One Piece Talent System

Chapter 64: quarrel


"The history of this island has been completely destroyed in the war."

Robin walked on the edge of Pluton Town. After inspecting the town, he shook his head. After all, it was one of the starting islands on the Grand Route. Pirates must often appear here, unless there is a historical stone tablet. The kind of thing that cannot be destroyed, otherwise no history will survive.

After exploring the town, she returned to the original route, and while returning, she met Lafitte.

"It seems that you are planning to go back, Miss Robin, but some guys on this island don't seem to be very friendly to us."

Lafitte leaned on his red cane and smiled pointedly at Robin.

Robin said calmly: "Yes, I have discovered it, so I'd better return to the captain as soon as possible."

As an intelligence agent, she had naturally been aware of those spying eyes, but she did not take action to deal with it. Instead, she still followed her duty as an intelligence agent and reported the information first unless she encountered a situation where she had to take action. To Rhodes.

Lafitte still had an unpredictable expression on his face, smiling and nodding at Robin.

Whether Robin, Rhodes, or Lafitte, their emotions and psychology are always difficult to understand, but the first two have a calm face most of the time, while Lafitte remains weird.


Robin and Lafitte found Rhodes at the port dock. Rhodes was watching a group of handymen carrying fresh water and food to the ship.

The bottom cargo hold of the Phantom is very large. When filled with fresh water and food, it can last for more than a few months. It only used less than half of it when it came from Bellows to Pluton, but the fresh water and food are definitely not enough. If you have more, try to fill it up every time you arrive at an island.

Some of the ingredients purchased were pasta from a noodle shop. The noodles from that noodle shop were very delicious. Ross thought Robin could learn from them and feed them to him in the future.

"Captain, I have news to report to you."

Arriving at the pier, Lafitte swung the red cane in his hand and smiled at Rhodes: "There seem to be many pirate hunters on this island, and we have been targeted."

"It turns out to be a pirate hunter."

Ross nodded. He had long noticed that someone was watching him secretly, but he didn't know if it was a pirate or a navy scout, so he ignored it. "I know, don't worry about it."

Seeing that Ross didn't care much, Lafitte twirled his cane and smiled strangely: "I hope these poor pirate hunters won't come here to cause trouble, otherwise they will be in big trouble."


To the many pirate hunters gathered in the town of Pluton, a person like Rhodes with a high bounty and a newcomer who has just embarked on the great voyage from the Western Sea is like a fresh and fat fish placed on the chopping board. Naturally, it is impossible to let go easily.

Just when the fresh water and food were almost replenished, a group of about ten pirate hunters came over from the west side of the pier in an angry manner.

The leader of this group of pirate hunters was a strange-looking woman, carrying a huge machete on her shoulder. Her appearance was rough and rugged, and it was unbearable to look at.

Immediately afterwards.

Another group of people came over from the east side of the pier, also a group of about ten people. The leader was a fat man carrying a heavy machine gun. He was wearing a leather hat and had a cigarette hanging from his mouth.

Seeing these two groups gathering together, the handymen carrying things on the dock showed fear, put down their things, and hid quickly.

"Hey! Ai Yilin, I discovered this fat sheep first, please give way!"

Walding, who was carrying a heavy machine gun, grinned at the rough-looking Ai Yilin, with a sinister look on his face, and everyone behind him also looked fierce.


Ai Yilin opened her scarred eyes, sneered at Walding, and said, "When did you discover it first? If you don't want to die, just get out of the way!"

There was a cold glint in Walding's eyes, and he said in a stern tone: "You bitch, I gave you a break last time. Don't think we are afraid of you. Just come here if you want to give it a try!"

When Ai Yilin heard this, she also showed a cold gaze. Both sides drew their weapons and faced off on the dock where the Ghost Shadow was located.

Just when the situation was at a stalemate, another group of people came over from the south of the pier. They were led by two middle-aged men in jackets, one tall and one short. They were of different heights but looked very similar. They also brought more than a dozen people behind them. personal.

"Hehehe, why is it so lively?"

"Kebero, Bart... you came so late, are you still planning to help?" Walding looked at the new group coldly.

"Although it is usually a first-come, first-served basis, this time it is not an ordinary situation." The tall Kerbero grinned and said: "The bounty of the Ghost Hand Pirates is as high as 170 million beli. I am afraid that the strength is It’s extraordinary, you guys just want to eat it, and you’re not afraid of chipping your teeth?!”

Bart stood beside him and echoed with a smile: "That's right, such a high bounty is probably not so easy to deal with. Whether it can be eaten is another matter. Even if it is eaten... If there are heavy casualties, how can you still keep it? Live?"

The words of Kerbero and Bart could not help but calm down the tense situation a little. Ai Yilin and Walding, who were in the confrontation, also relaxed their weapons slightly.

"I think it's best to cooperate. One hundred and seventy million Baileys, even if the three companies share it equally, is still a lot. If anyone is not satisfied, just wait until they get the money and then compete again."

Kerbero grinned and spoke.

However, Walding snorted coldly and said: "I can cooperate with you, but I can't cooperate with this stinky bitch! Otherwise, we should join forces to kill her first!"

Hearing this, Ai Yilin suddenly showed a dangerous expression and said coldly: "Walding, I think you really want to die!"

The situation on the field fell into a confrontation again.


At this time, a somewhat strange voice floated into the field, and Lafitte was seen standing on the guardrail of the Ghost Shadow, spinning his red cane, looking at the three groups below:

"I said... if you are quarreling, can you please go somewhere else to quarrel? Our captain is a little annoyed, hehehehe."

Walding, Ai Yilin and others had already regarded the Ghost Hand Pirates as prey, so they didn't care at all at first. After hearing Lafitte's words, some people immediately turned their heads to look over.

"Which one are you?"

"It seems there is no reward list for him. He is a worthless guy."

Several pirate hunters looked at each other with disdainful expressions.

Some people showed a cruel smile and said cruelly to Lafitte: "Don't worry, you won't need to worry about it soon, because your journey has ended here."