One Piece Shadow Army

Chapter 172: The Power of Authority (Part 1)


The night is as dark as ink!

A silvery half moon hangs high in the sky, and the hazy moonlight shines on the world.

Under the white moonlight like a gauze, you can see a huge red earth continent stretching across the ocean.

It and the Great Channel divide the world into four seas, which is strange and magnificent!

Chabaoti Archipelago.

This road, which is the only way to the second half of the Grand Line, is very quiet at this moment!

Originally, this place was home to a large number of dangerous pirates who wanted to go to the waters of the New World. Evil incidents occurred frequently, and it was filled with death and noise.

But since more than half a year ago.

After the youngest rear admiral, Charlotte Coles, took over as the garrison rear admiral on the island, these noisy voices almost disappeared!

Everyone knows.

This is all thanks to Charlotte Coles!

An inconspicuous white villa at GR No. 62 in the Chabaotier Archipelago is the temporary home of this young rear admiral.

The villa is not far away.

A huge black dragon covered with hard scales was crawling quietly outside after roaring in the sky.

The black dragon's roar just now did not attract anyone's attention or investigation.

Because the people on the island are already used to it.

The black dragon under the command of Major General Coles would roar from time to time, warning outsiders not to approach the villa.

Under the influence of its reputation, the black dragon's loud roar not only does not make people panic, but instead makes them feel somewhat safe.

Sure enough, the days when there are no pirates on the island are truly good days!

However, outsiders don’t know this.

In addition to the Shadow Dragon's surrender, six powerful A-level shadow soldiers also knelt on one knee in the villa hall.

They are welcoming the appearance of the "king"!

In a dark room.

Coles sat cross-legged on the bed, a dark shadowy power emerging from his body.

This shadow power was colder and darker than the one he had displayed before, and it also carried a hint of supreme majesty!

That's not the domineering aura of a king!

But it is the authority of the king of shadow power!

Tonight, Coles originally wanted to use the authority of the king contained in the shadow power to try to control the top-level domineering aura in his body.

But he didn't expect that the king's authority in the shadow power would gradually and stably merge with his body!

The authority of the King of Shadow Power is the core that controls the ability to "summon shadows".

Now that the king's authority has begun to merge with him, Coles will naturally not refuse to accept it!

Time passes by.

Three hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Outside, the silver half-moon hanging in the sky quietly fell, the dark night retreated, and the sky gradually brightened.

Coles sitting cross-legged on the bed.

At this moment, his deep blue eyes, which seemed to contain the sea of stars, also opened.

The cold, dark shadowy power in his body was taken back into his heart under the control of his thoughts, as if nothing had happened.

But Coles knew.

I now truly control the king's authority contained in the power of shadow!

After eating the Shadow Fruit and gaining the core ability to summon shadows, he simply possessed the authority of the king contained in the power of shadow.

This means that Coles can only use part of the king's authority!

Although he can summon the dead as shadow soldiers and make the summoned shadow soldiers loyal to him, the shadow soldiers still have restrictions on him.

That is, the recovery of the broken shadow soldiers needs to rely on Coles' mental power.

Therefore, when his mental power is exhausted, the shadow soldier can no longer recover after being broken, and sometimes he can't even summon shadow soldiers to help him fight.

This is because Coles at the time could only use some of the power of the king's authority but did not truly control it.

Now that Coles has merged and mastered the authority of the King, this limitation has disappeared.

At this point, even if the shadow soldier's body is broken, the recovery process will not consume any power of the ability user, and those broken shadow powers will restore its body by themselves.

This is the real shadow soldier!

Weird and magical!

Unless Coles dies.

Otherwise, these shadow soldiers under his command will be a true undead army!

Coles was speechless when he recalled the shortcoming of Shadow Soldiers that it took mental energy to recover from being broken.

It turns out that the version of Shadow Soldier he was using before... was a defective version!

No wonder he always felt something was wrong!

For high-level shadow soldiers, a strong desire to summon them is required to successfully summon them, which is actually a manifestation of insufficient authority.

Unless the summoned dead truly possess the will to contend with the authority of the king, they can be summoned easily.

In the past, Coles had some wrong ideas because he was unable to perceive the king's authority contained in the shadow power.

