One Piece Shadow Army

Chapter 169: Revolutionary Army Headquarters


Unlike the tranquility of the Sabaody Archipelago, changes in the outside world are happening all the time.

The Great Channel.

The Island of White Earth, Baldigo.

This is an island covered with yellow sand and rocks. The island is desolate and the environment is harsh. At the same time, this is also the headquarters of the revolutionary army.

On a desolate land with almost no plants, a group of young children are undergoing physical training under the guidance of the revolutionary army instructors.

These children are all taken in by the revolutionary army or voluntarily join. There is no distinction between them in terms of identity, race, or class. After growing up, they will all become the fighting force of the revolutionary army.

The wind was blowing wildly and the sky was full of sand.

A tall middle-aged man in a dark green coat slowly appeared. Every step he took was firmly on the sand, and his whole body exuded a sense of heroism and dominance.

His hood blew open as the wind blew.

You can see that he has short black hair combed back, a long face, fierce features, and a red square tattoo on his left cheek.

He is the most vicious criminal in the world!

Monkey D. Dragon!

As the founder of the revolutionary army, Long is now the commander-in-chief of the revolutionary army.

What he wants to achieve is to overthrow the world government, change the world, and build a world of harmony, freedom, equality, and dreams.

To this end, he has been leading the revolutionary army and making efforts in secret over the years.

After entering the Revolutionary Army Headquarters, you can see that the place is strictly divided, and many Revolutionary Army cadres wearing animal hats are receiving intelligence from various places.

Not long after, these revolutionary army cadres were gathered by Long for a meeting.

"Mr. Dorag, except for the officers who are away, everyone is here."

Another name for Monkey D. Dragon is Dragon, and these people are not wrong in calling him that.

Dragon looked around at the revolutionary army cadres around him, then took out a recent newspaper and placed it on the table.

"Is this what you think about this?"

On this newspaper, the headline is: Evenly matched! Rear Admiral Charlotte Coles vs. Shichibukai!

The cadres of the revolutionary army had read the newspaper before and expressed their opinions.

"Half a year ago, the World Government used this youngest rear admiral to expand the military. Charlotte Coles can be said to be the benchmark of the new situation of the Navy."

"According to the newspaper, this youngest rear admiral is now strong enough to rival the Seven Warlords of the Sea. The Navy has produced another monster-level genius!"

"He is growing very fast. He is only 19 years old today. He may already be being trained as a great talent in the navy. His future is very dangerous!"

A revolutionary army cadre made a bold guess based on the current information and situation.

"Mr. Dorag, are we going to perform a stranglehold on this Rear Admiral?"

Dragon shook his head and said something that shocked all the cadres of the Revolutionary Army.

"No, I want to recruit him!"


In an instant, exclamations from other revolutionary army cadres were heard in the conference room.

Afterwards, these revolutionary army cadres wearing animal hats expressed disbelief and asked questions in confusion.

"Mr. Dorag, are you sure you didn't make a mistake in saying it was recruiting instead of strangling?"

"This youngest rear admiral has a bright future in the World Government. How could he possibly switch to the Revolutionary Army?"

"Yes, Commander-in-Chief, this matter is a bit too difficult!"

Dorag had anticipated everyone's reactions, so he spoke up to explain.

"I have previously contacted 'Miracle' who was sent to the Navy Headquarters. He has had some contact with Charlotte Coles for some time and knows some of the ideas of this rear admiral.

The rear admiral also detests the dark practices of the World Government, and has been generally fair and just in his conduct while in office.

Charlotte Coles has a lot in common with our revolutionary army's ideas, so we can get in touch with her. I think there is a high possibility of recruiting her to join the revolutionary army."

After Dragon finished speaking, the cadres of the Revolutionary Army also fell into deep thought.

The one codenamed "Miracle" is an undercover cadre of their Revolutionary Army lurking in the Navy Headquarters.

During this period of time.

"Miracle" has also been providing the revolutionary army with important naval movements and information.

If the information that "Miracle" said is correct, then it is not impossible to recruit Rear Admiral Charlotte Coles.

If they could successfully recruit this youngest rear admiral, he would definitely become another great help to the revolutionary army.

"It seems that recruiting Charlotte Coles is not impossible!"

“I think it’s worth a try!”

“So how do we approach Rear Admiral Charlotte Coles

The World Government is not relaxing its vigilance against us at all. If we contact them rashly, will it cause resentment and lead to failure?"

New world.

Dressrosa, Royal Palace.

A peripheral member of the Don Quixote family is reporting the situation to Don Quixote Doflamingo, who is sitting on the throne:

"Young Master, according to the statistics of the past few days, all our drug production bases in Beihai have been destroyed, the property losses are huge, and all the people involved in drug production have died. We can no longer conduct drug transactions.

The dealers in the underground world who had previously ordered drugs expressed dissatisfaction with us. They…”

“That’s enough!”

Doflamingo, the current king of Dressrosa, was currently leaning on the golden throne inlaid with gems.

His face was extremely gloomy, and his cold words interrupted the reports of the members below.

Hearing the young master's angry voice, the peripheral family member who was reporting from below immediately knelt on the ground, not daring to utter another word.

The entire drug industry was wiped out.

This undoubtedly caused Doflamingo to suffer heavy losses, but what made him most angry was the newspaper news.

This time when he went to the Sabaody Archipelago, he not only failed to capture Coles, but also increased his fame.

It's really frustrating!

Doflamingo's forehead was bulging with veins, and he ordered in a deep voice: "Go and get all the information about Charlotte Coles."

"Yes." The men below quickly brought the information collected by the Don Quixote family.

As Doflamingo looked over the information on Charlotte Coles, he discovered that the young rear admiral had no weaknesses.

The only family member he cared about was taken to the Sabaody Archipelago a few days ago, according to information from his own news network.

It is undoubtedly an impossible task to take action against Charlotte Coles' family under her protection.

Even if a bounty is posted in the underground world, it will be useless. Charlotte Coles can simply arrange for her family to live in Marinford at the headquarters of the Navy. The defense there is tight and no killer dares to commit crimes there.

Is it impossible for me to deal with Rear Admiral Charlotte Coles

Doflamingo's eyes kept wandering over the data, looking for flaws.

Joined the Navy in the East Sea, Rogue Town, trained at the Navy Headquarters Elite Training Camp, and went to the Kingdom of Valleran for review. After graduation, he participated in the plan to conquer Black Flame City and was promoted to Rear Admiral...


Doflamingo's eyes narrowed, and his gaze returned to the Kingdom of Valleran, and then to the people behind for review.

Doflamingo knew something about this matter.

The highest-ranking officer he sent to the navy as an undercover agent, Vergo of Heart, had recently found his lost brother Verokh.

However, Verroch disappeared and died in the Kingdom of Valleran, and the Navy attributed it to the revolutionary army.

Because not long after that group of elite training camp students left, the Kingdom of Valleran was overthrown by the revolutionary army.

After reviewing the trainees participating in the elite training camp, Virgo suspected that Charlotte Coles was the first murderer.

The Kingdom of Valleran, the Revolutionary Army, Charlotte Coles, the Elite Training Camp!

Doflamingo's mind echoed with these terms, and he suddenly grinned, his unique laughter echoing throughout the palace.


"How interesting! If you are from the Revolutionary Army, then your status as a rear admiral would be useless!"