One Piece Shadow Army

Chapter 171: Volume 2 Summary and Remarks


The second volume, "The Beginning of Showing One's Talent", has 101 chapters and a total of 270,000 words.

A lot of things happened during this period. I was scammed, but I called the police and successfully got my money back. I didn't make it to the first round of recommendations, and I worked hard until 330,000 words were put on the shelves. However, the subscription data was too bad, so I was in a depressed mood and wrote until the current 430,000 words.

I have so much to say.

Let’s first talk about the title of the second volume. The first representative meaning of “showing one’s talents for the first time” is that the protagonist Coles’s reputation spreads, he is known by all parties, and he comes to the fore.

At that time, I wanted to end the second volume after the Black Flame City incident, but the book was about to be put on the shelves, and the second volume had a few words, so I wanted to write a longer one and did not make a summary there.

The second representative meaning of "showing its strength for the first time" is the power of the Shadow Fruit. In this volume, the power of the Shadow Fruit has just been revealed, and the S-level shadow soldiers have not yet been summoned.

The decision to end the story after the chapter "The Power of the King" is also to bring the second volume to a close.

In the end, the protagonist gains control of the king's authority over the power of shadow, and the subsequent story will truly demonstrate the power and uniqueness of the Shadow Fruit.

In today's One Piece fan fiction, fast pace is the mainstream, and the slow pace has undoubtedly suffered a great loss. This is an undeniable fact.

I have also noticed this, and if I speed up the progress appropriately, everyone should be able to see it when reading it. But as I said in my remarks when the book was put on the shelves, the pace of this book has basically been set in the early stage, and I can't speed it up too fast.

Just like I can’t jump directly to the story of Luffy going out to sea after the protagonist graduates from the elite training camp. Although this speeds up the progress, what did your protagonist do in the year 1519 in between

Such jumps will undoubtedly cause a great sense of fragmentation in the novel as a whole.

All I can do is to give a simple description of things and make the timeline go by faster. At least, such a story will be reasonable and logical, without too many gaps.

The rhythm is finished.

Let’s talk about the characters and emotions in the second volume.

This second volume not only includes the personality and emotions of the protagonist, but also the supporting characters, including Kahn, Mod, Tashigi, Verokh, Zephyr, Jiyuan, Matthew, etc.

It seems a bit putting the cart before the horse to write this kind of group portrait style in One Piece fan fiction.

But my idea of writing this book is to write a unique story. The characters in this story have their own emotions, and they connect with each other to form a real and vivid story.

Character and emotions are important factors driving the development of the plot.

Most readers were unhappy with the plot where the protagonist was interrogated. My two chapters caused a lot of reactions from readers, and many people either stopped reading or abandoned the book.

This is my problem. If I were writing a fast-paced story that was exciting all the way, I wouldn't write this kind of thing. But the problem is that I don't write a fast-paced story. I write a slow-paced story. I need to write things that others don't write.

After the Valleran Revolutionary Army incident broke out, the students in the elite training camp must be strictly investigated. This is reasonable and common sense thinking.

I can abandon logic and write a cool development. I can avoid the important parts of the interrogation and the protagonist can still have a smooth journey. However, real stories are not always smooth sailing. Ups and downs are the norm in life.

Will the protagonist rebel against the navy? Of course, the confrontation with the World Government is already obvious in the introduction.

After the interrogation of this plot, some people even disagreed with the protagonist's reaction, thinking that he should not continue to stay in the navy and should defect immediately.

Perhaps because of the influence of other One Piece fan fiction, those who have a God's perspective think that defection is a simple and easy thing.

But changing one's stance is not a simple matter, and it is not something that can be easily shaken.

If a few words can change one's position, what on earth does that mean

The protagonist was tortured, which was a bit cruel, but in your world of pirates, everyone has a physique like a monster. If you don't interrogate the undercover in this way, should I send a honey trap to seduce him

The character of the protagonist portrayed here is a very important part of the book, and it involves the plot of the first volume. How should a person choose in this situation? Because the protagonist knows how to repay a favor, he did not reveal his guess that Kahn was a member of the revolutionary army.

After this interrogation is over, can the protagonist defect

Obviously not.

The protagonist is a person with experience in two lives. As a time traveler, he has watched military-themed TV shows and encountered this incident when the second phase of the elite training camp was about to begin. He initially thought it was just an assessment, but later found out that it was not.

When the special forces soldiers were receiving training from the country, they were suddenly put through a rigorous traitor interrogation. The special forces soldiers proved their innocence. Should they harbor resentment and directly betray the country afterwards

People of faith, at least, shouldn't do that.

Although this naval organization has been criticized by the Celestial Dragons and has some corrupt navy personnel, the navy still represents justice for most of the pirate world.

The protagonist relies on the navy. After entering the elite training camp, the navy conducts a large number of teaching staff training. At this time, because of the affairs of the mortal enemy, the Revolutionary Army, the navy began to conduct strict identification, which is understandable.

The protagonist will not defect because of this.

