One Piece Talent System

Chapter 73: Dalmecia


Rohan let go and stepped back without hesitation, but he was still affected a little by the twisting force. There was a sharp pain in the inside of his palm. When he looked in horror, he saw dense blood streaks inside his palm, which was heart-stopping. .

"Major General Rohan! Major General Xize!"

Many navy lieutenants not far away couldn't help but look in disbelief as they watched Ross defeat Rohan and Xi Ze who had joined forces to attack and defend in a matter of seconds.

The strength of Rohan and Xi Ze is second only to Asius and Lieutenant General Dalmecia in their G8 branch base. In the past, even if more than a dozen of their elite captains joined forces, they would not be able to compete with Rohan and Xi Ze during training. opponent!

When Rohan and Xi Ze joined forces, even a major general of the headquarters might not be able to defeat him. Now he was defeated by Ross in just a few moves.

The gap is too outrageous.

In the midst of the panic, a naval captain reacted and ordered his subordinates to pull out their weapons at the same time and walked towards Ross.

"Hurry and take cover!"

"Hurry up and support Major General Rohan and Major General Xi Ze!"

After all, many marines were the elite troops of the G8 base. Even though they were filled with horror under the order, they still rushed forward with weapons in hand.

Looking at the navy rushing up from all around, Ross' eyes were calm.

Regarding the navy, as long as they are not disgusting or take the initiative to provoke him, he can maintain a neutral attitude, but anyone who tries to deal with him will be regarded as an enemy by him.

Ross is indifferent towards his enemies.


Ross raised his leg and stepped hard on the ground under his feet. A twisted force poured into the ground, with him as the center, spreading in all directions, maximizing the distance it could operate. .

"Twisted... Vortex Strangulation!"

Almost at the next moment, the ground under Ross's feet suddenly moved. The thick bluestone bricks cracked inch by inch, and began to twist and rotate with Ross as the center.

Ten meters... twenty meters... thirty meters...

The rotation range expanded in all directions at an extremely fast speed until it turned into a circular area with Rhodes as the center and a radius of nearly fifty meters, covering all the navies trying to attack Rhodes.

In just a short moment, the entire area, whether it was stones, soil or buildings, turned into a whirlpool like a wave and began to rotate counterclockwise.

"What's going on? What did that guy do?!"

"The ground... the ground is moving!"

After many marines noticed that the ground under their feet and the surrounding buildings were abnormal, an inexplicable feeling of fear surged in their hearts.

The initial speed of the ground rotation was not fast, but it gradually became faster. After just one second, many sailors were unable to maintain their shape, as if they were standing on a turntable, and fell in pieces as the ground cracked. .

Two seconds.

Many buildings in all directions began to collapse one after another.

Three seconds.

With Rhodes as the center, a circular area with a radius of about fifty meters has completely turned into a quagmire-like whirlpool. The earth has cracked inch by inch. No intact road can be seen anymore. All the stones have broken into small pieces, like It surged like a mudslide.

Five seconds.

All the buildings collapsed and turned into rubble.

Many sailors were unable to even scream, and were reduced to broken limbs in the strangulation of mud and rocks. Some captains barely struggled in the whirlpool, but they could not escape at all.

As for the two major generals, Xi Ze and Rohan, although they wanted to stop Ross, they both lost an arm and were unable to protect themselves in this whirlpool. They could only watch the land turn into a millstone. Killing the creatures that enter this area.

Fifty meters away.

There are also a large number of navy gathered here, but at this moment, everyone's faces are full of fear and horror, and no one dares to step into the whirlpool.

Five seconds is so short, it even lasts between breaths. Watching everything in a 100-meter radius turn into rubble, shattered, rotated and strangled, this is a shocking scene that is difficult to describe in words!

Seven seconds.

Most of the naval captains were dead, leaving only three or two capable colonels and Rohan and Xi Ze struggling to support themselves.


Just when the time passed to the eighth second, a roar came from the distance.

"...bastard, stop it!"

Almost at the moment when the roar fell, a figure rushed into the whirlpool, and came in front of Ross in an instant. His five fingers clenched into a fist, and his armed domineering energy instantly condensed, turning into a jet black color, and directed at Ross. Ross smashed it down hard.

Vice Admiral, Dalmecia has arrived!

Faced with this punch that inspired Armament Haki, Ross did not look caught off guard. His eyes remained calm. As early as Dalmecia roared, his knowledge Haki had accurately captured the opponent's Movement trajectory.

Ross withdrew the twisting power that poured into the ground under his feet. The twisting power in his body quickly transferred to his arms. He clenched his five fingers into a fist. The twisting power gathered on the fist, and a trace of visible light appeared vaguely. He twisted his arc and faced Dalmesia.


This is a punch that is fully inspired by the power of distortion, and a punch that is purely physical and domineering, facing each other head-on.

Almost instantly, a sonic boom hit the air, and the turbulent air waves swept in all directions, enveloping the sky with dust, covering the entire Bass Block, and even affecting the battlefield where Lafitte and Asius were. .

Many ordinary navy soldiers who were too close to each other found it difficult to keep their bodies in the aftermath of the roaring wind, and they could not even open their eyes at all.

"It seems that your lieutenant general has finally met our captain."

Lafitte held the brim of his hat with one hand to prevent his hat from blowing away, and at the same time looked at Rear Admiral Asius in front of him with a chuckle.

Asius was covered in blood, but the blood was not from him, but from the navy soldiers under his command. He looked at the massive collision in the distance and narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly:

"It seems so. That means your captain is about to be finished, and that's about the end of you."

"Hohoho, I'm afraid that's not necessarily the case."

A strange smile appeared at the corner of Lafitte's mouth, and he said: "Perhaps you are the ones who are going to die, Mr. Rear Admiral..."

Asius did not show any emotion at Lafitte's words. Instead, he stared at Lafitte calmly and indifferently and said, "No, you are wrong."

"You don't understand the strength of Lieutenant General Dalmecia at all. If you did, you would never say such a thing, you would only feel... despair!"