One Piece Shadow Army

Chapter 43: Lieutenant of the Navy Headquarters


it's clear.

A few white seagulls flew over the sea, and their clear cries were refreshing.

Roge Town, villa on the west side.

The door opened and Coles, wearing a white navy uniform, walked out slowly.

Compared to three months ago.

His body became more muscular, his original height of 1.8 meters increased to 1.83 meters, and the immaturity on his face was gradually fading away.

After saying goodbye to my father and sister.

Coles walked steadily towards the naval base in Rogue Town.

The three-day holiday is over.

It was time for him to return to base.

I just don't know whether the military rank review has been completed at this time.

With this feeling of anticipation.

Coles returned to the naval base, whose main theme was blue.

After entering the base, he originally wanted to report to the duty room first to see which department of the Navy he was assigned to.

However, as soon as he stepped into the corridor of the building, he was stopped by Dashigi.

"Coles, Colonel Smoker asked you to see him in his office."


Under the guidance of Dashiqi, Coles walked towards the sixth floor of the Naval Building.

Along the way.

Dashiqi also told Coles about the information of each floor of the naval building.

Because of his hard work, Dashigi was awarded the rank of private first class after the end of his rookie period.

After that, if you want to be promoted, you will get corporal, sergeant, staff sergeant, warrant officer...

When Tashigi appeared three years later, her military rank had only just reached that of sergeant.

This shows.

Without great military achievements, it is extremely difficult to advance in the navy.

Soon, the two arrived at the door of Smoker's office.

As the wooden door was pushed open.

Everything inside was revealed.

Sofa, desk, bookshelf, hanging with ten-handed weapons...

Today, Smoker was not smoking, which was a rare occurrence.

Extremely rare.

Behind the desk, Smoker sat quietly, reading a notice.

As the door was pushed open.

The two looked at each other.

Coles had met Smoker many times before. Three months ago, he had a conversation with him under the execution platform about why he became stronger.

However, the new recruits did not expect to encounter the William Pirates on their first day, making their promise of seeing each other tomorrow become empty talk.

"Colonel Smoker." Coles immediately saluted with a standard military salute.

"Yeah." Smoker's eyes turned again to the unbelievably handsome young sailor in front of him.

He never expected it.

This young man, who was just an ordinary teenager three months ago, has become a rising star in the navy overnight.

After reviewing.

Smoker handed over the notice in his hand.

"Congratulations, Charlotte Coles."

"In view of your outstanding performance during your recruit period and the many military achievements you have made, the Navy will today award you the rank of 'Second Lieutenant of the Navy Headquarters'."

"Lieutenant of our headquarters!" Upon hearing this, Dashigi who was standing by couldn't help but exclaimed.

She had some knowledge of the naval rank system.

Second Lieutenant of the Naval Headquarters, this is equivalent to the rank of Major here!

It was Coles’ first time to be awarded a title, and he was able to obtain such a high rank

Smoker was also shocked when he first saw this military rank.

But later I thought about it and it was normal.

The current era of great pirates is surging, and the navy is already showing signs of weakness.

Faced with this situation, the Navy Headquarters revised the system. Promotion no longer required accumulated qualifications, and only military merit was required for promotion.

Coles was shocked.

However, what surprised him was not the level of the military rank, but the word "headquarters".

Doesn't this mean that he will be sent to the Navy Headquarters in the Grand Line for training

Smoker handed over an exquisite box. "This is your military rank promotion notice, and this navy coat. You are now qualified to put it on your shoulders."

"Dashiqi, go to the rightmost office on the third floor and clean it up. From now on, that will be Coles' office."

After receiving Smoker's order, Tashigi began to carry it out meticulously.


Coles asked in confusion: "Colonel Smoker, what am I doing?"

Smoker leaned back in his chair and explained, "Oh, the higher-ups have decided to keep you in the East China Sea for a while, and you will be recruited to the Navy Headquarters during the elite training camp next year."

"I really don't know what the higher-ups are thinking, but it's better for you to stay. We just happen to be short of manpower. You will be responsible for patrolling from now on to prevent pirates from landing in Rogue Town."

