One Piece Talent System

Chapter 88: Metamorphosis


boom! boom! boom!

Ross was caught in the large-scale sandstorm released by Crocodile, but he was not swept away by the dust. Instead, he rushed out of it on moon steps and punched Crocodile.

Crocodile's face sank slightly. After this brief confrontation, he almost figured out Ross's ability. His physical fitness was extraordinary, and his fruit ability was also extremely powerful. Almost no moves could stop Ross.

Even if he is a natural ability user, it is not easy to defeat Ross.


As someone with the ability to elementalize, he can always be invincible. In the final battle of physical strength, Crocodile does not think that his natural system will lose to the superhuman system. After all, the use of natural system abilities consumes physical strength. It is lower than the Superman series.

Facing the punch from Rhodes, Crocodile folded his right arm into a knife shape, turned into a sand blade, and slammed it forward.


Just when Ross's fist was about to collide with Crocodile's sand knife, a strange force suddenly surged out of his fist and instantly condensed and covered it.



Although this punch did not release the power of distortion, relying on the hardened strength of the weapon and his physical fitness that he had never neglected to exercise, he still smashed Crocodile's sand knife with one punch.

Crocodile had been to the New World and even challenged Whitebeard, so it was impossible not to recognize the armed domineering force. He was so shocked that he had no time to escape. He could only make a fist with five fingers, hold the dust and sand, and shake it hard. Go up.


Rhodes' punch shattered the shell of Crocodile's hastily gathered sand fist, and directly collided with Crocodile's fist.

Even though the power of his weapon-colored attack was far less than the full burst of twisting power, the punch still caused severe pain in Crocodile's phalanges and numbness in his fingers.

"Damn... are you domineering?"

Ross's use of armed domineering energy was obviously beyond Crocodile's expectation. When he was frightened, all the contempt and contempt he had for Ross disappeared, replaced by an extremely solemn expression.

Being able to use domineering and not being able to use it are almost two different concepts in front of natural ability users!

If you don't have armed Haki and can't find the weakness of the natural system, no matter how strong you are, if you keep fighting, you will probably be eaten alive by those with natural system abilities. But once you know how to use Haki, you will be able to use it against any natural system. The basic power of confrontation!

No matter how weak the weapon color is, it still has the effect of catching the entity of the natural ability user!

"Do you think that as a natural-type ability user, you can always control the situation? It's a pity... you know nothing about my power."

The weapon color attached to Rhodes' fist disappeared. While avoiding Crocodile's counterattack, a twisting force suddenly surged out. As his punch suddenly fell, Crocodile was instantly knocked out. It exploded into a ball of loose sand.

If Ross's domineering power hadn't been able to add to the power of distortion, this blow would have been enough to severely injure Crocodile.


Crocodile dived into the yellow sand and re-condensed into shape dozens of meters away. His face gradually returned to calm, and the surprise just now disappeared.

"It seems you can't use your Haki very well."

He once challenged Whitebeard, but was severely injured by Whitebeard's punch. The power of the shock was slightly similar to the power exerted by Rhodes' fist, but obviously Rhodes could not add domineering to the fruit ability. superior.

After all, it was Crocodile who figured out Ross's weakness in just a few moves.

"That's enough for you."

Rhodes did not deny Crocodile's statement. He was indeed not proficient in using Haki, but Crocodile was not a naval admiral who developed the fruit's ability to the point where he could easily destroy the island.


Ross's figure flashed, and the next moment he appeared next to Crocodile. His right hand clenched into a fist, and he punched down suddenly. The power of distortion exploded, and Crocodile's body was once again blasted into a pile of scattered yellow sand. .

Immediately afterwards, Rhodes attached his left hand to the jet-black Armed Color Haki, and displayed the Armed Color Hardening. He reached out and grabbed the scattered yellow sand, and pulled the embarrassed Crocodile's body over. .

"Desert sword!"

Crocodile roared angrily, raised his hand and slammed it, and the entire ground instantly cracked from the middle, as if cut by something sharp, and a ravine tens of meters across appeared.

Ross dodged the blow and punched out with his backhand. A punch filled with armed domineering force exploded the surging quicksand and sent Crocodile flying backwards.

boom! boom! boom!

Crocodile kept swinging sand blades one after another, creating cracks in the streets that had turned into desert, while Ross faced him head-on, shattering his sand blades with his twisted fist, and armed with a hammer to his entity.

"This kind of trick doesn't work on me."

Crocodile snorted coldly, raised his hand and pressed it. The dust and sand gathered together and turned into a shield of sand, blocking Ross's armed punch.

Rhodes did not respond. He used a backhand punch to activate the power of distortion. After shattering the sand shield, he continued to attack Crocodile, punching him one after another.

The sandy land that originally only covered about a hundred meters gradually expanded due to the battle between the two, and gradually spread to two hundred meters and three hundred meters.

"What happened over there?"

"The streets disappeared and turned into desert..."

Countless people who were choked by the dust and sand all turned their heads to look in the direction of the dust and sand, with expressions of astonishment on their faces, and many people even rubbed their eyes.


A roar came, and waves of sand splashed in the area, tens of meters high, and could be seen clearly from hundreds of meters away.


There was another roar, and the earth trembled. The strong wind swept the dust and sand in all directions, blowing many people so hard that they had to hold on to the nearby buildings.

The guards of the Kingdom of Alkaria had already arrived, but looking at the sea of sand, they looked at each other, not daring to rush in.

As for the captain of the guard, although he has some strength, the source of the sand is undoubtedly Crocodile, one of the seven warriors under the king. It is obviously a joke to rush in to stop it.

"Who is Crocodile fighting?"

"This is the strength of the Qibuhai under the king..."

Many people couldn't help but feel palpitations when looking at the area that spread hundreds of meters and was filled with dust and sand, and their eyes showed a bit of awe and shock.


There was another roar, and a wave of sand tens of meters high splashed up again in the center of the sand.

Ross smashed Crocodile's sand knife to pieces with one punch. After breaking through the yellow sand like a torrent, he punched Crocodile in the chest.


Crocodile's body disintegrated into a puddle of yellow sand again, but when he gathered into a human form again, the expression on his face was no longer as calm as before, but changed.

The punch just now gave him a slightly different feeling than before. Before, Ross's power was very clear. A fist containing domineering power could hurt him, but a fist of pure ability had no effect on him. But now, the fist of pure ability had no effect on him. , but it also made his chest feel a little uncomfortable!

Illusion? !

Crocodile's expression was a little depressed, but Ross rushed over again, punching him with the fist still containing strange power.

Crocodile did not dodge. His previous dodges were made by Ross who had determined his position in advance. Instead, Ross caught the flaw. There is no doubt that Ross also possesses the domineering power of knowledge.

He roared angrily, and his arms turned into two huge sand weapons, sweeping towards Ross.


Crocodile's Sand Blade failed to last for a second before it collapsed under the bombardment of the twisting power, and Ross's fist hit Crocodile again.

After this punch fell, Crocodile's expression finally changed. If the last time was an illusion, then this time, the slight pain in his chest gave him an extremely clear feeling!