One Piece Shadow Army

Chapter 44: (Friends who love books, come and have a look)


This book now has 100,000 words.

The first volume, "Navy Lieutenant", has been written more than halfway. There are 500 collections on, but only 50 can be read in 24 hours a day.

I know that most people are keeping books, but now they have not reached the standard of follow-up reading, and there is not even any recommendation.

I am also helpless, and hope that those who like it can help me read it every day.

By now, everyone should have discovered that this book is a slow starter and the game is not invincible from the start.

In Chapter 4, perhaps the protagonist will feel satisfied only after summoning the shadow soldiers and killing the pirate Adullon.

But I didn’t write it that way.

Aside from the fact that Adulon was given a slightly stronger strength, it was also because this was not in line with common sense.

A person with special abilities who has just eaten a devil fruit is not invincible. It is already lucky for him to kill an experienced pirate by sneak attack with his ability. It would be unrealistic if he kills a second one.

The first twenty chapters of this book do not develop the story with any major characters.

It’s not that I can’t write.

Instead, I wanted to write a step-by-step story.

The protagonist's current development path, how he improves on this path, and who he meets, all of these are proceeding in an orderly manner.

In order to make the viewing less boring, I brought the excitement forward and summoned the Shadow Knight and Lanros on the ghost ship.

In the subsequent plot, whether it is the Rogue Town Gang or Red Beard Barbarossa, they almost swept all the way and had a great time all the way.

Write it down in these 100,000 words.

The protagonist is not empty. He has a family, including his father Ronald who has difficulty making decisions, and his sister Vilshia who has a huge appetite.

These are rich colors.

Yesterday I sent out a revision notice.

I know that revising the text will make everyone annoyed to some extent, but the level of a first-level author like me is just like this. I can't take too many things into consideration when writing some chapters. Please forgive me.

Likewise, I also know that everyone who reads One Piece fan fiction wants to see stories with popular characters, and I'm currently developing that, so please don't give up.

To add a little more reading.

I'll set a goal for myself. Now it's 50 followers. I'll add one more chapter for every 50 followers I get.

The maximum number of chapters is twenty. I don’t know if there are too many to add.

Please vote more and be more active.

Finally, I haven’t been in good shape these past few days. My cold hasn’t healed and I feel weak all over. I will resume my regular double-update schedule after I recover.