One Piece Talent System

Chapter 11: There is a reward of 40 million


"very good."

Ross had a smile on his face.

It was very relaxing and pleasant to communicate with Robin, who was calm and calm, and extremely intelligent, without any need for sloppiness. This was one of the reasons why Robin was always included in the list of subordinates drafted by Rhodes.

Terun looked at the scene in front of him and was stunned for a moment, then showed a look of anger: "Damn it... Damn it, Nico Robin, how dare you betray me, who has been hiding your identity for the past six months... "


However, before he could finish speaking, a gunshot suddenly sounded in the room.

Rhodes had already held a pistol in his hand at some point, and a plume of gunpowder smoke came out of the muzzle of the pistol, while Tren stood frozen on the spot, slowly looking down at his chest.

In the middle of his chest, a blood hole appeared, and blood slowly poured out of it, dyeing his suit red.

"you… "

He didn't expect Rhodes to shoot him.

Rhodes' left hand holding the pistol didn't tremble at all. He pointed at Tren steadily and said calmly: "Did you just bully my crew?"

boom! boom! boom!

There were three more consecutive gunshots, and there were three more blood holes in Tren's body again. He showed an expression of reluctance and disbelief, and fell into a pool of blood.

Robin was slightly moved when he saw this scene, but he recovered instantly, still maintaining a calm and calm expression, and said:

"I don't know Tren's detailed identity, but he should be affiliated with a larger intelligence organization. His death may cause some trouble."


Rhodes slowly retracted his pistol and said: "A very large intelligence organization... no matter how big it is, can it be bigger than the navy and the world government?"

Robin shook his head and said, "Of course it's impossible."

Ross turned to look at Robin, smiled faintly, and said: "So there is no need to worry about whether it is troublesome or not, because I am a pirate now."

"If the captain thinks it's okay, then there's no problem."

Robin nodded slightly.

She is the son of a demon with a bounty of 79 million beli placed on her head by the World Government. The bounty is higher than the most powerful pirate in the Western Sea. Both the World Government and the Navy want her life. No matter how bad the situation is, it will not be worse than this. How much worse.

"How many people are on board now?"

"Counting you, two."

Rhodes responded calmly: "So now I need a ship and some handymen, and then I will slowly find a formal crew."

Robin's receptive ability was stronger than Ross imagined. Not only did he instantly assume the role of the crew, he was not surprised that there were only two people on the ship.

"There are many ships in the port of this island. You should be able to find suitable ones. As for the handymen, if you give your name to the captain, you can probably recruit some."

"That would be too much trouble."

Ross shook his head and said: "You should have information about the pirate group that haunts this sea area. I need more accurate information about the bounty of more than 20 million beli."

Although he decided to become a pirate, the pirate he wanted to be was different from most pirates in the world, and also different from Straw Hat Luffy.

Looting civilians and wantonly massacring civilians will only frighten the civilians. The world government and navy will not be frightened or afraid, but will only be angry.

To kill…

Of course it’s more fun to kill pirates!

His biggest trump card is not the twisted fruit, but the talent system. By hunting pirates, you can gain proficiency and free talent points, easily improving your strength!

The pirate group he wants to build will be a pirate group with the purpose of hunting pirates. From the West Sea to the Grand Line, from the Grand Line to the New World, the moment he reaches the end of the world, that is, the world When trembling.

"A pirate with a bounty of more than 20 million beli..."

Robin was slightly startled when he heard Ross's words.

Is Ross planning to rob a pirate group and then take over directly? Doing so would undoubtedly be much more dangerous than grabbing a random boat at the dock, but she did not doubt Ross's strength.

Rhodes has hunted down many pirates with bounties exceeding 10 million, and he even broke into the Capone gang's lair not long ago and killed Capone Leckie.

After thinking for a moment, Robin said:

"The Flo Pirates, captained by One-Eyed Flo, has a bounty of 23 million Baileys. He appeared near the Kure Sea three days ago, and is the closest to here."


Ross nodded and said calmly to Robin: "I was a pirate hunter before. The Ghost Hand Pirates I established will not rob civilians, but will hunt those powerful pirate groups, which are more dangerous. Gao, you have to be mentally prepared."

The characters under the name of pirates can be described as a mess. There are ferocious pirates who plunder civilians wantonly, adventurers like Straw Hat Luffy, and there are also hunting type pirates whose purpose is to hunt other pirates and take advantage of others. thief.

Hawkeye in the Oshichibukai, before he became the Oshichibukai, hunted pirates for the purpose of hunting pirates, and traveled across the sea with a black sword until he met the red-haired Shanks.

Even after becoming the King of the Shichibukai, Hawkeye would go to sea from time to time, looking for some pirate groups to pass the boring time.

"Is it for the purpose of hunting other pirate groups?"

Robin murmured in her heart. She had been hiding in the dark world for many years and could accept almost any darkness. But in her heart, there was kindness that could not be eroded by darkness. This purpose was in line with her heart.

after one day.

The Navy and the World Government issued a new announcement. The news that the Ghost Hand Rhodes was extremely vicious and insidious in sneak attacks and killed Captain Moby and Colonel Laika of the Navy Branch spread throughout the Western Sea along with the news papers.

Rhodes' bounty has also been increased from 22 million beli to 40 million beri, making him one of the only ten great pirates in the Western Sea whose bounty exceeds 40 million beri.

The West Sea was shaken!

Whether it was the many big pirates standing at the top of the Western Sea or the powerful pirate hunters of all walks of life, their attention turned to Ross, the big pirate who suddenly emerged from the water and whose bounty reached the tenth in the Western Sea.

"Killing the colonel of the navy branch, another terrible guy comes out of the West Sea." A pirate murmured while looking at the newspaper.

"The bounty has actually reached 40 million Baileys. Where did this ghost-hand Ross come from?" A pirate hunter showed a greedy and ferocious look.

Except for pirates and pirate hunters.

There were more terrified civilians.

"It actually massacred the residents of a small town and murdered a navy captain. What is the navy doing? Why not arrest this guy quickly and execute him?"

For the vast majority of the people, there is no chance to touch the truth. All they have access to are government announcements and newspapers.

The truth of everything is written by the government and the navy.

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