I can say that there is no problem with the handling of this plot.

The story progresses step by step, and the protagonist's contact with the heroine Nico Robin has just begun.

Later, the absurd drama of the Celestial Dragons took away the innocent lives of 176 people. The shocking scene and a burnt diary touched the protagonist's heart and made him take action against Carlos.

Here I once again create the image of the protagonist, he is cold but just, he is passionate but rational.

The protagonist carefully planned a plan to leave a way out for his family. He used his domineering aura to push the blame on Pluto Rayleigh, but Rayleigh saw it and threatened to pay in installments.

After writing this story, I personally feel that the plot development is very exciting, with a sense of ups and downs.

The subscriptions started to drop a lot after that. Maybe people don’t like to watch the segments about the protagonist’s family. I admit that the writing in this aspect is not very good, and the subscriptions started to decline from there.

But I rarely write about irrelevant things. Previously, the original character Verroch led the undercover character Vergo, and the conflict between the protagonist and him was eventually implicated in Doflamingo's plot.

The bounty of the underground world, the killer Al Dinah, and the Don Quixote family are all closely connected to a new round of story presentation. The protagonist clears out the opponent's drug production base and officially clashes with Doflamingo.

And here, the foreshadowing of the way to salvation in the previous Chapter 45 is slowly unfolding. Bartolomeo, who has changed his faith to the Bible, establishes the Society of the Cross and comes into contact with the protagonist again.

I have some foreshadowings left, and they may take a long time to write out. People may forget them when they read them, or even no one will care. But when I reveal the foreshadowing, I think my story will be even more exciting.

Just when I put my heart and soul into writing this One Piece fan fiction and thought that hard work would always pay off, it failed to be recommended for promotion and ended up being put on the shelves.

During this period, I once thought about cutting the book!

But in the end I was unwilling to give up.

Faced with the bleakness of no recommendations, the only thing I can do is to continue writing for free.

I persevered for two months and wrote 330,000 words during the free period. I wrote almost half more free content than others put on the shelves for everyone to see.

Am I not trying hard enough, not being sincere enough

I hope that after reading for so long, everyone will have some feelings for the story and buy some money for this book, even if it's just a first order.

On the day the book was put on the shelves, I comforted myself that I could keep writing even if the subscription ratio didn't need to be 20 to 1, but only 30 to 1.

However, reality gave me a hard slap in the face. The dismal subscription ratio of fifty to one made me feel like a clown being mercilessly ridiculed.

After the book was put on the shelves, I felt a little irritable while writing because of this factor, and for a while I didn’t have the courage to continue writing.


One Piece fan fiction should be written at a fast pace and be exciting. If you don't follow the trend like me and write slowly about the characters, you are doomed to fail.

Even if I write tens of thousands more words for free for people to read, what’s the point

This behavior is not even as good as others who increase subscriptions by one recommendation at a fast pace.

I can't refute it because the average subscription of this book since it was put on the shelves is only 160.

I began to doubt myself.

I strive for the authenticity of the story, I seek logical consistency, I write differently from others, and I am committed to the emotions that the characters should have.

Is this really wrong

Shouldn't these be there

I still don’t believe this in my heart!

Because in my opinion, this is how the story should have developed.

But the huge gap between reality and reality makes me a little discouraged. After all, I am not a robot and I will be affected by external factors.

The subscription was very poor and no one was interested, which made me almost collapse.

I see nothing but darkness in the future of this book. I don't have any writing skills and it's very difficult for me to write thousands of words every day. My hope of becoming famous is extremely slim.

The thought of giving up kept lingering in my mind.

Change one and start over!

What's the point of continuing to write like this

You should cut it off when the first recommendation fails. Who will care about your efforts? The sooner you cut it off, the sooner it will be over!

The feeling of failure kept lingering in my mind.

As for the summary and remarks of this volume, I cannot update it today at my speed. I only wrote one chapter yesterday due to some other things, which means I was absent for two days. I can only exchange it for a leave note, so I will not have the full attendance benefit this month.

If I hadn't written today's summary and remarks, I should have been able to continue to maintain perfect attendance and receive the 2,000 yuan full attendance benefit.

I also need money, but I have to vent the frustration that I have been feeling since I started writing this book. In the end, I chose to give up my perfect attendance and let it all out!

The consequences of this choice.

That is the writing income I can get this month, maybe only three or four hundred yuan from everyone’s subscriptions.

It is so ironic that I only earned three or four hundred yuan in more than three months. I could earn more than that by working in a factory for a few days or moving bricks on a construction site for a few days.

Should we continue to persist in this

Influences from relatives, life, money, etc. kept telling me not to continue writing, and I was under tremendous pressure all the time.


Charlotte Coles' story shouldn't have ended here.

The story I want to write has just begun, and the fragment I want to write has not yet appeared, so I must write it.

The results may still be dismal.

But I still want to try, I want to give this book the ending it deserves.

Persisting in writing a million words and not regretting the results is also a kind of success!