One Piece Talent System

Chapter 81: Fruit and domineering


Two days later.

The magnetic power of the record pointer was finally full, and Lafitte returned to the ship.

The direction pointed by the single-arrow record pointer is indeed one of the three-arrow record pointers. This is undoubtedly good news for Rhodes. The previous robbery was not in vain, and the subsequent route will become flexibly changed.

"Go to Alpha Port first."

Rhodes gave instructions to Lafitte.

It is very difficult to lock down a pirate in the Western Sea, but on the Grand Route, every island needs to stop to store magnetism, and the route is restricted to a large part. With the speed of the Ghost, it is necessary to catch up with a pirate. The difficulty of building a pirate ship has been reduced a lot.

"Okay, Captain."

Lafitte responded, put the old single-arrow recording pointer into his pocket, looked at the three-arrow recording pointer and the chart, and navigated the Ghost Shadow.

Seven days later, the Ghost Shadow arrived at the next island. It only took two days to store the magnetic power. Then it set sail again and arrived at another island in just five days.

The Ghost's speed advantage, coupled with the navigator Lafitte, was fully utilized. It took only twenty days to cross three islands and arrive at the Port of Alpha.

Ghost training room.

boom! boom! boom!

Continuous roaring sounds continued here. Ross's hands were clenched into fists, as if wearing thin black gloves, and he punched a square piece of steel one after another, knocking the piece of steel away. It keeps getting dents.

During the battle with Dalmecia, although he did not use Armament Haki, he was always observing Dalmecia's Armament until the end of the battle.

In this world, fighting has always been the most effective way to develop the human body's potential. After the battle with Dalmecia, it only took a few days for Rhodes to completely master the method of color hardening of weapons.

"Twisted... Fist!"

As he kept punching, Ross suddenly flashed his eyes, shouted in his heart, and suddenly inspired the power of distortion, poured into his fist, and punched hard.


Under Ross's punch, the front of the square steel directly showed a spiral twisting and cracking shape. If Ross hadn't quickly removed his power, the entire piece of steel might have been shattered.

Looking at the square steel, Ross frowned slightly. He looked down at his fist and saw that the armed domineering energy attached to his fist had disappeared at some point.

"Still unable to perfectly combine domineering power with fruit abilities..."

After mastering the hardening of the armed color, Ross's next training direction is to combine the armed color with the fruit ability.

Devil fruit abilities and armed haki are not two conflicting and opposing abilities, but can be perfectly integrated through control.

Leaving aside Doflamingo's string and Luffy's rubber, which can be directly attached to the armed color, Whitebeard's Shock Fruit can seriously injure Akainu with one punch, and it obviously contains the armed color's Haki.

if not.

The natural system relies on elementalization to filter out the damage from shocks. It can only withstand an ordinary punch from the weapon color and will not be seriously injured to the point of vomiting blood and falling to the ground.

However, Devil Fruits such as twisting and shaking are obviously different from superhuman-type fruits with entities such as string and rubber.

The two Devil Fruit abilities of thread and rubber can be superimposed almost perfectly with the weapon color, and explode with extremely strong attack power.

As for the twisting and shaking fruits, their own attack power is already extremely strong, and these two abilities are insubstantial abilities, so Armed Haki is only used as a auxiliary function and is mixed into the ability.

The first two can be called combinations, while the latter two are additions.

The vibration with the addition of armed colors is simply shocking to anyone's pregnancy. No matter the natural type or the superhuman type, they can't resist it. If the power of distortion can be added with the characteristics of armed colors, it will definitely be a big deal.

Because of this, the combination of invisible power and domineering power such as shock and distortion is obviously much more difficult than string rubber. Ross has been trying continuously for more than ten days, but he has never been able to activate the distortion fruit ability. , adding armed color domineering to it.


When Rhodes explodes with the power of distortion, the hardening of the weapons on his fists cannot be maintained, and will be affected by the power of distortion and then collapse.

"Whitebeard can add domineering energy to vibrations, which means that fruit abilities without substance can indeed add domineering power..."

Ross looked at his fist, his eyes flickering slightly. Since someone can do it, it means that this path is feasible. He can't do it now, just because the armed color domineering is not strong enough, and he has no control over the armed color and fruit ability. The control is slightly insufficient.

Maybe in the future, his control and development of the twisted fruit will surpass Whitebeard, but now, he is obviously still far away from Whitebeard, who stands at the top of the world.

Just when Ross was about to continue exercising, a knock came from outside the door, followed by Robin's voice.

"Captain Rhodes, Port Alpha has arrived."

"I see."

After the Phantom docked at Alpha Port, Robin and Rhodes went to the island one after another and worked separately to collect information about the Iron Wall Pirates.

At the same time, in a corner where no one noticed, a World Government intelligence agent in plainclothes took out a phone bug and reported to the other side with a serious face.

"Report, the Ghost Hand Pirates appeared in Port Alpha!"

"Continue surveillance."

The head of the intelligence department on the other side, after hearing the report from his subordinate intelligence officers, solemnly ordered them to continue monitoring and quickly forwarded the information to the upper levels of the World Government.

At the same time, this information was also transferred to the Navy Headquarters.

Due to the extremely bad impact caused by the Rhodes incident, not only the Navy Headquarters, but also the top leaders of the World Government have focused on the Ghost Hand Pirates.

To deal with Rhodes and the Ghost Hand Pirates, it is obviously impossible for ordinary branches to do so. At least a lieutenant general from the headquarters must be in charge. To be on the safe side, two lieutenant generals from the headquarters must be dispatched and lead more than three warships.

"Do you want our headquarters to send warships and a lieutenant general?"

"No, I suggest leaving it to CP9 to handle it secretly."

"Port of Alpha... If I remember correctly, after two islands on this route, it will be the territory of crocodiles."

"Really? If that's the case, we can postpone sending troops."

Compared to the navy dispatching heavy troops to encircle and suppress the Ghost Hand Pirates, it is undoubtedly a better choice to let Crocodile Crocodile, who had just signed the Shichibukai Treaty, deal with the Ghost Hand Pirates.

If the Sand Crocodile can destroy the Ghost Hand Pirates, then there will be no problem with the position of the Shichibukai. If the Sand Crocodile is destroyed, then such a Shichibukai will obviously not be enough to balance the Grand Route. It is a good time to replace them as soon as possible to avoid future A bigger hole appears.