One Piece Talent System

Chapter 108: Improve again


The bounty is 300 million beli!

Before Rhodes, the supernova with the highest bounty in the first half of the Grand Line was the pirate Batra of 280 million beli. Now Rhodes’ bounty has surpassed him. In the first half of the Grand Line of this era, he has become the leader of all The highest bounty among supernovas with a bounty of over 100 million.

In the first half of the Grand Line, a certain supernova with a bounty of over 100 million, looked at the bounty order handed over by his subordinates to the ghost-hand Rhodes, and his eyes flickered.

"Oh yo yo, 300 million, what big thing did you do?"

Chambord Islands.

Another supernova with a bounty of over 100 million looked at a bounty order falling from the sky and grinned slightly:

"Amazing guy, who completely pissed off the government and the navy, and still survives to this day."

"That's because they didn't meet us."

A man holding a cigarette grinned and said, "But we are going to the new world soon, if that guy can still live in the new world."

On a certain sea area.

The bald green pepper wearing a green cloth touched his bald head with an annoyed expression on his face: "Damn young man, always running around, I will find you sooner or later!"

In the first half of the Grand Line, people around the world often pay attention to supernovas with bounties of over 100 million, because in the first half, people with bounties of over 100 million can be rewarded. In the second half of the new world, as long as they can survive, the worst can become An ordinary cadre of the Yonko Pirates.

In comparison.

There are so many pirates in the new world with bounties of over 100 million, but not many people pay attention to them.

"Ghost-hand Ross's bounty... has reached 300 million!"

"Didn't he say that he had fallen into the sea? What did he do again?!"

Many people were shocked when they discovered that Rhodes' bounty order had changed from 200 million Baileys to 300 million Baileys. Since the government tried its best to cover up CP9, the news that Rhodes defeated CP9 in the North Sea was not leaked. , very few people know the inside story.

Although there is not much news about Rhodes, the changes in the bounty order still caused some waves on the Grand Line. Some forces who believed that Rhodes had been secretly dealt with by the government once again paid attention.

Compared to other pirate groups, the Ghost Hand Pirates are undoubtedly regarded by the World Government as a nail in the bones and a thorn in the flesh, and they have yet to be removed.

"The government and navy will never give up."

"The reward has been increased, and I'm afraid we will continue to encircle and suppress him with all our strength."

There has never been a pirate group that could disgrace the world government and the navy several times and lose their prestige before entering the new world.

There has never been a pirate group that could survive the first half of the Grand Line and reach the New World after completely angering the government and the navy!

Ghost number.

After placing CP9 and others on a large island in the Grand Route, Rhodes gave them the first mission. There were two missions in total.

First, collect information on all the Supernova Pirates in the first half of the Grand Route, with a bounty of over 100 million, especially their locations and specific routes.

Secondly, collect all the intelligence information of the King's Shichibukai, the focus is also on location information.

"After harvesting the prey in the first half, we have to head to the new world as soon as possible. If the government and navy take any action, it will either be CP0, the Demon Slaying Order, or the navy admiral will personally take action. "

Ross stood on the deck, looking at the undulating sea and murmured.

Rhodes is not clear about the specific existence of CP0, but judging from his memory, after Lucci joined CP0, his strength was comparable to that of Sabo who ate the Shasha fruit. The highest combat power in this organization is probably not much weaker than that of the admiral.

The demon-slaying order consisted of ten large warships, five vice-admirals of the navy, and at least ten rear-admirals of the headquarters. This kind of combat effectiveness was second only to CP0 and the navy admiral personally dispatching it.

As for the Admiral…

Encountering the Admiral is the worst situation for Rhodes. Although his current strength is enough to surpass the senior Lieutenant General of the headquarters, there is still a huge gap between him and the Admiral. Even after killing Lu Qi, he got Even some talent and proficiency cannot erase the gap between them.

The admiral is almost at the peak of his physical skills and domineering skills, with no absolute shortcomings. Even Kizaru, who Zefa said was overly dependent on the fruit, has the absolute capital to rely on the fruit. The speed of the Shining Fruit is too terrifying.

"If he doesn't cheat like Luffy, can he approach the strength of an admiral in a year or two..." Rhodes pondered for a while.

His current situation seems to be at ease, but in fact he is on the edge of a cliff, and he may fall into the abyss at any time. If he wants to truly have the ability to protect himself, he must at least have senior cadres of the Yonko Pirates, or even the navy. Only the strength of a general is enough!

After thinking for a while, Ross shook his head and called up the talent system.

He had not yet used the 100 points of talent proficiency gained from killing Lu Qi. Looking at the talent system interface of the semi-permeable membrane, he thought for a moment and put 50 points of proficiency into agility enhancement.

Speed is his current weakness and shortcoming. If he doesn't hide his strength and create opportunities to hit Lu Qi hard, although he can win in the end, it will be difficult for him to catch up with Lu Qi if he wants to escape.

Lucci was much faster than him, not to mention the admiral. If he encountered Kizaru, the other party could easily outmaneuver him simply by using his speed.


Golden light flashed, and the universal panel changed.

Agility enhancement: 200 (top enhancement)

Physical Strengthening: 350 (Top Strengthening)

After carefully filling in 50 points of talent proficiency, the agility enhancement was increased from 150 points to 200 points, crossing the threshold of top enhancement.

After a wave of heat surged through his body, Ross could almost clearly feel that his body became extremely light, and this lightness did not lose strength.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

He raised his foot and performed the Moon Step. As his figure flickered, he quickly circled around the Ghost Shadow and returned to the same place. His speed increased by at least 50% compared to before!

Such a sudden increase in speed instantly made up for the speed gap between him and Lu Qi, and even slightly surpassed him!

If he were to face Lu Qi from before, it would be a complete and complete crushing in all directions!

Of the remaining 50 points of talent proficiency, after some thought, Ross allocated 35 points to the Haki of Knowledge and 15 points to the Twisted Fruit.


Golden light lit up from the bottom of the combat talent tree, flickering all the way through.

Firearms Shot: 50

Melee Combat: 100

Twisted Fruit: 405

Navy Six Style Shave: 0

Paper painting of the Sixth Form of the Navy: 0

Sixth Naval Style: Moon Step: 0

Wisdom and domineering: 50

Armed color domineering: 0

The proficiency of the Twisted Fruit broke through the 400-point mark and reached the level of 405 points, which is exactly in line with the physical improvement during the seven months on Sky Island.

As for the Haki of Wisdom and Information, it has also reached the level of 50 points, which has skyrocketed. When fully activated, it can easily sense the movements of Robin who is taking a shower in the bathroom.


You can only perceive the movement, but cannot see the picture.

"I don't know if I can capture Kizaru's movements with my current knowledge... It should still be very difficult."

Ross was thinking and mumbling to himself while adapting to the increased domineering power of knowledge.