One Piece Talent System

Chapter 92: leave early


"The captain's power...has become stronger again."

Robin on the boat could no longer read quietly. She stood up, looked at the huge movement on the cliff, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

It shattered a cliff with a radius of 100 meters, and also caused the debris to gather in the air and turn into a huge meteorite. This kind of power is simply unbelievable. It seems that it is no longer something that the Devil Fruit, the 'Twisted Fruit', can do. Strength.

As for the handymen who came out after hearing the sound, they were already in a daze.

"That's not right..."

Robin stared at the huge meteorite, and her expression gradually changed. She seemed to see slight cracks appearing on the meteorite. As time went by, it continued to grow larger, and there were vague signs of collapse and fall.

If such a big thing were to fall so close, even if it didn't hit the Ghost Shadow's hull head-on, the waves would probably overturn the Ghost Shadow!

Click! Click!

The signs of meteorite fragmentation were getting bigger and bigger, with huge and clearly visible cracks appearing, and a trace of cold sweat appeared on Robin's forehead.

And just when the meteorite was about to shatter and fall, Ross' figure flashed and jumped onto the meteorite, and the power of distortion instantly covered the entire meteorite.


The half-broken meteorite closed up again.

"After being cut off, I can control it for about twenty seconds..."

Ross looked at the giant meteorite under him, with a look of thought in his eyes. After cutting off the communication medium, his distortion power could be maintained remotely for twenty seconds.

Twenty seconds is enough time. After all, it is not the Piaoliang Fruit or the Gravity Fruit, and as the distortion fruit continues to be developed, this time will probably continue to increase.


After judging that the state of direct contact was cut off and how long the distortion force could be maintained, Ross no longer spent any energy to keep such a meteorite suspended in the air, and controlled it to slowly fall to the sea below, and finally bit by bit fell to the bottom of the cliff.

Even if it fell bit by bit, it still stirred up a wave of waves, pushing the Ghost Shadow not far away to rise and fall with the waves.


"Can you please not do such dangerous things near the ship?"

Robin, who breathed a sigh of relief, showed a smiling expression and stared at Ross, who was not far away. There was a hint of danger in the air.

Ross avoided Robin's question with a subtle expression and said, "Call Lafitte back. It's almost time. We'll set off tomorrow."

Robin sighed, "Okay."


Robin contacted Lafitte through the phone bug and called Lafitte back from the island.

"The magnetic force of the recording pointer has only been stored for one-third. If we leave now, we will lose the road sign, Captain."

Lafitte, who returned to the ship, learned that he was leaving tomorrow, and looked at Ross with some confusion.

"Don't worry about that. The place we are going to has extremely strong magnetism. As long as we get close, it will forcibly capture the magnetism on the record pointer. By then, the three arrows may point to the same island." Rhodes responded calmly.

As a navigator, Lafitte was already completely familiar with the navigation of recording needles and the Great Route, but Rhodes' words still made him a little strange, but he did not doubt it.

Since following Rhodes, all the experiences along the way have proved that Rhodes's decision was not wrong.

same day.

Ross practiced his newly acquired ability to distort gravity on the coast, and at the same time became familiar with the soaring physical strength and distortion power. He almost adapted to it in a day, and was able to master his own power more skillfully.

At ten o'clock noon the next day, the Ghost pulled up the anchor and lowered the sail.

"Captain, which way are we going?"

Since the record pointer had not yet stored full magnetic force, and the purpose of the trip was entirely determined by Rhodes alone, Lafitte did not know the course and asked Rhodes.


Ross stood on the deck and spoke casually. When Lafitte and Robin were both confused, he continued: "Just go straight ahead and get out of Arcalia's sight first."

Lafitte and Robin looked at each other, both feeling a bit unreliable, but they still did not question Ross's decision and controlled the Ghost to sail away from Arcalia.

When Alkarya gradually turned into a blurry black shadow on the horizon, and finally completely disappeared from sight, Ross stood on the deck and looked up at the sky.

"So, where we are going next is..."

"Empty Island."

The moment the words fell, Ross raised his arm and gently closed his fingers in front of him. The power of distortion spread quickly, covering the entire Ghost Number, and then turned the direction of gravity.


The nearly forty-meter-long Ghost Shadow, under the power of Ross, slowly rose from the sea, causing waves to surge.

Everyone on the boat staggered. Several handymen looked around in shock and confusion. Lafitte was also slightly startled. Only Robin showed a hint of surprise and looked up at the sky.

As O'Hara's doctor of archeology, she naturally knew about the existence of Sky Island.

"Sky Island... is indeed a good place to take shelter from the limelight, but being able to send an entire ship into the sky is really unexpected."

After Robin stabilized her body, she smiled. She did not doubt that Ross had the ability to send the Ghost to the Sky Island, because Ross never did anything he was unsure of.

Lafitte showed a strange look, and after hearing Robin's words, he also showed a smile and said: "Is it the legendary empty island? It seems that it really exists."


When the ship rose to a position thirty or forty meters above the sea, Ross gently raised his hand, and the whole ship suddenly accelerated, rising rapidly toward the sky, getting higher and higher.

The Sky Island is a buffer that Rhodes set a long time ago. As long as the ability to distort gravity is activated, he will definitely have the ability to enter the Sky Island at any time.


There is another thing that Ross cares about on the sky island, and that is... the natural thunder fruit!

It is now March of the twelfth year of the Great Pirate Era. During this period, Enelu has probably not yet obtained the Thunder Fruit. This fruit has either not yet appeared, or it has already appeared, but has not been found by Enelu yet.

As one of the strongest devil fruits in nature, its power is beyond doubt!

It may be difficult to obtain the power of the Thunder Fruit to reach the level of a naval admiral, but with a little practice, it will be enough to occupy a place in the King's Shichibukai!

Rhodes had thought about this fruit a long time ago. Knowing that it was on the empty island, leaving it to Elnilu was like not picking up a pile of money when he saw it on the roadside.

No matter if you have a chance or not, you should always take a look. Even if you already have the distortion fruit, you can leave it to the crew to create a strong combat power. Even in the talent system, it is not that there is no talent of double fruit substance, but 5 The demand for free talent points is too high.