One Piece Talent System

Chapter 91: Sustainability



This strange feeling only lasted for a few seconds before completely dissipating, but Ross's perception had become completely different. He could clearly sense the existence of 'gravity' and could use the power of distortion to directly interfere with it!

With a thought, Ross activated the power of distortion, twisting the direction of gravity on his body from downward to upward, and his body immediately flew towards the sky.

When the twisted gravity was activated for the first time, Rhodes seemed a little uncomfortable. As soon as he flew into the sky, he was like a headless fly, making an Armstrong 720-degree spiral motion in the air.


Ross dissipated the power of distortion, raised his foot and performed the Moon Step. Then he barely stabilized his body, but he was still a little dizzy.

On the deck of the Ghost Shadow anchored on the sea, Robin was looking at Ross in the sky dozens of meters away with strange eyes, and happened to meet the eyes of Ross who was steady.

"Um… "

Ross was silent for a moment and asked seriously: "Robin, are you going to heaven?"

Robin silently withdrew his gaze, not wanting to pay attention to his crazy captain.

Thinking that this world did not have some kind of insect repellent and mosquito repellent liquid, Ross gave up and did not continue to communicate in depth. Instead, he continued to try the new ability of distorting gravity.

A few minutes later.

Rhodes was suspended above the Ghost Shadow, flying from left to right, and then from right to left.


Robin, who was sitting on the Ghost Shadow and reading a book, always kept an expressionless expression. If possible, she would like to use her power to drag her captain down from the sky, but the consequences of doing so are probably something she cannot bear, so I can only think about it.

A few more minutes passed.

With the help of the ability to distort gravity, Rhodes has completely controlled the ability to fly, and began to try to combine this ability to fly with the moon step.

The Moon Walk is a method of walking in the air, which must always bear the limitation of gravity. But if there is no gravity, the speed of the Moon Walk will be much faster. And if the direction of gravity can be changed at will, it will be different from the Moon Walk. If the movement direction is the same, the speed will be even faster!

Simply relying on the Moon Step to engage in aerial combat with characters like Doflamingo and Kizaru would be a big disadvantage, but if you have the ability to fly by distorting gravity, it's completely different.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

It is more difficult to perfectly combine gravity and moon walking in terms of movement. After all, Ross has just gained the ability to distort gravity. However, as Ross continues to practice, his air walking has become more and more powerful. skilled.

With the ability to distort gravity, Ross's Moon Step can be said to have become an upgraded version. Even if he did not invest much proficiency in the Moon Step, his instantaneous movement speed in the air will not be faster than those who are proficient in the Sixth Marine Style. How much worse is the Lieutenant General of the headquarters


After exercising for about half an hour, Ross's physical strength finally became a little unbearable. The light distorted his own gravity, which did not consume much physical strength. However, Yuebu was a real consumer of physical strength. Under the double consumption, he is now My physical strength is still too much.

Controlling gravity, Ross slowly landed on the deck of the Ghost.

Robin held the book in one hand, and silently picked up the juice on the table with the other hand, put it to his mouth, and would not put it down until he drank.


Ross calmed his breathing and glanced at Robin with disdain. What did this action mean? Could the mighty Captain of the Ghost Hand Pirates steal juice from the crew

After resting for a moment, Rhodes jumped and jumped to the cliff on the shore again. This time he did not rush to exercise his abilities, but once again called up the interface of the talent system.

Without hesitation, he raised his hand and 90 points of talent proficiency were invested in physical enhancement.


Golden light flashed, and the general talent values changed rapidly.

Agility enhancement: 150 (advanced enhancement)

Physical Strengthening: 350 (Top Strengthening)

The full value of physical enhancement is 500 points, and now it has reached 350 points, which is very close to the full value.

Since physical enhancement is a passive percentage improvement talent, it is not a fixed value increase. Therefore, on the one hand, the full value means that the physical enhancement has reached its peak and cannot be further improved. On the other hand, it also means that Rhodes' passive talent bonus has reached a The level of horror.

Maybe his own basic physical fitness only needs to be trained to the level of a lieutenant general in the headquarters. With the huge increase in physical fitness, he can directly reach a level close to Garp!

Ross focused all of the remaining 90 talent proficiency points on the twisted fruit.


The addition of 90 points of talent proficiency in the Twisted Fruit allowed the power of distortion in Ross's body to explode, expanding from 100 meters to more than 200 meters!

Although this level of twisted power is still far from the power of Whitebeard and Admiral who can easily shake a large island, in this sea, it is already a level that countless people will find difficult to reach in their lifetimes. !

Firearms Shot: 50

Melee Combat: 100

Twisted Fruit: 390

Navy Six Style Shave: 0

Paper painting of the Sixth Form of the Navy: 0

Sixth Naval Style: Moon Step: 0

Wisdom and domineering: 15

Armed color domineering: 0

Looking at the brand-new combat talent skill tree, Ross's eyes flashed and he murmured:

"It would be great if I could wash out the talent points for firearms shooting. I don't know if there will be an opportunity to wash out the talent points in the future."

When he first came to this world, he could not fight against firearms based on strength alone. Firearms were indeed something that must be mastered, but now they have almost no effect. However, the ability of melee combat is still of great use even now. of.

One makes a profit and the other loses, but the combination means there is no loss.

After shaking his head, Ross thought, and the talent interface in front of him disappeared. He clenched his fist, felt the power in his body, and suddenly raised his foot.


The cliff wall with a radius of 100 meters was subjected to the effect of distorting gravity, causing extensive signs of collapse in an instant.

When these stones collapsed, they all floated into the air. Although they were no longer in direct contact with Ross's body during the suspension process, the distorted gravity did not recover, but was still in a distorted state. , under the control of Rhodes.

"Sure enough, it has become different. The power will not disappear directly, but will only gradually weaken."

Ross' eyes flashed, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Previously, his power of distortion had to be transmitted through matter. Once there was a break between materials, his power of distortion would be cut off instantly.

Just like he is holding a knife, if the blade suddenly breaks, his twisting power will be instantly cut off, and he will no longer be able to act on the broken part of the blade unless he touches it with his body again.

But now.

After activating the twisted gravity, even if the medium of transmission disappears, his twisted power will not be cut off instantly, but will still act on that part of the material!

In other words, even if the blade is suddenly broken, as long as the knife has been acted upon by his twisting power, it will still be under his control!

Although the power of this isolation is slowly weakening as time goes by, it is enough for Rhodes.

There was a hint of uncontrollable excitement on his face, he raised his hands and suddenly clasped them together in front of him.


The rocks with a radius of nearly a hundred meters were completely shattered and suspended. Under the influence of Ross's ability, they suddenly closed towards the center. In a burst of earth-shaking roar, they turned into a huge meteorite with a radius of tens of meters. , suspended in mid-air, perfect like a work of art.