Coles saluted.


After leaving Smoker's office, Coles began walking towards the rightmost room on the third floor.

Although I still have to go to the Navy Headquarters, it is still a long way off to next year, so I can continue to stay with my family in Rogue Town for a while.

This is the best case scenario.

Coles suddenly remembered what Major Kahn had said to him yesterday. This should be the result of the major's help. He wondered how the major helped him

Think of Major Kahn.

Only then did Coles remember that the office on the far right of the third floor belonged to the major.

Now that the major has been promoted due to his military merits, has his office been moved to another floor

As I was walking, I met Tashigi who was coming up the stairs again.

Coles couldn't help but wonder, "Why are you up here again?"

Dashiqi replied: "There is no need to clean the office. The major has already tidied it up."


Coles nodded, then asked, "Where is Major Kahn? Where did his office move after his promotion? Why didn't I see him?"

Dashiqi was a little surprised and said, "Don't you know? Major Kahn's rank has been promoted to Major of the Navy Headquarters. Because he will be transferred to the Navy Headquarters, his office will be vacated for you."

"Transferred to the Navy Headquarters?"

Coles' face showed surprise. He didn't expect that he was not transferred to the Navy Headquarters, but the major was transferred there instead.

"So when will Major Kahn go to headquarters?"

Dashigi: "It was this morning. Many people left for the Major. I couldn't see the Major off because I had to ask you to lead the rank."


Why didn't the major talk to him yesterday

"I'll go see Major Kahn off."

Coles handed the items in his hand to Dashiqi, then ran anxiously towards the port of Rogue Town.

"Hey, now..."

"The warship heading to the Navy Headquarters should be leaving soon."

Dashiqi wanted to call out to Coles, but Coles was too fast and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

She sighed in her heart, wondering if Coles had heard her reminder.

On the street.

Coles' figure moved forward at a very fast speed.

Trees, houses, and people passed by him one by one.

Major Kahn was his instructor when he was a rookie and taught him a lot of knowledge. Although they had only been together for three months, this gentle instructor made him feel particularly close to him.

What's more, Major Kahn had saved his life twice.

No matter what.

When Major Kahn left Rogue Town, Coles had to go and see him off in person.

At this time, at the port of Rogue Town.

With a tearful farewell from a group of naval soldiers, Kahn boarded the warship bound for the naval headquarters.

During his years in office, Kahn always treated his subordinates peacefully and even stood in front of everyone when there was danger.

The subordinate soldiers were very happy about the promotion, but they were also reluctant to see their leader, whom they had followed for such a long time, leave.

After Kahn said goodbye to his subordinates, the warship was officially launched.

This warship did not set out alone to pick up Kahn. Some vicious pirates were also escorted in the cabin. These pirates would be transported by this warship, sent to the "Judicial Island" for trial, and eventually imprisoned in the "Undersea Prison".

This time, Kahn also served as an escort and went to the Grand Line together.

Kahn already knew about today's departure yesterday, but he chose not to tell Coles because he did not want to implicate the rising star of the Navy.

As an undercover agent of the Revolutionary Army.

His mission this time is to sneak into the Navy Headquarters, where confidentiality is strictly enforced and there are many powerful people. He might be discovered if he is not careful.

Extremely dangerous.

Kahn had no idea about his future, so he didn't get close to Coles again and didn't tell Coles about his departure today.

In fact, during his observation period as a rookie, Kahn had keenly discovered that Coles's ideas were different from those of others, and that he was a very suitable candidate for developing the revolutionary army.

But he did not try to influence Coles.

Because Kahn thinks.

Whatever Coles chooses to be, it should be up to him.

This is a right that belongs to everyone!

When Coles arrived at the port.

The warship had already left.

All you can see on the blue sea ahead is a black dot that is getting smaller and smaller.

Coles stood at the harbor, the sea breeze blowing in, blowing his black hair.

"I still haven't been able to say goodbye to the Major!"

"But it doesn't matter."

"We'll meet again next year. By then, it should be at the Navy Headquarters."