One Piece Shadow Army

Chapter 97: Shadow Sealing Technique


"Shadow Sealing Technique!"

As Coles' voice fell.

A large black shadow immediately appeared in front, covering the swamp where Connorco had transformed himself.

Countless strands of black shadow force appeared, wrapping the swamp completely.

The next moment.

These shadow forces shrank and eventually formed a half-meter-high, airtight black sphere.

The black sphere floated quietly in the air, like a huge black iron ball.

Connorco was sealed in it!

The skill "Shadow Sealing Technique" involves the power of space. It is a new ability developed by Coles after he experienced Aokiji's freezing, extending his imagination.

It is mainly based on the power of shadow, forming a sealed special space that blocks people trapped in it and makes it impossible to escape.

Since he has not yet learned the Armament Haki, Coles is indeed unable to attack the Natural-type Konak.

But Connorco's natural system also has its shortcomings, that is, the swamp fruit does not have a very strong attack power. As long as it is sealed and bound, there is nothing to be afraid of.

The battle is over!

Coles turned his head and looked at the area shrouded in white mist not far away, and said, "How is that beautiful lady?"

With the domineering sense of Observation Haki, he naturally discovered Nico Robin who was following the group of bounty hunters.

Robin was wearing a white vest today. She sat on a rock covered by white mist, supporting her delicate chin with one hand and chuckled.

"Mr. Navy, the battle is exciting!"

Because it was covered by white fog.

Coles could only see a slender figure sitting there.

Similarly, Nicole Robin could only see the vague figure of Coles.

However, with the ability of the Hana-Hana Nomi, she was able to grow eyes close to the battlefield and see everything that had just happened.

With this powerful detection ability, she collected a lot of intelligence and information.

The news about the Silver Dragon allowed her to quickly target this group of bounty hunters.

But I didn't expect that this time, in addition to discovering the rare silver dragon, I also met the young sailor from yesterday.

Coles asked: "The silver dragon is here, what do you think of it?"

Robin shook his head and stood up.

"I just want to take a look at this legendary silver dragon. I have no interest in taking away its corpse or anything like that.

Now that we have confirmed the existence of the Silver Dragon, there is no need for us to stay here any longer.

Let’s see you next time!”


A pale golden coin was tossed over.

The coin made a graceful movement and fell into Coles's hand.

Coles glanced down.

He discovered that this was the coin he had given to Nico Robin before. Looking at the slim figure about to disappear in the white mist, he reminded her.

"There are many elite navy officers and some powerful instructors here. Be careful not to be discovered. Good luck!"

After Robin's figure disappeared, a faint thank you was heard.

"Thank you!"

Kirsten accepted the thanks calmly.

Then he withdrew his gaze, sat quietly on a stone beside him, tossing the coins in his hand and continued to wait.

At this time, the silver dragon's vitality was slowly disappearing, and it was gradually falling into the abyss of death.

After Nicole Robin left, there was no one else in the valley except Coles, and the valley fell into silent silence for a while.

Ten minutes later.

The silver dragon died quietly.

There was no longer any life or breath on its huge white body.

Coles came to the front of the silver dragon's head and stood quietly.

From a distance, his height of 1.92 meters was not even as tall as the silver dragon's head.

Compare the two.

There is a huge sense of difference.

“Stand up!”

Coles gave the summons.

A breeze blew, blowing away the white mist in the air.

The valley was unusually peaceful.

Not a single change occurred.


Coles had anticipated this.

Powerful ancient creatures like the Silver Dragon are comparable to high-level shadow soldiers and require a strong will to summon them.

Coles observed the injuries on the huge body of the silver dragon. Some were recently inflicted, some were already severe, and some were so old that he couldn't tell the time...

He then turned his gaze to the bodies of the bounty hunters nearby, and started to think and analyze the information he had learned.

A moment later.

Coles began to summon again.

"You have always been hunted by others, chased and captured as a treasure, and even died from the accumulation of old injuries!"

"Are you willing?"

"If you are unwilling, then..."

“Stand up!”

The powerful words of summons were carried by the power of shadow, and through some magical medium, aroused the dead soul of the silver dragon.

On top of its huge body.

The power of shadow continues to surge, and a huge monster is rapidly forming.

