One Piece Talent System

Chapter 118: Retreat order (seventh update)


"The three lieutenant generals of this headquarters are really difficult to deal with."

After leaving the battlefield where he was fighting the Flying Squirrel and others, Ross quickly fell to the ground. He staggered slightly and murmured something when he landed.

At this time, the wounds on his shoulders and fists had all healed, and almost all the blood scabs had fallen off. However, his forehead was covered with drops of sweat due to excessive physical exertion.

If it weren't for the fact that Dauberman and Flying Squirrel were both newly promoted lieutenant generals in the headquarters, and their strength is still slightly behind the senior lieutenant generals nine years later, even if Rhodes points out the 'Tenacity' talent when they join forces, , and there is almost no chance of winning.


If they were senior lieutenant generals, it would be extremely difficult for the two of them to win together with Ross.

"I don't know if this counts as defeating the navy."

Ross slowly walked towards the coast where the Ghost Shadow was located. The last bloody battle between him and the Flying Squirrel and the others had almost exhausted the part of the physical strength that had been improved after using the talent 'Tenacity', otherwise he would not have noticed it. When two major generals from the headquarters approached, they ran away.

The major general of the headquarters is still qualified to intervene in his battle with the lieutenant general.

In order to win this battle, Rhodes almost exerted everything he had to the limit. If the three flying squirrels brought two major generals from their headquarters, or even the two major generals from their headquarters came a moment earlier, it would be enough to change the final battle situation.


With the ability to fly by distorting gravity and being slightly faster than the three lieutenants of the headquarters, once he realized that there was no chance of winning, Ross would immediately use his ability to escape. It was impossible for the three lieutenants of the headquarters to stop him with the ability to fly.

As for activating the 'Tenacity' talent, this was already within Ross's budget. He had considered activating this talent a long time ago, but it had never been implemented.

Physical enhancement, as one of the three main talents of the general system, is a comprehensive enhancement of the body, while tenacity is a branch of talent under physical enhancement.

Compared with physical enhancement, 'tenacity' is equivalent to a specialized improvement in physical strength and recovery ability. Not only does it increase Rhodes' physical strength by a large amount, it also gives him the ability to burst into overload without fear of causing hidden injuries!

The sound of being rewarded for defeating the navy was never heard in his ears. Ross couldn't help but shook his head. Feeling the physical strength recovering in his body bit by bit, he took a deep breath and walked forward.


The Ghost Shadow is docked quietly on a beach. On one side of the Ghost Shadow, many naval soldiers are lying on the ground. The battle here is still fierce.

Three rear admirals of the navy, leading a group of navy elites, are fighting against Lafitte and others. Although the navy has lost many soldiers, the situation is very unfavorable to Lafitte and others.

Lafitte and Robin both have the ability to fear ordinary human sea tactics. The navy initially swarmed in and suffered a big loss, but the three major generals of the headquarters were not soft persimmons.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Lafitte appeared and disappeared, and while fighting fiercely with a major general from his headquarters, he occasionally fired to support Robin on the other side.

Robin struggled to resist the attack of a major general in the headquarters. This major general was a pure physical expert, not a swordsman. The advantage was that she was not a great threat to the flower fruit, but the disadvantage was that her flower fruit was also difficult to deal with. This major general who is proficient in physical arts and six postures can cause too much damage.

The other side.

Trafalgar Law teamed up with Siroo to fight against the last major general of the headquarters.

Siru is a sailor brought down by Rhodes from the sky island. He has the domineering power of seeing and hearing, and his body is relatively strong. He uses an ax as a weapon. With the support of Luo's ability, he can withstand the offensive of the major general of the headquarters. .


After all, Luo was too young. Even if he was only supporting from the side rather than fighting head-on, he was still panting slightly and sweat was dripping from his forehead.

He took a deep breath, flipped his wrist, activated the ability of the surgery fruit, and suddenly exchanged the positions of the headquarters major general and the sand next to Xilu, causing the headquarters major general's attack to fail and at the same time, it fell into Xilu's. Within the sweeping range of the axe.


The headquarters major general's eyes were cold, and he blocked the ax with his sword. His body staggered slightly, and then he suddenly shot out a sword energy towards Luo in the distance.

This sword energy cut a crack of more than ten meters in length on the beach. Luo did not hesitate to activate his power again and avoided this slash, but the sweat on his forehead became more and more.

"If it continues like this, it will become more and more disadvantageous..."

He surveyed the battlefield with an extremely solemn expression. Except for Lafitte's side, which had a chance of winning, Robin and his side were fighting hard. If Lafitte hadn't interfered from time to time, there would have been a possibility of defeat, and in this case, it would have been a long time ago. This made it difficult for Lafitte to defeat the major general of his headquarters quickly.

It's so difficult here, and the troubles encountered in Rhodes may be even greater.

Luo's heart gradually sank to the bottom. Boarding Rhodes' ship was indeed much closer to revenge, but the dangers he encountered had also increased a lot. Originally, he could only deal with a few bounty hunters, but now he had to fight head-on with the navy, and it was with the headquarters. A person of the level of a major general!

If it weren't for the special power of the surgical fruit, he might not even be qualified to intervene.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The three major generals of the headquarters continued to attack, forcing Robin and others to passively resist. Only Lafitte could free his hands, but he could not deal with the three major generals of the headquarters alone.

And just when the situation was getting worse and worse, the major general of the headquarters who was suppressing Robin and trying to defeat Robin first suddenly heard the sound of a phone bug in his pocket.


He frowned slightly, paused for a moment in his fist movement, and instead of taking out the phone bug, he put his finger into his pocket and connected it directly.

"Major General Jon, how's the battle going over there?"

"It will be over soon."

Jon responded in a deep voice while kicking a slash at Robin.

"Isn't it over yet?!"

A somewhat depressed and low voice came from the phone bug. After a second's pause, the voice became serious and said: "Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel has ordered that everyone retreat immediately!"

The voice came from Jon's pocket, and although it was a bit muffled, it was still clearly captured by Robin, Lafitte and others present.

"Hoo ho ho..."

After Lafitte was startled for a moment, he didn't know what he thought of, and the corner of his mouth raised a strange arc, while Robin's slightly solemn and nervous expression also relaxed slightly.

Jon and the other two major generals were stunned for a moment when they heard this voice.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing? The Ghost Hand Pirates will be defeated soon. Are you retreating at this time? Is this really the order of Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel?!"