One Piece Talent System

Chapter 44: The Navy headquarters was shocked


far away.

On the other two warships, all the navies were all staring at the warship where Ross and Ghost Spider were, but it was difficult to see clearly due to the distance.

"The sound seems to have stopped."

"Is it over? Ghost Hand Ross should have been suppressed by the Major General."

Some people heard the constant roaring and roaring on the warship where Ross and Ghost Spider were fighting stopped, and they couldn't help but look at each other with concern.


"Major General Ghost Spider is the major general guarding the Grand Route. How can a mere Ghost-Handed Rhodes cause any trouble?"

A major general from the Xihai Branch held a cigar in his mouth and spoke with a dull look.


Almost as he finished speaking, a strange noise suddenly came from the warship in the distance. It was the sound of wooden boards cracking and cracking. The entire hull seemed to be vibrating violently under the influence of some kind of force.

"what happened?!"

Many people were shocked. When they were paying close attention and planning to take a closer look, they saw that the hull of the warship suddenly made an overwhelming sound of collapse, and the entire ship was continuously twisted and broken from the middle.


Under the horrified gaze of countless navy, the warship was twisted and folded in the middle, and just like the two previous warships, it was forcibly destroyed!

"The warship... was destroyed!"

"How is that possible! Rear Admiral Ghost Spider is on that warship!"

Many naval officers showed signs of shock and looked at the destroyed warship in disbelief. Some even grabbed the sentry's telescope and looked over.


The collapsed warship broke into pieces on both sides, causing a huge wave of waves to surge in the sea below, surging in all directions.

And on the broken wreckage of the warship, a figure covered in blood stood there, like a god of murder walking out of the battlefield, which was terrifying.

"That's Ghost Hand Ross!"

Looking at the blood-soaked figure, the moment they determined its identity, all the navies on the remaining two warships showed horrified looks.

The ship was destroyed and Rhodes appeared on the wreckage. Where was Major General Ghost Spider? !

Could it be that…

An almost unbelievable thought came to someone's mind, with a look of fear in their eyes, and they couldn't help but shake their heads subconsciously.


Absolutely impossible!

Ghost Spider is a rear admiral at the Navy Headquarters, how could he not defeat a pirate in the West Sea? !


Just when a group of navy were in shock and disbelief, the figure bathed in blood suddenly stepped on his feet and rushed out, rushing towards the only two remaining warships.

"He's coming!"

"Damn it! Where did Major General Ghost Spider go?!"

Many marines were horrified and still couldn't believe that the Ghost Spider would be defeated by Ross. It was not until Ross' figure rushed to the warship that they all raised their swords and guns in fear and opened fire on Ross.

boom! boom! boom!

Bullets were flying, but they could not bring any blood on Ross. As soon as he stepped on the ship, the ship's plank twisted and shattered, and the whole person fell directly to the lower level of the ship.

Immediately afterwards, a tyrannical twisting force, centered on Ross's position, spread in all directions, as if the center of the entire ship had suffered a violent impact, and the ship's planks were stacked up like waves.

Click! Click!

The fourth warship also completely collapsed and shattered under the power of Ross!

"Withdraw... withdraw quickly!"

The navy on the remaining fifth warship in the distance finally came back from their disbelief when they saw the tragic situation of the fourth warship, and they all showed fear and horror.

The colonel on the ship looked at the wreckage of the warship on the sea in the distance in horror, and shouted orders at the top of his lungs. The whole warship was in chaos.

On the wreckage of the fourth warship.

Rhodes stood in the middle of a broken ship plank, looking at the fifth warship that turned around and fled. He gasped violently and barely remained standing.

In the battle with the ghost spider, he almost consumed most of his physical strength. If he hadn't suddenly realized the power of seeing and hearing in the end, even if he could still win, it would definitely be a miserable victory.

The remaining small amount of physical strength has completely bottomed out after destroying the third and fourth warships. Now he has almost no strength to move. If the fifth warship turns its artillery and fires a salvo, the scene will be huge. It would be extremely dangerous.


Rhodes didn't have any worries. He was very clear about the navy's endurance. With the ghost spider's life and death unknown and four warships destroyed, it had completely exceeded the navy's psychological endurance on the fifth warship.