At first, it was a pair of huge dark dragon claws, the color of which seemed to be made of steel, as if it could easily tear apart boulders;

Then came the huge body, covered with layers of dark scales, each of which was diamond-shaped and full of sharpness;

The two small dragon claws on the chest are also sharp and are responsible for assisting in hunting and attacking;

The wings behind it are folded to the side, and the thick joints represent its powerful flying force;

The huge head is very imposing, and it has a big mouth full of sharp fangs, which makes it look even more majestic;

Finally, there is a pair of blue beast boy eyes, which give power to this shadow body and make it full of strength.

The giant dragon transformed from shadow spread its wings, suddenly let out a dragon roar, and then lowered its head in front of Coles.

This is its way of expressing submission and loyalty, while asking Coles to give it a name.

Coles thought for a moment and then spoke.

"After losing your Silver Dragon body, you really no longer need this name. So, I will call you Shadow Dragon!"

The dragon roared again.

The shadow summoned from the silver dragon obviously approved of the new name.

The shadow dragon in front of him was extremely powerful and was now in its prime. Coles could feel how powerful it was.

Even if he unleashed all his current strength, he would still not be able to fight against the Shadow Dragon.

Coles was very satisfied and temporarily put the Shadow Dragon into the Shadow World.

Then, his eyes couldn't help but fall on the huge corpse of the silver dragon.

Extend your right hand.

The power of shadow surges.

Coles put the body of the silver dragon into the storage shadow space. After all, this was a task assigned by Teacher Zefa and he couldn't let it go.

Finally, there are the silver mines.

Coles walked into the deep cave in front. The cave did not seem gloomy because it was filled with silver metal.

That's silver!

Although the value of silver is not as high as that of gold, it is equally expensive in the market.

Coles has many shadow soldiers, so he naturally doesn't need to mine the silver himself.

He just needs to sit and wait, and store the excavated silver into the storage shadow space.

"Get to work!"

For a moment.

Many shadow soldiers were summoned and began to dig hard in the mine.

The other side.

Elsewhere in the Kingdom of Valleran, students in the elite training camp were searching for the Silver Dragon in their own directions.

A secluded place in the mountains.

Verohe, who was covered in black and had a hideous knife wound on his face, was searching here.

As for the silver dragon this time, he had the idea of competing with Coles for it.

What a pity.

He did not have Coles's observation Haki, and was far from his true goal.

After continuing to move forward.

Verohe suddenly discovered that there was a training base hidden in the mountains and forests ahead.

As Verohe sneaked in, he discovered that there was a strong armed force here. At the same time, he also overheard the secrets here.

"This country has been tainted by smoke for a long time, and tobacco is the root cause. Our people have become thin because of smoking, which has led to us always being at the mercy of other countries. This situation needs to change!"



"How are the plans for ten days from now being prepared?"

"It's almost done. With the support of the revolutionary army, we will definitely succeed in overthrowing the king's rule this time."

Hear conversations inside the house.

Verohe was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the revolutionary army would join forces with the people here to start a riot!

After thinking for a moment.

A smug smile could not help but appear on his ferocious face. If he could wipe out the garrison here, it would be a great achievement!

At this time, Verohe had already forgotten the idea of competing with Coles for the first place.


The wooden walls were broken.

Verohe walked in with a sneer.

"Who are you?"

This sudden movement surprised many people who were discussing in the wooden house.

Verroch showed a grim smile: "Of course I am a righteous navy!"



Compared with Verokh, the people present were obviously not strong enough and were easily defeated.

Verroch's sturdy arms grabbed the neck of a man in a gray hood and sneered, "You are the leader of the revolutionary army here, right?"

The revolutionary who was strangled kept struggling with his hands, but it was of no use under Veroch's powerful strength.


There was a violent look in Veroch's eyes, and he clenched his hands suddenly, wanting to strangle the revolutionary soldier in front of him to death.

Dangerous moment.

A sharp long knife chopped from the side, forcing Veroher to let go.

Without his restraints, the revolutionary soldier in the gray robe suddenly fell to the ground, coughing and breathing heavily.

Verroch looked at the man who tried to stop him, frowned, and asked in confusion: "Assistant Coach Kahn, what are you doing?"

Kahn looked somewhat helpless.

As an undercover agent of the Revolutionary Army lurking in the Navy Headquarters, he could not just watch his fellow Revolutionary Army members being killed.

He is the only instructor here now. As long as Verohe is killed, the revolutionary army's plan here can still be saved.

Kahn's expression turned cold, and the blade of his famous sword pointed directly at Verroch.

"I'm sorry!"