One Piece Talent System

Chapter 107: Bounty, 300 million!


"The choice is yours."

Ross stood there calmly, without even raising his eyelids, and said calmly: "I want to remind you that you are no longer CP9 under the government, but fugitives pursued by the government."

"Another point, you should all know the information about me and the Ghost Hand Pirates. My purpose has never changed, which is... to hunt pirates."

After hearing Ross's words, Kaku, Gabra and others fell silent.


They are no longer CP9 under the government, but fugitives pursued by the government. Strictly speaking, there is no difference in status from Rhodes.

As for the second point mentioned by Ross... They naturally know everything about Ross and the Ghost Hand Pirates. The Ghost Hand Pirates have never robbed civilians, they have just been hunting and killing along the way. Pirates from all walks of life, and as for the navy killed, they were also facing counterattacks from pursuit and suppression.

If Ross is the kind of pirate who robs civilians and does evil to the sea, then there is no possibility for them to accept it. But the fact is that Ross's behavior has nothing to do with them to some extent. difference.

"It was not our captain who led you to this situation. I think you know better than us about who that person is, haha..."

Lafitte's figure appeared silently.

Rhodes did not intend to subdue CP9 with words. That was absolutely impossible. At most, it would only make CP9's heart waver a little. Lafitte's mission was to gradually conquer them when CP9's heart wavered. Pulled into the abyss.


"That bastard will make him pay sooner or later."

Under Lafitte's psychological guidance, the faces of everyone in CP9 showed anger, but this anger was not directed at Ross, but at Spandam, who had passed the blame to them and was even more jealous.

Fearing death, he hid on the ship and asked the navy to protect him. After the mission failed, he turned around and ran away. He had no intention of saving them and put all the responsibilities on them.

"Hoo ho ho, but if you deal with him, it will be like completely confronting the world government." Lafitte's voice seemed to have some kind of magic power, which made CP9, whose will was shaken, gradually collapse in faith.


Not everyone was gradually led by Lafitte.

There was one person who had his head slightly lowered and a silent expression from beginning to end. No matter it was Lafitte's words or the reaction of Kaku and others who were gradually guided, he did not show any other expressions.

Rob, Lucci.

"Weakness is sin, that's your point of view."

Ross spoke calmly. Lu Qi's will was stronger than he expected. Even now, it seems that there is no wavering. Otherwise, he would have been influenced by Lafitte.

If Lu Qi affects Kaku and others at this time, it is very likely that Lafitte's guidance will fail, leading to an irreversible situation.

"But an extremely weak person has become your commander and controls your destiny. Isn't this a very sad thing?"

Lafitte continued to guide Kakugabra and others, while Ross continued to talk to Lu Qi, using what he knew to shake Lu Qi's heart.

Compared to other people in CP9, Lucci is more than one level higher in terms of potential and means. In the original work, after losing to Luffy and his gang and being hunted by the government, he was able to turn around and become the leader of CP0. Sir, we had a 50-50 fight with Sabo who ate the Shasha fruit.

With such strength and potential, even if he became an official crew member of the Ghost Hand Pirates, Ross would still recognize it.

"I will not interfere with their choice."

Lu Qi was silent for a moment, then suddenly spoke calmly.

He knows what Ross is trying to do and what Lafitte is doing. This cannot change him or affect him. He is still Rob Luqi, the strongest person in CP9 for 800 years. He will not surrender to the pirates. Surrender and won't do anything for pirates.

However, he will not change the choice of Kaku and others.

"I'm Rob Luchi."

"Weakness is sin... If one day you can be more powerful than the government, then you are righteous... But at least for now, you are not."

"I can be loyal to justice, but not to the enemy."

Lu Qi narrated in a calm tone. When he said this, with a thought, his whole body suddenly expanded, and he entered the leopard man form with some difficulty, and said: "You are the only truly qualified enemy I have encountered. "


Ross looked at Lu Qi, a flash of fluctuation flashed in his eyes, and he said with some pity and sadness: "If you had met me one year earlier, it would have been a very suspenseful battle."

"Really? That's such a shame."

A smile appeared on Lu Qi's face, and he rushed towards Ross.


Lu Qi's body stopped suddenly and froze there, Ross' fist pressed against his chest.


Kaku, Gabra and others all exclaimed, some were shocked and some were confused.

Lu Qi's body quickly recovered from the leopard man form and fell to the side. There were no more scars on his body, but the internal organs in his body had already been shattered.

"This is really..."

Lafitte shook his head. Fortunately, he had almost completed the guidance and preliminary hypnosis, and Lu Qi took the initiative to make a choice. Otherwise, he might have failed.

Even so, he had to continue to use methods. Although Kaku and others were affected, there were also bigger flaws in their hearts, and he found an opportunity to invade them.

The other side.

Ross slowly retracted his hand and shook his head.

At the same time, a familiar voice sounded in his ears.

"The strongest person in CP9 in eight hundred years, Rob Luqi, has completed the hunt and received a reward of 100 talent proficiency and 1 free talent point."

Looking at Lu Qi's body, Ross murmured to himself, "Whether it's life or death, is it valuable? You are indeed a qualified opponent. Unfortunately, it was too late when you met me."

Lu Qi's death made Kaku and others feel more hatred, but this hatred was not directed at Ross, but at Spandam, and Lafitte did not even need to be guided.

When Rhodes initially defeated them, he did not kill Lucci.

That was an honest defeat.

After a while.

"Then, Ghost Hand Pirates, welcome everyone to join."

Lafitte completed the final guidance and smiled at Kaku and others. What was needed next was a long period of brainwashing and deep hypnosis, which coincided with Luo's treatment of Kaku and others, and increased their loyalty to maximum.

Kaku and others didn't speak. Although they decided to join the Ghost Hand Pirates, Lu Qi's death made all of them feel depressed.


Kaku and others returned to the Ghost Shadow with Ross. Luo was responsible for healing their injuries, while Lafitte carried out further brainwashing and hypnosis.

A month later, the Ghost Shadow carried Kaku and others back to the Grand Line, placed them on a large island, and distributed telephone bugs for communication.

The Ghost Hand Intelligence Organization began its work.

At the same time, the World Government changed the bounty amount of the Ghost Hand Pirates. Robin's bounty was changed to 80 million Baileys, and Lafitte's bounty became 120 million Baileys.

As for Rhodes’ bounty, it was raised to...

Three hundred million beli!