantage and even broke his sealing barrier.

If Admiral Kuzan had not appeared and continued to fight Doflamingo, Coles would have continued to be at a disadvantage.

Although he still has abilities such as Shadow Stand, Shadow Swap, and Shadow Confinement that have not been used, doesn't Doflamingo have any hidden abilities

Coles is not sure whether Doflamingo's String-String Fruit has awakened.

If Doflamingo's fruit has awakened, then he is undoubtedly no match.

However, Coles was not worried about his own safety. He had already analyzed the situation when he went to Beihai to destroy the Don Quixote family's drug production base.

As long as the fact that he killed the Celestial Dragon Carlos was not exposed, his identity as the youngest major admiral in the navy would be his greatest protection.

The Navy Headquarters would never let him be killed by pirates. After receiving the news of his battle with the Shichibukai, they would definitely send people to rescue him.

And everything happened as Coles expected, General Kuzan arrived and he was safe.

Don Quixote Doflamingo, the Shichibukai who only exists in our memory, gave Coles the first impression of madness.

However, this was an expected reaction.

After all, he personally destroyed Doflamingo's entire drug production base, which was equivalent to dealing a very heavy blow to the opponent and causing huge losses to his family business.

It is impossible not to be angry at a ruthless pirate like Doflamingo.

This also led Doflamingo to fly to the Sabaody Archipelago in person, wanting to kill him quickly and catch the navy off guard.

Unfortunately, Doflamingo obviously underestimated his strength and his plan did not succeed.

This battle also allowed Coles to see his own strength.

Excluding his domineering Haki and trump cards, he should be stronger than an ordinary vice admiral now, and can be considered comparable to the slightly weaker Shichibukai.

Although today's events were temporarily over, Coles knew that the feud between him and Doflamingo was far from over.

After this battle, the conflict between him and Doflamingo has officially broken out.

The two sides are like water and fire!

Due to Rear Admiral Coles's identity, Doflamingo cannot deal with him openly now, but he may secretly offer a bounty on his family in the underground world.

This is already a common tactic used by the other party.

After thinking for a moment, Coles took out the Shadow Den Den Mushi and started to contact his family.


Shadow Den Den Mushi was picked up.

"Cole, what's the matter?" came the voice of father Ronald.

Coles said solemnly.

"Father, you may be in some danger at home recently, so please come and stay for a while in the Sabaody Archipelago where I am stationed."

"Yeah, okay." Ronald also heard the seriousness in his son's tone and did not refuse.

In fact, he also felt some sense of danger. Although there was no pirate incident like last time at home, he always felt a little unsafe.

"I'll have the Shadow Dragon come pick you up. It will take about two or three days to get to the East China Sea. You can just sit on it and come over. You don't need to bring anything. We sell everything here in the Sabaody Archipelago."

"Okay, but what about the villa at home and the ranch I just bought in Rogue Town?"

"You can let someone manage the ranch, and you can give the housekeeper and servants a long vacation at the villa, and just leave some guards to continue to watch over it."


"Well, that's it for now. Feel free to contact me via Den Den Mushi if you need anything."

After the call ends.

Coles summoned the Shadow Dragon and Hekasa, and asked them to return to the town of Rogge in the East Sea to pick up his father and sister.

the next day.

The news that Charlotte Coles and Don Quixote Doflamingo were evenly matched in the fight also spread quickly in the form of newspaper headlines.

Grand Line, Alabasta.

Nicole Robin, who is implementing the "Utopia" national plan, received this newspaper.

"Evenly matched! Rear Admiral Charlotte Coles versus the Shichibukai!"

Time flies so fast!

He has gained the strength of a Seven Warlords of the Sea so quickly!

Looking at the headline on the newspaper, Nicole Robin couldn't help but smile and kept the latest newspaper.

Kraingana Island, inside the castle.

Djorakol Mihawk, wearing a white shirt, was sipping wine alone while reading the latest newspaper in front of him.

"He fought Doflamingo to equal odds. What an interesting marine. According to the records, he is an expert in swordsmanship. I wonder if he has reached the level of a great swordsman."

On an island.

A fat fishman with a short, thick black beard and a lightning-like scar on the corner of his left eye also saw today's newspaper headlines.

He has two large teeth in his lower jaw, the sun symbol representing the "Sun Pirates" is located in the center of his chest, and he wears a yukata with embroidered patterns.

It is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Sea Knight Jinpei!

Jinbei frowned as he looked at the photo in the newspaper of Charlotte Coles fighting Donquixote Doflamingo.

Two years ago, this Charlotte Coles killed his former companion Aaron in the East China Sea and captured a group of fish-man pirates.

After being transported to the Grand Line, those fishmen were originally going to be sent to the Impel Down Prison, but later the World Government took into account the request of Shichibukai Jinbe and released the group of fishmen.

Jinbe learned this information from the rescued fish-man pirate Kohachi.

Although Aaron was his former companion, he did not approve of his evil deeds in the East China Sea, so he had no intention of revenge against Charlotte Coles.

Seeing this newspaper headline at this time, Jinbei just sighed in his heart.

Unexpectedly, in just two years, the strength of this young navy has grown to the point where he can compete with the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

If Charlotte Coles were given another year, to what extent would she grow