One Piece Shadow Army

Chapter 84: Navy Six


After the opening of the elite training camp.

It rained heavily for seven days in a row.

But these trainees were not given a holiday because this is an elite training camp.

They were navy soldiers who came for training, and all they could do was train in the heavy rain.

On the playground east of the military academy.

After completing their physical training, the trainees of the elite training camp lined up in an orderly manner.


The sun rarely rose from the horizon, and the soft sunlight shone on the trainees, as if to soothe the fatigue in their hearts.

Zefa was still dressed the same, with sunglasses on his face, black trousers, his broad chest exposed, and a mechanical right arm as he looked at everyone.

After pacing and observing for a while.

Zefa showed a bright smile on his face: "Not bad, after removing some of the laggards, the rest are still acceptable for now."

In the team.

There were only ninety-five marines at this time.

Because during the high-intensity training last week, some students did not persist and were also eliminated.

Zefa returned to the front and asked Coles, "No. 1, tell me, why did you come to the elite training camp?"

Coles stepped out to answer.

"Reporting to the chief instructor, in order to become stronger."

Zefa then looked at the other students and asked, "What about you?"

"Become stronger!" A unanimous answer rang out in the team.

"very good."

Zephyr praised him, but then changed his tone: "But do you think you can become stronger by training like this? Do you think you can defeat powerful pirates like this

No, this level of training is far from enough. If you want to deal with those vicious enemies, you still need to learn powerful skills."

At this time.

Six military academy instructors dressed in black stood not far from the students.

The six instructors stood with their hands behind their backs and their feet apart. Although it was just the simplest military posture, it made Coles feel particularly domineering.

Zefa's deep and powerful voice resounded in everyone's ears.

"Now, let them show you what the Navy Six Styles are!"

Navy Six

Coles's mind immediately focused.

The Six Styles are physical techniques that surpass the limits of human physical fitness and are extremely powerful. Due to their high practicality, many naval generals know a few of them.

In the development of the plot of One Piece, the World Government's intelligence agency CP9, its members are all powerful agents who are proficient in the Six Styles, and later they showed their excellent combat effectiveness with the Six Styles.

Coles is looking forward to it.

Before coming to the Marine Headquarters, he had already learned "Shave", one of the Six Styles, based on the moves of Barbarossa and Clo.

He is well aware of the practicality of this skill.

Now we finally have the chance to see and learn the complete Six Forms of the Navy!

The figure of the first military academy instructor suddenly disappeared on the spot, and everyone could only see a residual shadow.

Wait until this instructor appears again.

Zefa explained the principle on the side.

"This is one of the Navy's Six Styles. In an instant, you stomp the ground dozens of times in succession to create an explosive reaction force to move at high speed. It will appear to disappear before your eyes."

"Number 1 among you has already learned this skill before coming here."

Hearing this.

While the students were digesting the principles, they couldn't help but look at Coles in the first row.

Coles was unmoved by this and waited quietly for the military academy instructors' Navy Six-style drill.

In everyone's expectation.

The first instructor suddenly turned around and punched the second military academy instructor.

However, the fierce fist was unable to hit the second instructor, and his figure was like a feather, constantly floating away to avoid the attack.

Every time it floats away at the perfect moment, it seems as if it were carefully designed.

Coles' eyes narrowed.

He was relying on his keen perception to sense the second instructor's movements.

Although the time was short, Coles seemed to have discovered the trick.

At this time, Zefa's explanation also came.

"This is Paper Drawing, a defensive technique from the Six Styles. It requires you to unload all your strength and use the airflow changes created by your opponent's movements to make your body as light as paper. You can control your body easily and freely, and dodge any attack directed at you at the last minute."

Then, the second instructor raised a hammer and, in front of everyone's horrified gaze, smashed it at the third instructor standing next to him.

Facing a gravity blow.

The third instructor did not dodge or evade, still maintaining his military posture with his hands behind his back, and only uttered two cold words.



The hammer collided with the third instructor's chest, and a dull sound was heard, as if hitting hard steel.

Zefa explained: "The iron block makes the defensive part as hard as iron, and even bullets and swords cannot penetrate it. The principle is to accelerate blood flow and speed up muscle movement."

Faced with this skill, the students present showed great interest.

If I could learn how to use Iron Block, wouldn't I be able to avoid a lot of damage in battle

Those who have no interest in iron,

There were only Coles and Verroch.

Verroch has an ancient animal-type devil fruit, and the black goat form can fully give Verroch the hardness of steel.

Therefore, he doesn't need this piece of iron at all.

The reason why Coles was not interested in this was entirely because of the impression he had of "previous experience".

Although the iron block has good defensive power, it is not invulnerable to damage. Using the iron block against an enemy stronger than yourself is simply seeking death.

at the same time.

Zefa's voice continued to be heard.

"If you learn the skill of Iron Block, don't be blindly confident, because Iron Block's defense also has its limits."

"Also, the iron block cannot move freely if you are not proficient in it, so you need to be very careful during the battle."

"Next move."

Hearing this, the fourth instructor stopped his military posture and jumped up. Then, his legs in black trousers kept gaining momentum in the air, stepping out a wave of air and climbing straight up to more than ten meters in the air.

"This is the Moon Step. It uses strong footwork to step on the air, generating a strong air-staying force. You can walk in the air like walking on stairs, but you can't stay in the air for too long."

As Zefa's words fell.

The instructor climbed to a high altitude using the Moon Step and returned to the ground using the Moon Step again.

Immediately following.

The fifth instructor picked up a stone, then extended his index finger and stabbed it out quickly.

Bang bang bang!

The stone was quickly broken into smaller pieces by the fingers and fell to the ground.

"The finger gun has the power of a gun firing a bullet. The attack method is to gather all the strength of the body on the index finger, and use the hardened finger to release a blow in a flash. Its power can easily penetrate a human body."

"If you want to learn this move and make your fingertips have the attack power of bullets, it takes a long time of training. It is not something that can be achieved easily."

Under Zefa's explanation and the instructors' practice, five of the six navy styles have been demonstrated, and everyone can't help but look at the last instructor.

The last instructor did not keep everyone waiting for long and started demonstrating the last move directly.

He kicked out suddenly.


A sharp sound was heard in the air, and the students saw a flash before their eyes.

The instructor kicked out a crescent-shaped slash, and the force of the slash landed on a huge rock not far away. The sharp slash easily cut the rock into two halves.

"Storm Kick, this move does not inflict damage to the enemy through kicking, but uses an ultra-fast and powerful kick to roll up a vacuum to produce a slashing blow. The force of the slashing blow can easily split the target in half."

Facing Zefa’s final explanation.

Coles couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

It has to be said that Storm Kick is definitely a very powerful attack skill. This long-range attack method is also what he lacks the most now.

After all, apart from the Shadow Knight Spear, he doesn't have any long-range attack moves.

Although swordsmanship includes sword energy and flying slashes, Coles is still only at the iron-cutting level. If he wants to perform these moves, he needs to wait until he reaches the swordsman level.

If we convert the bounty based on swordsmanship ability, then the precise swordsmanship is probably between 10 million and 50 million berries, and the Iron Cutting Realm is around 50 million to 90 million berries.

As for the swordsman level, that is a powerful swordsmanship that is fully capable of obtaining a bounty of over 100 million.

Coles' current swordsmanship ability is only worth about 60 to 70 million Baileys, and he is still a long way from the swordsman level.