One Piece Talent System

Chapter 57: Armed and domineering


Entering the cabin, Rhodes went all the way to the exercise room.

After closing the door, he thought, and there appeared in front of him a translucent talent system panel that only he could see, with three talent trees standing there quietly.

The life system has not changed for thousands of years, and there is still only one navigation mastery. Now that he has a navigator, Rhodes really wants to take back the 1 free talent point he spent on navigation mastery, but obviously the system will not let him Easy free wash spot.

The combat system also takes on a completely new look after activating the color of knowledge.

Firearms Shot: 50

Melee Combat: 100

Twisted Fruit: 215

Navy Six Style Shave: 0

Paper painting of the Sixth Form of the Navy: 0

Wisdom and domineering: 0

The color of knowledge shows the golden activated state, which means that Ross can indeed save free talent points through self-cultivation. As for talent proficiency, it brings additional bonuses, and self-training does not. Will increase talent proficiency.

The general system has also changed a lot compared to before.

Agility enhancement: 100 (advanced enhancement)

Physical Strengthening: 200 (Top Strengthening)

After killing the Twin Swords Pirates, Rhodes gained 2 free talent points and 110 talent proficiency points, which gave him many choices when distributing them.

"The strength of the Haki of the Observation Color is enough for me now. If I encounter an enemy whose speed exceeds my current Observation Color perception, even if I can sense the opponent's movements, my body will not be able to react in time. reaction."

Ross pondered for a moment, and first eliminated the two options of seeing and hearing Haki and seeing and hearing Haki. His current speed and strength are almost close to balance, and increasing the speed and seeing and hearing Haki will have little impact on the overall strength.

As for physical strengthening…

After such a long period of training, his physical fitness has improved a lot compared to when he just clicked on the top physical strength enhancement. Even if the power of the twisted fruit increases, it will be enough to carry it, and he is not in a hurry to fill in the proficiency.

The last remaining option is the distortion fruit. If all 110 points are clicked, the basic conditions for activating the 'distortion gravity' branch ability will be instantly reached.

"If you put 85 points of talent proficiency into the distortion fruit, you will only have 25 points of proficiency that can be used to improve your physical fitness... I wonder if such a huge disparity in improvement can afford the huge increase in the power of distortion."

Rhodes pondered in his heart, it would be nice if he could have dozens more points of talent proficiency, but there must be new choices by then. Talent proficiency and free talent points will always be rare resources.

In addition to proficiency, 2 free talent points also bring several options.

Armed-color Haki can undoubtedly be activated, as can Overlord-color Haki, and even general-purpose power enhancement, etc., are all options.

Due to the scarcity of free talent points, the best solution is of course to cultivate the Armed Color domineering spirit through cultivation methods. However, Ross currently does not have any training methods for Armed Color. Without any clue, he cannot find any training methods. direction.

It is too much to take it for granted to place hope on awakening in battle.

As for the cultivation method of domineering, even if you embark on the Grand Route, it is difficult to obtain it in the first half. Only in the new world in the second half of the Great Route will it be popularized in all directions.

Without armed Haki, the situation will be very bad if you encounter some troublesome Devil Fruit users, or even natural ability users.

Rhodes had already considered all of this carefully a long time ago.

"Armed and domineering..."

Ross took a deep breath while looking at the branch on the talent tree that represented armed color domineering, and chose to spend 1 free talent point to activate armed color domineering.


The remaining free talent points changed from 2 points to 1 point, and the domineering emerald green fonts of the armed color flashed with a golden light and turned into golden fonts.

at the same time.

A large amount of knowledge about Armed Color Haki was transferred to Ross's mind. He closed his eyes, his body was shaking continuously, and in just a few seconds, he experienced three months of training in Armed Color Haki at the conscious level.

A weak stream of heat gushes out from the heart and flows through Ross's whole body. While bringing a slight improvement to Ross's physical energy, it will also enhance the extremely weak armed domineering energy hidden in his body that has never been stimulated. A piece of it.


When Ross opened his eyes, his senses had changed a lot. In addition to feeling the power of the twisted fruit in his body, he could also feel another kind of devil fruit contained in his body. Completely different forces.

Armed color... domineering!

It has some similarities with the source of the Haki of Knowledge, but most of them are completely different. As Ross's thoughts moved, an aura invisible to the naked eye was inspired from his body and surrounded outside his body.

The skills activated in the talent system have always been flawless. The armed domineering energy that surrounds the body can be commanded by Ross with flexibility and ease, without any feeling of sluggishness.

"This is armed color domineering..."

Ross controlled the aura lingering around his body. After murmuring, his eyes flickered slightly, and he focused his thoughts on his arms, controlling the gathering of armed domineering energy.


The gathered armed domineering energy formed a strong aura, surrounding Ross's arm, and was squeezed and condensed under Ross's control. But just when it was about to form a black hardening, it suddenly Zi Beng dispersed and turned into scattered aura again.

Ross tried twice in a row, but both failed. He could not harden the color of his weapons. As for the reason for the failure, he found it all at once.

"It's not strong enough."

Feeling the armed domineering energy surrounding him, Ross couldn't help but shook his head.

Firstly, his armor color is too weak, and secondly, his physical strength is not strong enough. Although Bibi has a very abnormal physique for ordinary people, there is still a long way to go before his armor color becomes hardened.

Being able to activate the armed domineering force is just an introduction. Only when you practice hard enough to harden it can you fully master this domineering force.

After thinking for a while.

Ross still gave up the idea of focusing his proficiency on Armed Color Haki.

There is still at least one month before we officially set foot on the Grand Route. After activating the armed color, we don’t need any methods to practice. Even if we can’t reach the hardening standard in one month, we can still improve it. of.

As long as you have a certain amount of armed haki, even if you don't reach the level of hardening, you won't be helpless against those with natural devil fruit abilities.

to him.

The twisted fruit is still his main development direction. In terms of domineering, he only needs to be able to crack the bug-like ability of 'elementalization'. After all, you can't make a fat man with one bite. It is unrealistic to upgrade all abilities to the peak at the same time. .

Rhodes plans to keep the remaining 1 free talent point as a backup. When the distortion fruit reaches 300 proficiency, free talent points will definitely be needed to activate 'Distortion Gravity'.

"Then the remaining 110 points of talent proficiency..."

Ross looked at the branches of the twisted fruit. Instead of adding them bit by bit, he directly added 45 points of talent proficiency at once with a thought.

With a flash of light, the proficiency of the twisted fruit increased to 260 points. At the same time, Ross suddenly felt a burning sensation in his body. The power of distortion in his body increased rapidly in this burning heat. After just a few seconds, , the power of distortion has been greatly improved!