One Piece Shadow Army

Chapter 65: Goodbye Major


Major of the Navy Headquarters!

As Cap said this, the entire Rogue Town Port became boiling with people talking about it.

"Navy Headquarters, Major!"

"Are you sure? He's been promoted three levels in a row. Coles is only seventeen this year!"

"Vice Admiral Garp has spoken personally, so this cannot be wrong, it is indeed true!"

Although the naval soldiers present were shocked, they were only shocked for a moment.

After all, they already knew that Coles had defeated Arlong, who had a bounty of 20 million, and had single-handedly dealt with the Click Pirates, the former overlord of the East China Sea.

It is not surprising to be promoted from a second lieutenant in the Navy Headquarters to a major in the Navy Headquarters.

However, some people in Rogue Town know nothing about this and are therefore very confused.

However, after all the discussions, I also understand why Coles was promoted.

All kinds of envy, admiration and respect began to fall on Coles.

Because everyone knows what a 17-year-old lieutenant commander of the Navy Headquarters represents. He is a rising star in the Navy!

"Major Coles!"

Someone shouted, and the entire crowd began to shout, and then the voices merged into one.

"Major Coles!"

"Major Coles!"

Similarly, the navy soldiers present gradually joined in the shouting, completely getting rid of the influence brought by the William Pirate Group.

When Coles received the promotion notice from Karp, he felt a little dazed.


Become a major in the Navy Headquarters!

It has only been ten months since he joined the navy, and the scene of the new recruits' induction day seems to be just yesterday.

He looked down at the notice in his hand.

Looking at the bustling port of Rogue Town, Coles felt like he was in a dream.

"Young man, do a good job!"

Cap patted Coles' shoulder again to bring him back to reality.

Then, Garp yawned and said, "Ah, I haven't slept for several days because of drinking tea. Ha, I'm so sleepy. I'm going to bed first. Remember to escort the criminals and pirates to the ship tomorrow."

"Yes, Vice Admiral Garp."

Coles stood straight and saluted.

With Vice Admiral Garp in charge, the threat from the William Pirates no longer needs to be considered.

At the port, the crowd gradually dispersed.

At the same time, the scene that happened here today was also spread by people who saw it with their own eyes.

The overlord of the East China Sea is coming!

The two sides are about to go to war, and at the critical moment, the hero Vice Admiral Garp arrives!

Finally, Vice Admiral Garp publicly informed Coles that he was promoted to major in the Navy Headquarters!

Today's ups and downs made Coles, who was already famous, instantly become a celebrity in Rogue Town.

For these.

Coles didn't care too much about it and left the naval base on time after get off work.

As soon as he entered the villa, Coles felt that the atmosphere was different from usual.

The servants around him seemed to be more respectful and humble. Was it because the news of his promotion to lieutenant commander in the Navy Headquarters came back

On the sofa, Ronald saw his son return and immediately stepped forward to grab Coles' shoulders, his face full of excitement.

"Coles, you have been promoted to lieutenant commander in the Navy Headquarters! Is this true?"

When the person who had delivered the message came to inform him, Ronald thought it was a joke.

But as the news spread more and more, Ronald gradually began to believe it.

Therefore, as soon as Coles came back, Ronald wanted to ask for a real answer.

Coles did not hide it: "Well, I was also notified at the port. My rank was indeed promoted to Lieutenant Commander of the Navy Headquarters."

Ronald gradually let go of Coles' shoulders, but his expression became extremely excited, and he kept pacing with the gold-inlaid cane.

"Major of the Navy Headquarters, this is incredible, it is simply the most glorious thing!"

"Do you want to celebrate with a few tables, or go to a restaurant outside to eat? As for eating outside, the one in the east is closed now, and the Blue Star Restaurant in the central square is a bit spicy..."

Coles was speechless.

"You can just eat at home. Eating out now will attract too much attention!"

After thinking about it, Ronald felt that it made a lot of sense. People should not be too ostentatious.

"Yes, yes, keep a low profile."

The next day, Coles wore a brand new navy uniform and continued to work at the naval base as a lieutenant commander at the Navy Headquarters.

Today's mission is to escort the captured pirates to Vice Admiral Garp's warship.

From the dungeon of the base, pirates wearing prison uniforms and shackles were sent by the navy to Vice Admiral Garp's dog-headed warship.

Coles was guarding all the way.

There were no problems on the road.

After sleeping for a whole day, Vice Admiral Garp stretched and slowly woke up.

"I slept comfortably! How are the criminals being escorted aboard?"

Coles reported aloud: "Report to Vice Admiral Garp, the criminals have been escorted, including the corrupt navy rat colonel, the pirate Krik, the pirate Ajin, the fishman pirate..."

"Among them, the pirate Ajin is a member of the William Pirates, the current overlord of the East China Sea. It is very likely that the other party will intercept him during transportation."

Garp put one hand on his waist and touched the back of his head which felt a little uncomfortable with the other hand. With an indifferent look on his face, he slowly boarded the dog-head warship.

"If the William Pirates have this idea, then let them come."

