One Piece Talent System

Chapter 110: Metal fruit


Spring Island.

This is one of the five cherry blossom islands in Aoyiqi, and it is also the most prosperous island among them. The climate on the entire island is spring all year round, so it is also called the Spring Island.

On a certain street in Spring Island, there is an atmosphere completely different from the flying cherry blossoms... Tension, depression and fear.

"What are you going to do? This is the greatest Sakura Manor in Spring Island. You can't do this!"

A skinny old man fell to the ground. Looking at the group of ferocious-looking pirates that appeared in the manor, he gritted his teeth and struggled to speak.


One foot stepped on the old man's chest, trampling him to the ground again. The owner of that foot was a ferocious pirate with a fleshy face and sharp teeth. He looked down at the old man under his feet with a ferocious look on his face. smiled and said:

"I heard that pirates are not welcome here?"


The old man was trampled so hard that he couldn't breathe and couldn't answer at all.

The pirate laughed ferociously and said, "Are you kidding? Do you know what era we are in now? The era of great pirates! The beauty and peace have been ended more than ten years ago!"

"Since this is the greatest manor, you must have a lot of treasures here. If you don't want to die, just hand them over obediently!"

Another pirate carrying a portable artillery gun walked to the side and grinned.

The old man took a hard breath and said word by word with great difficulty: "This... the most precious treasure here... are these cherry blossom trees..."

"Ah? What kind of precious treasure is a cherry blossom tree?"

The two pirates looked at each other and couldn't help but let out a cry.

There were dozens of pirates wandering around the manor at this time. Someone rushed into the villa in the center of the manor, and there was a faint sound of breaking porcelain in the villa.

Soon several people came out of it and cursed: "There is nothing, not even a gold coin. Where are the treasures hidden?!"

After many pirates wreaked havoc in Sakura Manor, they all found nothing and soon gathered under a cherry tree at the entrance of the manor.

Captain 'Mobile Weapon' Batra looked at the old man guarding the manor with a ferocious expression, lifted him up by his neck, and said:

"You bastards, where did you hide all the treasure?"

"This... there is nothing you want here..."

The old man spoke with difficulty and said: "I...I said...the most precious things here are these...the cherry blossom trees that have grown for hundreds of years..."


A look of irritation appeared on Batra's face. He asked specifically what was the most famous place on this island, and the answer he finally got was this cherry blossom manor. But when he ran over, there was nothing there, only a cherry blossom tree in the manor? !

"I think you don't want to live anymore!"

His eyes became extremely cold, and he threw the old man to the ground. His arm suddenly turned into silver fluid, and instantly solidified into a long sword, which was pressed against the old man's neck.

The old man took a hard breath, and there was no fear in his eyes. He was just lying there dying, showing no intention of resisting the long sword against his neck.

Batra stared at the old man for a few seconds, then suddenly grinned.

"very good."

"Is the cherry blossom tree the most precious thing? Then I will take away the most precious thing!"

The moment he finished speaking, he looked at his subordinates around him and shouted: "Burn all the trees, don't leave any!"

The old man who had closed his eyes and waited for death heard these words, and his eyes were splitting in an instant. He struggled to get up, grabbed the long sword that Batra's arm had turned into with both hands, and said: "You... you can't do this. !This manor is..."

"It's so noisy!"

Batra changed his arm back to its original shape, and instead of stabbing the old man to death, he kicked the old man away and let him fall powerlessly into the distance. He watched helplessly as Batra's men began to destroy a bomb in the manor. cherry blossom tree.


A cherry blossom tree was hit by a cannonball and ignited by flames. It burned quickly. The pink cherry blossom petals turned into golden red in the flames, like a fading sunset glow.

The old man struggled to get up to stop him, but his aging body struggled to stand up after many twists and turns. He could only watch this scene helplessly.

"Devils... you are demons..."

And just when the old man was about to collapse, a voice suddenly came from a distance.

“What a beautiful view.”

Ross and Lafitte walked in from outside the manor. There was a hint of admiration in his eyes. After scanning the entire Sakura Manor, he landed on the burning cherry tree.

When Ross and Lafitte walked in, Batra and many other pirates looked over. They were not the Straw Hats. They knew something about the supernova with a bounty of over 100 million in the first half of the Grand Line. They soon Recognized Rhodes' identity.

"You are... Ghost Hand Ross!"

"And the Devil Sheriff."

After recognizing Rhodes' identity, Batra and others' expressions suddenly became solemn. In the first half of today's great route, Rhodes is the most influential person in the supernova!

No one expected to meet Ross here.

After staying on the burning cherry tree for a few seconds, Ross looked at Batra and the others and said, "It's just right for your funeral, but it seems a bit too luxurious."


When Batra heard Ross's words, his face instantly darkened.

He still knows some information about the Ghost Hand Pirates. Everything this group of pirates does is to steal from others. If they appear here, they may be completely targeted.

"Are you targeting us? It's not that easy to take away a head worth 160 million beli. Beware of chipping a tooth."

Ross smiled faintly.


Ross, who was standing there with his hands behind his back a moment ago, suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already in front of Batra, and his palm lightly pressed on Batra's chest.

The power of distortion suddenly broke out.


Batra's chest instantly felt like mud, spinning and twisting, and collapsing along with his whole body. However, strangely, no blood flowed out, but turned into a pile of pale silver liquid.

After the liquid flowed for a while, it quickly swelled and gathered, turning into a human form again.



Seeing this scene, many pirates who were originally shocked by Ross's speed breathed a sigh of relief, with a bit of a sinister smile on their faces.

Among the enemies they have encountered so far, only one can hurt Batra, but he was still defeated by Batra. Although Rhodes' bounty is as high as 300 million, they still have absolute confidence in their captain's terrifying ability. !

"What? He's so famous, but it turns out he's only at this level."

"Spiral Flying Blade!"

Batra smiled ferociously, waved his arms suddenly, and suddenly flew out of his body, liquefied in mid-air, turned into two spinning hook blades, and cut into Ross's body.