One Piece Shadow Army

Chapter 176: Revolutionary Army Lutetium


GR No. 66, Naval Station.

Office of the Supreme Officer.

Coles sat behind his desk, reviewing some Navy promotion reports.

While he was reviewing these promotion reports, wisps of almost imperceptible shadow power were pouring into his body from the outside world.

That is the authority of the King absorbing the power of shadow, twenty-four hours a day.

As soon as the pen fell, the promotion of the naval soldier in his hand was completed.


The office door was pushed open.

Hekasa walked in wearing a black police uniform, a police hat worn at an angle, and a sharp sword Tianmen hanging around her waist.

Coles sat still in his seat and handed out the naval soldier's rank approval report.

Hekasa took the report skillfully, then left without saying a word and delivered the report to the message room.

Coles sat in the chair, stretched his body slightly, and looked relaxed.

Maybe it was because of the pirate hunting team that Zephyr formed this year, or maybe it was because the pirates who wanted to go to the New World saw the newspaper about Coles fighting against Doflamingo, the Seven Warlords of the Sea...

The Sabaody Archipelago has been peaceful recently, with almost no pirate incidents.

Doflamingo seemed to be doing nothing. Not only did he not post a bounty in the underground world, he also did not send anyone to cause trouble for him.

However, this made Coles feel alert.

Before that, he destroyed the Don Quixote family's drug production chain in the North Sea, dealing a heavy blow to Doflamingo.

Although Doflamingo could not deal with him openly due to his status as a rear admiral, it was impossible for him to have no reaction.

Because it doesn't fit the other person's character.

Don Quixote Doflamingo is undoubtedly a crazy, brutal, rebellious and dangerous pirate.

After Coles' powerful counterattack, there is no way he can just swallow his anger!

The other party must be plotting something against him, but he doesn't know what exactly they are doing

No. 44 GR.

This private entrance is bustling with a large number of merchant ships and cargo ships docked here.

A man covered in a gray hood walked down from the merchant ship.

He first carefully scanned the harbor, and after making sure that no one was noticing him, he joined the crowd.

There are a wide variety of goods on both sides of the street.

The number of tourists coming here to travel is also shoulder to shoulder and endless.

The man in gray robe hid in the crowd and did not attract much attention.

Following the flow of people, the man in gray robe turned into an empty alley. After making sure that no one was following him, he quickly threw away his gray robe.

His hidden figure was also revealed.

This is a man of average height, wearing a floral shirt, blue trousers, and a "Aries" hat on his head.

The man took off his hat, walked out of the alley cautiously and continued forward.

After arriving near a hotel.

The man glanced around again and made sure that he was not being followed. Then he walked into the hotel and asked the owner for a temporary residence.

On a roof not far away.

CP0 agent Weiss, wearing a white robe and a sunflower-shaped mask on his face, quietly watched the revolutionary army cadre "Aries" move in.

Before that.

CP0 secretly received news that the revolutionary army cadre "Aries" was about to come to the Sabaody Archipelago, and detected his whereabouts in advance.

Weiss was in charge of the capture mission.

However, he will not arrest this "Aries" so quickly.

Capturing the revolutionary army cadres is indeed a good achievement, but it would be a greater achievement if we could uncover the purpose of their coming here.

No. 63 Gr.

Maple Leaf Cafe.

This is a mid-range coffee shop with red exterior decoration.

Charlotte Ronald was sitting in the window seat, drinking coffee quietly and waiting for someone to come.

About ten minutes later.

A middle-aged man in a black tuxedo and a top hat walked in.

"Sorry Ronald, I kept you waiting."

Duncan took off his top hat of the same color and placed it on the table, revealing his not-so-handsome face, and sat down opposite the seat.

"It's okay, waiter, give this gentleman a cup of sugar-free coffee!"

Ronald called the young waiter not far away to serve Duncan coffee.

After arriving in the Chabaotier Archipelago, Ronald gradually began to become familiar with the life here.

He usually goes to a bookstore to read books. The Duncan in front of him is the book friend he met in the bookstore more than half a month ago.

Because of their similar interests and personalities, the two got to know each other better and communicated with each other.

In their spare time, the two would talk about books, current situations and other things.

However, today's discussion seems to be a little different.

After a few simple greetings, Duncan asked, "Ronald, what era do you think we are in?"

Ronald thought for a moment and expressed his opinion: "I think this is a chaotic and dark age!"

Duncan: “What do you mean?”

Ronald explained: “I come from the town of Rogue in the East China Sea, where the Pirate King Gol D. Roger was born and died.

Twenty years ago, when the Pirate King was executed, I was watching from below, and I witnessed with my own eyes the beginning of the Great Pirate Era.

Because of One Piece, most people started going out to sea and became pirates.

There are those who advocate freedom;

There are also those who pursue their dreams;

But setting fire and killing looters is even worse!

The disasters and tragedies that pirates bring to civilians are still happening all the time.

Before, I always thought that this was just the fault of One Piece, but later my limited thinking was gradually opened up, and I realized... The times are never created by just one person! "

Duncan sat up slightly straighter and spoke as if he had met a close friend: "Please continue."

Ronald took a sip of coffee and said solemnly: "We first need to think clearly about one question: Is the world government necessarily just

The member states have to pay tribute of "Heavenly Gold" to the world's noble Celestial Dragons every year.

And where does this heavenly gold come from

The wool naturally comes from the sheep, and the gold in the sky is basically the complicated taxes paid by ordinary people in various countries.

Poor countries cannot become member states because they are unable to pay the Heavenly Gold, and do not have the protection of the World Government. This leads to pirates and human traffickers running rampant in these non-member countries.

In the Sabaody Archipelago, No. 1 to No. 29 are lawless areas, which are rife with illegal human trafficking. The world's nobles, the Celestial Dragons, are completely independent here and are not guilty even if they kill innocent people.

As the navy that upholds justice, when the Celestial Dragons are harmed, not only must they not seek accountability, but they must also protect their safety.

Such a world is too ironic!"

Duncan agreed deeply, and after a few moments of silence, he asked tentatively.

"So what do you think of the Revolutionary Army?"

Ronald shook his head. "Revolutionary Army? I heard in the newspapers that they overthrew the regimes of many countries and were a group of extremely vicious reactionaries. However, I haven't learned much about them."

Duncan said seriously.

"I personally have a clear understanding of the Revolutionary Army. This organization is not what the newspapers say it is."

Ronald: "I'd like to hear more about it."

Duncan immediately began to explain in detail: "The Revolutionary Army is a just organization. It will help poor countries that have been plundered by pirates to repel the invading pirates, and will assist residents of countries that have suffered natural disasters and man-made disasters to take refuge, etc.

Of course, revolutionary armies do instigate and overthrow regimes in some countries, but the countries they overthrow are those ruled by tyranny.

In fact, it is not that the revolutionary army wants to overthrow, but the voices of the people who are living in dire straits are guiding the revolutionary army forward.

It is the helplessness of the common people when they are oppressed by the nobles;

It is the suffering of the common people when the state exploits them;

It is the cry of civilians when they are powerless to resist!

The revolutionary army represents the will of the grassroots people, so I think the revolutionary army is the light and salvation of this dark age! "