Secondly, by killing the Rear Admiral Ghost Spider, he gained another 40 points of talent and proficiency. If the fifth warship was really brave enough to rush over to fight with him, he would have to increase the 40 points of talent and proficiency to physical fitness. In terms of strengthening, temporarily restore it.

"The major general in our headquarters is truly extraordinary, but I'm a bit underestimating him."

Looking at the fifth warship going away, Ross shook his head, then looked at the blood marks on his body, and couldn't help but murmured.

His current physique is far beyond that of ordinary people. The blood marks on his body are no longer bleeding and have all become scabs.

After a while.

Robin drove the pirate ship slowly over among the ruins. When the ship came closer, Ross also recovered a little strength. He stepped hard on his feet and jumped up and landed on the deck. .

"Captain Rhodes..."

Seeing the blood stains on Ross's body, Robin couldn't help showing a look of shock and quickly stepped forward.


Ross waved his hand at Robin, indicating that he was fine, and asked her to get the medical kit and briefly clean the wounds on her body.

Seeing that all the wounds on Ross's body were superficial and scabbed, Robin felt relieved. He conjured up several hands and wiped Ross carefully with cotton balls.

Navy Headquarters.

In an office on the top floor of the fortress, there is a plaque of 'Absolute Justice' hanging on the wall. This is the office of Admiral Akainu of the Navy Headquarters.

Wearing a navy cloak of justice embroidered with gold epaulettes, Akainu was sitting behind the desk, holding a document in his hand and looking at Lieutenant General Dauberman standing in front of him.

Dauberman was reporting to him.

"I'm very satisfied that you handled these things without any problems, but..."

Akainu listened to Dauberman report on his recent work. He first affirmed his work, but then he raised his head, stared at Dauberman, and said in a different direction:

"What's going on over there in the West Sea?"

As the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, he has overall control over the overall affairs of the entire sea. Although most of the time his eyes are on the Grand Line and the New World, he still pays attention to the east, west, north, and south from time to time.

When Dauberman heard Akainu mention the West Sea, his eyes suddenly changed slightly, he lowered his head and said:

"Because you were busy with work, I didn't report it to you. I didn't expect you still heard about it. I planned to write this matter into a file and report it to you after handling it. After all, it's just a small matter in Xihai, and it's not troublesome to deal with it. "

Akainu snorted deeply and said: "A small thing? Regarding the ghost-hand Ross, the government spent a lot of effort to cover it up, and it almost caused the navy to lose face!"

A mere pirate from the West Sea would naturally not enter his field of vision, but if it involves the navy's face, it is no ordinary trivial matter.

"It was my subordinate's mistake."

Dauberman lowered his head deeply and said: "I have asked Ghost Spider to go to the West Sea. The report sent a few days ago mentioned that the exact location of Ghost Hand Ross has been tracked. I think we will be able to locate it in the next few days." This matter has come to an end.”

After hearing Dauberman's words, the indifference on Akainu's face softened. He picked up a pen, reviewed the document submitted by Dauberman, and handed it over.

Just when Dauberman bowed to take it and was about to leave, the door to the room was suddenly pushed open, and a naval colonel rushed in with sweat on his face.

"Report... report!"

"The West Sea Fleet led by Rear Admiral Ghost Spider suffered a heavy blow in the fierce battle with the Ghost Hand Pirates. Four warships were damaged. Rear Admiral Ghost Spider's life and death are also unknown!"

As soon as these words came out, there was silence in the room.

The air is freezing.

Akainu opened his eyes and turned to look at the naval captain, with an angry look in his eyes, which made the temperature of the whole room rise slightly.

"What did you say?!"

The naval captain was trembling and afraid to speak.

The expression on Dauberman's face next to him was completely stiff, and he could barely hold the document in his hand.

Even the Ghost Spider failed. The little guy who I thought could be suppressed easily jumped out of control again and again and became a huge trouble!

The impact and severity of the Rhodes incident have completely exceeded his expectations.

April of the eleventh year of the Great Pirate Age.

Rhodes defeated the Rear Admiral Ghost Spider of his headquarters in the waters off Shipman Town in the West Sea and sank four warships. When the news came back, the Navy headquarters was shocked!