One Piece Talent System

Chapter 85: Big loss (third update)



Ravaro took a step forward, and the glass-shaped shell composed of barriers stepped on the ground, leaving cracks in the ground, like a full-metal mecha God of War.

"This is my... absolute defense!"

Ravaro's voice came from inside the barrier, and although it became a little faint, it still clearly entered Ross's ears.

"Then despair!"

There was a hideous smile on his face, and he rushed towards Ross. The huge fist wrapped in the barrier slammed down on Ross's head, carrying a terrifying power, and wanted to punch Ross. Form into a ball of meatloaf.

Ross looked at the falling fist, his brows gradually furrowed, and he retreated back.

"What's wrong? Didn't you get a good beating just now?!"

Lavaro grinned ferociously and continued to chase Rhodes, landing punch after punch, while Rhodes kept swinging his body to avoid his fists, showing a look of reluctance.


After Lavaro forced Ross back with his fists, he put his hands together, and the barrier flowed into a glass-like sword, which slashed down at Ross.

Ross took a step to the side, and the sword struck the street, instantly blasting a crack more than ten meters wide in the street, with gravel and soil splashing everywhere.

The members of the Iron Wall Pirates who were fighting Lafitte not far away saw Lavaro activate his ultimate ability and forced Ross to retreat, and their momentum suddenly increased.

"Use it! Captain's absolute defense!"

"No one has ever been able to destroy and crush all enemies!"

All the pirates looked in awe.

Once, Lavarro relied on this move to defeat a naval fleet led by a branch vice-admiral and flee without any resistance.

On the field.

Lavarro suddenly swung his sword and cut off a house on one side in half. With great momentum, he walked towards Ross with a ferocious smile and said in a muffled voice: "What's wrong? Are you already desperate?!"

With a ferocious expression with a trace of cruelty, he controlled the barrier clothing and raised the transparent sword, intending to end this battle completely.


At this moment, Ross spoke.

"What a big loss..."

"Have you finally realized that provoking me, Iron Wall Lavaro, was a mistake?" Lavaro looked at Ross with his swords raised high, smiled coldly, and said, "It's a pity that it's too late!"

The moment the words fell, he used his power to the extreme, and with an unprecedented terrifying power, a sword struck Ross violently!

"I really suffered a big loss this time..."

Seeing the power of Lavaro's sword, Ross repeated what he said before, slowly closed his eyes, clenched his fingers into a fist, and trembled slightly.

"With such strength, the bounty is only 180 million Baileys. It's really... such a loss!"

Ross swung his fist upwards, and with a bang, the sword in Lavaro's hand turned into a twisted steel pipe.

This Lavaro's strength is worthy of being rewarded with a reward of more than 300 million beli, but now it only has 180 million beli, which is two levels lower!

Ross was annoyed. After bending the barrier sword, he grabbed it with his backhand, yanked it hard, pulled the entire barrier together with Lavaro, and punched it down.


This punch hit the glass-like barrier, causing ripples like water ripples. The entire barrier was smashed into paste by the twisting power of Ross's explosion.


Rhodes kicked back, hitting the side of Ravaro's barrier armor, sending him crashing into a nearby building.


Ross disappeared on the spot and appeared directly in front of Lavaro. The fist in his hand slammed down hard, hitting the armor that was like paste and had not had time to recover.

With a crisp sound like broken glass, the barrier cracked and exploded from the center. The twisting force penetrated the barrier and fell on Lavaro, making him feel like he had been hit hard. Blood spurted out from his mouth and his chest screamed. There was a cracking sound of ribs breaking.

He didn't even react to the series of attacks, with a look of horror and disbelief on his face.


All the barriers disappeared in an instant, and Ravaro's body fell softly, falling on the ruined street.


Wrestler Hanu shows no emotion.

The members of the Iron Wall Pirates all had expressionless faces, and the air fell into silence.

Lafitte was also stunned for a moment, then smiled softly, stretched out his hand and lifted his hat.

"Cough! Cough!"

Lavaro was not dead yet. He coughed twice violently and tried to get up with support, but the severe pain in his chest prevented him from even turning over.

Ross walked towards Lavaro expressionlessly, came to his side step by step, stepped on his chest, and said: "Why is there only a reward of 180 million Baileys..."

cough! cough!

Ravaro violently vomited blood, and blood overflowed from his nose and mouth. He looked at Ross's face and listened to the inexplicable words in Ross's mouth, and fear gradually spread in his heart.

What is this person talking about? Is he a madman? But how could a madman have such strength? !

"With your strength, the bounty should be able to be increased a lot, even to 20 million..."

Ross muttered to himself.

Listening to Ross's words, the fear in Lavaro's heart continued to spread, gradually occupying his entire heart. He suddenly coughed violently and said to Ross: "Don't... don't kill me... If you want money, I have something more precious here..."


Ross looked at him with pity.

Ravaro shouted: "No! No! I have... I have... maps of ancient weapons..."

His eyes were full of fear. Maybe he wouldn't be afraid of a ferocious pirate, but a lunatic who defeated him easily and said words he couldn't understand at all. He didn't have the kind of mentality to wait for death after losing. awareness.

Ravaro reluctantly raised his arm, reached into his clothes, and took out a very old and tattered drawing.

"Look for... if you find ancient weapons... you can have whatever you want..."

Looking at this scene, Ross showed a look of surprise for the first time.

Ancient weapons? !

It is rumored that the three ancient weapons that existed before the establishment of the world government are the King of Heaven, King of the Sea, and King of Pluto. Pluto is a ship that can destroy an island with one shot, while King of the Sea is a mermaid princess who communicates and commands all the King of the Seas. As for King of Heaven, So far unknown.

Ross stretched out his hand, took the ancient map from Lavaro's hand, and slowly opened it, but after just one glance, a strange look appeared in his eyes.

"Ancient weapons...Poseidon's map?"

"Yes, it is."

Lavarro responded with a trembling voice.

Ross continued to look at him expressionlessly.


The twisting power in Ross's body was activated, and he instantly tore the old map into countless tiny pieces and scattered them everywhere.

Looking at this scene, Lavarro was stunned.

That's a map of ancient weapons!

Once word spreads, there will be things that countless people will snatch. Crocodile will come to him just for this map, and he wants to kill Crocodile precisely because Crocodile knows that he has this map.


Such a precious thing was actually destroyed by Ross. Was he really a madman? !


Ross spoke expressionlessly, and the twisting force spread out without any blood spilling. As if being cut by the fruit of surgery, Lavaro's body twisted and separated silently.

Looking at Lavaro, whose body was torn apart and with a hint of despair on his face, Ross spoke in a voice that only he could hear.

"My eyes have the ability to see the truth of everything."

Shirahoshi, the mermaid princess who lives on Fishman Island, is the true form of the ancient weapon Neptune. As for this treasure map, it may be a graffiti drawn by an ancient person hundreds of years ago.

I'm afraid I don't know how many people have been fooled around by it, and they can't find any ancient weapons until they die, and they don't know the truth.