One Piece Shadow Army

Chapter 19: Demon Sword Red Moon


Demonic sword!

This is a synonym for evil swords!

A weapon that can be called a demon sword naturally has a terrifying story behind it.

From Major Kahn's narration, Coles learned about the demon sword incident related to the mural.

"More than a hundred years ago, the Silver Moon Nation was attacked by thousands of pirates. Because the pirates were so powerful, the knights defending the country were unable to resist and fell into a critical situation.

Although the king promptly appealed to the World Government for help, the pirates had already attacked the city gate and distant water could not put out a nearby fire.

In times of crisis, the king had no choice but to place his hope on the demon sword "Red Moon" that had been sealed away for generations in the country!

Although this knife can bring people great power, it is also very strange. It is said that using it will bring endless disasters to the user!

But facing the danger of the country's destruction, the king had no choice but to let someone pull out the sealed sword.

Grand Knight Commander "Lanros" is the strongest knight in the country and the one chosen to draw the famous sword.

After drawing out the famous sword, Grand Knight Commander Lanros also completely defeated the thousands of pirates who attacked with the powerful strength brought by the magic sword. "

Coles was waiting for Major Kahn's next words, because the story was definitely not over yet. If it ended like this, then this famous sword that had been sealed for generations would not be worthy of being called a "demon sword"!

Kahn came to the ninth mural and continued: "Although Grand Knight Commander Lanros defeated the pirate group, his killing intent did not dissipate afterwards, because the demon sword Hongyue had already controlled him...

In addition, the remaining knights in the battle were also controlled by the demon sword. After returning to the castle, they started to kill everyone in the castle. In the end, no one survived in the castle, and blood flowed like a river... "

"This is the story of the demon sword Hongyue!"

Coles quickly digested the information and then raised questions.

"Major, do you think that the Death Knights we just met are the same knights that were controlled by the demon sword?"

Kahn combined various situations of the ghost ship and answered: "I think so."

Coles also felt that this possibility was very high, but there was still one doubt.

Why are there these murals here

As knights who wanted to protect their country but ended up destroying it, these are probably the things they are most reluctant to face.

Why do we need to carve it down in murals? Is it because of repentance? !

Also, how did this ship become a ghost ship? Was it just because of the demon sword

Although the identities of those Death Knights have been almost revealed, the secrets on this ghost ship are increasing.

After explaining the story of the demon sword, Kahn and Coles continued searching on the lower deck.

However, apart from these historical murals, nothing else was discovered.

On patrol ship.

Lieutenant Maude looked at the ghost ship not far away and felt very anxious.

It has been more than half an hour since Major Kahn and Coles entered the ghost ship, but there is still no movement on the ghost ship. Could it be that the major and his men are in danger

The other naval recruits had the same worries in their hearts and looked worried.

A marine said with some concern.

"What should we do if Major Kahn and his men have an accident on the ghost ship?"

Maude immediately said angrily: "Major Kahn took Coles with him to explore the ghost ship for our safety. Are you still worried about yourself now?"

The sailor who spoke suddenly looked ashamed.

Maude turned to look at the others and said, "I am going to take a small boat to the ghost ship to help the major, because Major Kahn once saved my life, and I will go there even if I can only do my best.

Those of you who want to go with me can follow me, and those who are afraid and don’t want to go can stay here!"

A bearded marine immediately responded.

"Oh my god, if it wasn't for Major Kahn blocking the pirate's sword for me, I would have lost my arms and legs. It's just a ghost ship, what's there to be afraid of!"

Then, more Marines spoke up.

"Well said, it's just a ghost ship. Major Kahn has always taught us to not be afraid of difficulties. I will go too. Even if I die, I will still be a hero."

"As a subordinate, how can I let Major Kahn face this danger alone? I will go with him."

Resonance is a powerful force.

As more and more navies responded, the sailors on the patrol ships became excited and completely got rid of their fear of the ghost ship.

"Okay, since everyone has decided to go together, let's drive the patrol ship directly over, land on the ghost ship, and help Major Kahn."

Maud glanced at the excited navy and then raised his sword high.

"Heading towards the ghost ship!"

And on the third deck of the Ghost Ship.

Kahn knew nothing about this yet. He and Coles were searching for any information left here.

The third deck has plenty of room.

This also means that in addition to the knights controlled by the demon sword, there should have been many people living on this ghost ship before.

It’s a pity that apart from some scattered objects, there is no information related to the demon sword left here.

The last one that has not yet been explored.

Then there is only the superstructure!

And that is where Coles felt the powerful undead force. Similarly, that is where all the secrets of this ghost ship are hidden.

"Now we have only to go up and take a look. Are you ready to fight?" Kahn asked Coles.

"Ready." Coles' condition had already recovered to full.

"Then let's go!"

Kahn took the lead and walked up the stairs.

Da da da!

In this silent ghost ship, the sound of boots stepping on the wooden stairs is particularly obvious.

Perhaps because of the influence of the sound, Coles became a little nervous and his heartbeat became a little faster.

Eventually, the stairs reached a dead end.

What appeared before the two of them was an ancient wooden door.

Although he did not enter, Coles could feel that there was a strong danger behind the door.

In addition, there seemed to be a magical power inside that kept attracting him and made him want to uncover everything eagerly.

But it was this attraction that made Coles feel a little weird!

There seems to be something wrong with this ghost ship!

Coles wanted to speak up to dissuade Major Kahn, but he was too slow to make a decision.

Kahn had already reached out and pushed open the wooden door!


The heavy wooden door was pushed open, and everything sleeping inside came into view.

There is no other structure on this floor of the building, just a very empty space.

Because there were some gaps on the top of the building, sparse starlight shone in through the gaps, allowing people to clearly see what was ahead.

At the deepest point is a dazzling pile of treasure.

This treasure is ten times more than the treasure left by Coles' ancestor, Count Charles.

Even someone like Coles, who was not interested in money, was moved.

However, in addition to the huge amount of treasure, there is also a knight wearing silver armor and a tattered cloak on his back!

Completely different from those Death Knights, the Undead power of this Silver-Armored Knight is truly terrifying.

Combining his previous guesses with the story told by Major Kahn, Coles has guessed the identity of the silver-armored knight in front of him.

The Grand Knight Commander of the Silver Moon Nation a hundred years ago!


As for the blood-red sword in the hand of the silver-armored knight, there was no doubt about it.

That is the legendary demon sword Red Moon!