As the sun sets, the dog-headed warship begins to return to the naval headquarters in the Grand Line.

Coles was very relieved about this.

Although William possesses swordsmanship at the level of a swordsman and has 8,000 subordinates, the possibility of him rescuing Akin from Vice Admiral Garp is extremely small.

After all, Vice Admiral Garp is a legendary marine with terrifying combat power, almost among the top in the world.

Even if his old age would have some impact and he could not fully exert his fighting power, that was not something that a new overlord of the East China Sea could shake.

On the other hand, William also learned that Akin was taken away by Vice Admiral Garp's warship and was about to be sent to the underwater prison.

After careful consideration.

William decided to postpone the rescue of Ajin temporarily. He was very clear about his own strength. To rescue him now would be like a mantis trying to stop an enemy and would only lead to his own death.

He needed to wait for the right opportunity, just like when he was on the slave ship, he endured until the human traffickers and pirates fought each other, and then he used his hidden flintlock to complete the rescue.

Afterwards, William led a large fleet of 8,000 pirates into the Grand Line with the slogan "Rescue fellow Ajin".

The development in the East China Sea has been exhausted, and it is time to show our prowess in the Grand Line.

As for what the William Pirates would encounter after entering the Grand Line, Coles didn't know. He only knew that with the departure of the William Pirates, the East China Sea became calm for a while.

A month later, the repair shop.


Coles pushed open the wooden door and saw the bald boss repairing a pulley.

"Is my scabbard ready?"

The bald boss pointed to the wooden box on the counter next to him and said calmly, "Where is it? You didn't tell me the color of the scabbard before, so I chose white for you. If you don't like it, you can repaint it."

Coles opened the box and saw a white scabbard inside. Unlike ordinary scabbards, its sheath was greatly curved.


In fact, he prefers a black scabbard, but a white scabbard is also acceptable.

After taking out the demon sword Red Moon, Coles began to test whether the scabbard could hold the sword.

A fine sound came out slowly, and the blade easily entered the scabbard, fitting perfectly.

Then he drew the sword, and the blade was pulled out without any hindrance, with great stability.

"How much does it cost to make?" Coles smiled slightly, very satisfied with the scabbard.

"It's still one hundred thousand Baileys!"


After paying the money.

Coles leaves the repair shop.

He did not put the magic sword back into the shadows, but hung it directly on his waist.

As for the influence of the demon sword.

Although there was a little impact, the effect was minimal as the handle of the knife was not touched. Coles just regarded it as a way to train his mental strength.

A week later, it was finally time for Coles to go to the Navy Headquarters.

After saying goodbye to his father and sister.

Coles left the villa and then boarded a warship bound for the naval headquarters amid the farewell of the sailors at the naval base.


When the warship was about to leave.

There was a burst of white flashes in the crowd; it was a group of reporters taking pictures with their cameras.

Such a young lieutenant commander of the Navy Headquarters is about to go to the Navy Headquarters. This is an excellent headline and there is no way that major newspapers will miss it.

To this.

Coles couldn't stop it.

As his military rank continued to rise and his fame grew, it became less likely that he would conceal information about his family.

However, he was not worried that his family would be in danger after he left, because he had asked Colonel Smoker to help take care of them.

not to mention,

He also left Lanros and the twelve Shadow Knights with his family.

The idea of keeping Shadow Soldiers with their families came to him at the end of his recruit period, so he has been developing it ever since.

With the secret protection of these shadow soldiers, it is almost impossible for any danger to occur in the East China Sea.

The warship started moving.

Gradually moving away from Rogue Town.

The crowd in the distance became blurred, then the entire island, and finally disappeared from sight under the influence of the horizon and distance.

Coles also withdrew his gaze.

Next, we have to wait for the naval headquarters to arrive at the Grand Line.

The warship did not take the intersection of the Grand Line, but chose to go directly through the doldrums.

The reason why we dare to go this way is because scientist Dr. Bergabank invented the technology to inlay seastone on the bottom of naval warships.

This technology now allows naval vessels to safely pass through the doldrums.

The East China Sea is far away from the Navy Headquarters, and even if there are warships sailing through the doldrums, it will take nearly five or six days to reach the sea.

During this boring time, Coles did not give up his meditation practice and training.

The journey was peaceful.

On the afternoon of the sixth day after setting off from Rogge Town, the warship finally arrived at the Navy Headquarters.


Above the crescent-shaped harbor.

Coles was wearing a navy uniform, standing tall, with a long sword in a white scabbard at his waist and a navy coat on his back, as he slowly walked down from the warship.

In the open space of the port, a naval officer was welcoming Coles' arrival.

He was a handsome man with a famous black sword on his waist, also wearing a navy coat, with a hint of heroic spirit between his eyebrows.

At this time, a breeze blew from the sea, blowing the coats of justice worn by the young navy and the boy navy, making them flutter continuously.

"Major Kahn, long time no see!"

"Charlotte Coles, long time no see, but I'm no longer a major. You should call me colonel."

"Yes, Colonel Kahn, but in my heart, you will always be my respected major!"

(Volume 1, Navy Lieutenant Commander, End!)