One Piece Talent System

Chapter 2: Talent system


Rhodes looked at the two talents of firearms shooting and melee combat, and quickly made a decision to spend 20 points of the 45 proficiency points he just obtained on melee combat.


When the melee combat proficiency reached 100 points, a golden light flashed, and the mark on the right changed from proficiency level to control level.

At the same time, Ross felt that his body suddenly became much more flexible, and a large number of fighting skills were imprinted in his bones as if he had been enlightened.

"The remaining 25 points can be spent on the twisted fruit."

Ross looked at his third talent, the twisted fruit, and thought for a moment.

The Twisted Fruit was not an ability activated by the talent system, but he got it by chance in an extremely dangerous encounter. Due to the crisis, he could only take a gamble by eating it without knowing what the fruit's ability was.

After eating that fruit, a huge branch labeled 'Twisted Fruit' appeared on the combat talent tree of the talent system.

The basic ability of this devil fruit is to twist all materials it touches, even hard steel can be easily twisted into twists.

It seems ordinary, but in the talent system, it has an extremely powerful evolutionary direction!

On this huge branch, there are multiple branches such as distorted light, distorted gravity, distorted space, etc., and even at the very top, there is a breathtaking ability... to distort time!

To fully fill the talent of Twisted Fruit, a lot of proficiency is also required.

Distort Light: 100

Distortion Gravity: 300

Distorted space: 600

Distortion time: 1000

Different from gun shooting and melee combat, these extended abilities are additional branches. In addition to reaching sufficient proficiency, free talent points must be spent to activate.

Because of this, Rhodes was so surprised when he got some free talent points after hunting Rhodes.

Counting the 1 free talent point that he was reluctant to use a long time ago, and the 1 free talent point obtained by hunting Rhodes, Rhodes now has 2 free talent points.


Rhodes still spent the remaining 25 proficiency points on the twisted fruit. Any talent on the talent tree will be enhanced with the improvement of proficiency. If it can meet the level of 50 or 100, it will be greatly improved. .

"Hunting another pirate of Lord's level can reveal the first branch of the twisted fruit's talent."

Feeling that his control over the Devil Fruit had greatly improved, Ross nodded, with a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

Distort light.

This branch of talent seems useless, but it has great development potential. For example, it can distort light to create phantoms, clones, etc. It can even distort strong light and directly deprive the enemy of vision. It can be said to be a very powerful talent.

Unless one has mastered the domineering existence of seeing and hearing, the ability to distort light will be greatly restricted and restricted.

"Seeing and hearing the domineering..."

When he thought of the domineering color of the knowledge color, Ross couldn't help but look up. Above the talent tree, there were also three talents: the color of knowledge, the color of weapons, and the color of overlord.

However, these three talents are now dark in color, indicating that he has not yet reached the activation conditions. It may be that the free talent points are not enough, or the physical strength is not yet at the level of mastering the three-color domineering force.


And just when Ross glanced at the talent tree and planned to exit, he accidentally discovered that the talent in one area changed from gray to green.

Green means it can be activated.

"Navy Sixth Form...has this talent been unlocked?"

There are six talents in that area, namely the Sixth Marine Style Shaver, Moon Step, Lan Kou, Iron Block, Paper Painting, and Finger Spear.

Among them, the paper painting and shaving have turned into emerald green, while the other moon steps, hachi feet, iron blocks and finger guns are still gray.

"I should have set the melee combat level to the master level and met the activation conditions for paper painting and shaving. It seems as I speculated that my physical strength needs to meet certain conditions or activate certain specific talents to unlock other talents. ."

After Ross nodded secretly, he looked at the paper drawings and shaved for a while and thought deeply.

Activating shaving and paper painting requires 1 free talent point each. He now has exactly two free talent points and can activate these two talents at the same time.

The problem is that free talent points are not guaranteed to be obtained by hunting pirates. He hunted four or five big pirates with a bounty of around 10 million in half a year before he got 2 free talent points.


Rhodes decided to activate the 'shaving' ability in Marine Six.

Shaving is a high-speed movement technique, while paper painting is a dodge technique. If he really encounters any danger, he can completely escape by shaving. If that doesn't work, he can activate paper painting during the escape process.

Leave some free talent points as backup to avoid the embarrassing situation of being unable to activate the branch ability of Distorted Light after gaining enough proficiency in the Distorted Fruit.


After adding the free talent point to the emerald-green shaved branch, the branch flickered and suddenly turned golden. At the same time, a force quickly poured into Ross's body.

Ross closed his eyes tightly and kept moving his eyes. In just a few seconds, to him, it was like three months of continuous shaving training.

When he opened his eyes, the pace of shaving had been deeply imprinted on his bones and memory.

Ross exhaled and immediately tried it.


Ross seemed to suddenly disappear, rushing out at an absurdly fast speed. Ordinary people couldn't even see his trajectory clearly!

After shaving several times in succession, Ross returned to the starting point, panting slightly, with a look of contemplation in his eyes.

"When shaving is performed, the speed is at least two or three times that of the normal state, and the physical consumption is several times higher than the normal state."

Overall, I'm still very satisfied.

He selected an agility enhancement in the general talent system, which is already very fast. Coupled with the shaving, pirates with a bounty of less than 20 million may not be able to react to his speed!

"Phew, it's time to go."

Rhodes' breathing calmed down, he grabbed Rhodes' head worth 16 million beli, left the street, and soon came to the shore.

There were two ships docked on the shore, one was slightly larger, flying the pirate flag, and the other was slightly smaller, and was Rhodes' ship.

That pirate ship was naturally the ship of the Machete Pirates. There were originally two Rhodes men on board, but Rhodes had already cleaned them up when he arrived.


Rhodes threw Rhodes' head onto his boat, jumped on board with a slight leap, deftly untied the boat rope, hoisted the sail, and paddled away.

The only life-related talent he pointed out was sailing. After all, this is the world of the Pirate King, and it would be difficult to make it without knowing how to sail.