However, a strong desire to summon was useful, otherwise it would be impossible to summon Lanlos, a high-level shadow soldier, when the power of authority was insufficient.

The current changes in the Shadow Soldiers are actually just the result of the normal display of the complete authority of the King.

What really improved was the number of Coles's "Summon Shadows" abilities.

Because he did not have the true authority of a king, the number of shadow soldiers had only grown to five hundred in the two and a half years since he ate the Shadow Fruit, and the progress could be said to be somewhat slow.

This also gradually made Coles' idea of creating a large shadow army come to nothing.

But at this moment, this idea has become truly feasible!

After Coles integrated and mastered the "Power of the King", the number of shadow soldiers increased to one thousand, doubling!

If one could summon a thousand shadow soldiers and they could not be destroyed, it would be a symbol of terror!

Not only that, Coles could also feel that the expansion speed of the summoned shadows was now much faster than before.

This means that the number of shadow soldiers he can summon will continue to increase significantly!

The future is unpredictably powerful!

If such a large-scale and terrifying shadow army that can be continuously restored after being broken were to stand against the World Government, the threat it poses would definitely be greater than that of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

After mastering the complete authority of the king, Coles discovered the power of summoning shadows. No wonder it is the core ability of the Shadow Fruit!

The integrated control of the king's authority today also made him more confident about the situations he might encounter in the future.

With the complete version of Shadow Soldier, even if the fact that he killed the Celestial Dragon Carlos was exposed and the World Government sent a large number of powerful troops to chase him, it would only be a small problem.

Given the undead nature of the shadow soldiers, the advantage in numbers would only be on Coles' side.

War of attrition is now his strong point!

No matter how strong the opponent is, Coles will not fight him head-on. With the immortality of the shadow soldiers, he can grind them to death.

But this is unlikely to happen.

After all, a strong man like the Navy Admiral is too powerful and not without intelligence. It is impossible for him to continue fighting after knowing that the Shadow Soldiers are immortal.

Moreover, the biggest weakness of the ability user is still the ability itself. As long as the user dies, no matter how strange the ability is, it will be useless.

Coles remembered that in the Four Emperors Big Mom Pirates, the Biscuit Minister Charlotte Cracker was a master at fighting a war of attrition.

He is the user of the parahuman Biscuit Fruit and is known as the "Biscuit Knight". He usually hides among the biscuit men created by the fruit's ability.

He can create almost unlimited cookie men, and these cookie men are extremely powerful, so it takes almost no effort for them to defeat their enemies.

However, after his weakness was discovered, he was defeated by Luffy and Nami.

Therefore, Coles will not rely too much on these shadow soldiers.

In addition to removing the limit on the mental power consumption of Shadow Soldiers' broken recovery, raising the summoning limit, and increasing the number of summons, the King's Authority also has a very significant improvement on Shadow Soldiers.

That is to strengthen the absolute respect of the shadow soldiers and not to betray them!

This is why the seven A-level shadow soldiers knelt down in unison to welcome Coles after they felt his mastery of the king's authority.

For the shadow soldiers, Coles, who controls the shadow power "The Power of the King", is the true king of the world.

The King cannot be betrayed or offended, and we must remain loyal to Him!

This is the code that shadow soldiers must follow!

Coles stood up, and under the control of his mind, the six A-level shadow soldiers who were waiting respectfully in the villa hall merged into the shadows.

Black shadow power emerged in the room, and six high-level shadow soldiers in human form walked out of it. They knelt on one knee again to salute Coles, and respectful voices were heard.


The shadow dragon's body was so huge that Coles naturally didn't let it in.

His blue eyes scanned the six A-rank shadow soldiers in front of him, and the majestic shadow power of the king's authority emanated from his body.

"What do you feel?"

Alger said sincerely, "Like a king ascending the throne, ruling the world."

Lanluos placed his right hand on his chest and said respectfully: "I will always be loyal to the king!"

Connorco didn't dare to look up, and said nervously: "The king's majesty is as high as the sky!"

Remus replied with fear: "Don't offend! Don't betray!"

After a moment of silence, Hekasa replied: "Unparalleled deterrence!"

Albert said solemnly: "The supreme ruler of the shadow power!"