One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 1: Bika


This is a magical land.

The clouds were at eye level, and the blue sky seemed within reach. What you step on is not soil, but snow-white clouds. The warm breeze blows on people's faces, bringing appropriate coolness. Strange-shaped coconut trees stand on the white beach, and several flat fish rush out of the white clouds, dropping strings of water drops. Residents with happy smiles on their faces and angel-like wings on their backs work hard in the small town, saying "haha" to everyone they meet.

In addition to constantly challenging his own limits, Ron's only remaining hobby is watching anime, so it only took him three minutes to sort out the situation.

He traveled through time.

The reason is unknown.

This is the world of One Piece, Sky Island.


"I told you it was a misunderstanding! Why should I be executed, you bastard?!"

Da da da!

In the not-so-busy town, a figure fled in a hurry in front of him, followed by several strangely dressed soldiers holding spears. Ron knocked over street vendors, pushed aside passers-by, and rushed forward with his head buried in his chest.

"Yeah! There are qh people!"

"Stop! Don't run away if you have the guts!"

"Hurry up! If you catch him, there will be a big reward!"

For a time, the street was full of exclamations and jumping, it was so lively!

Ron was helpless as the group of soldiers behind him wanted to arrest him and execute him.

If you say time travel, just do it. Hundreds of time travelers appear on the earth every day. The army of time travelers has long occupied the multiverse. One more person is not more, and one less person is not a lot.

But after traveling through time and landing directly from the sky, who can bear this? !

He is an ordinary person. He is five meters tall with his head on the ground. He uses his spine as the force. If he falls, he will not die but will be disabled!

The good news is that Ron survived the fall on his head. But the bad news is... he fell on a fat man who was gorgeously dressed, surrounded by guards, and not easy to mess with!

Ron, a big man weighing 90 kilograms, fell from a height of five meters. Under the acceleration of gravity, he faced the fat man head-to-head.

After the sound of "duang!", Ron felt dizzy and dizzy due to his special physique, but the fat man laughed like a fool and fell to the ground with a "plop", and his blood quickly turned red. On the ground of white clouds, I lost my breath for a few moments.

It's not like he hasn't killed people before.

When poachers were caught poaching, they were forced to kill five of them in three days. When he discovered the treasure in the rainforest, he killed the others and chose to take it all for himself, even though someone else had done it first.

But who would have thought that he would be killed by falling from the sky

This experience is so novel!

Moreover, in front of so many people...

Looking at the stunned guards around him, Ron slapped the back of his head and smiled awkwardly: "Do you believe me when I say I didn't mean it?"

"He...he killed Lord Sisko! Catch him!!"

"Catch the qh assassin and divide it by Yun Fuliu!"

Ron knew what the "cloud floating flow" in the mouths of these Sky Islanders with white chicken wings was. It was a unique method of execution on Kong Island. The prisoner was placed on a small piece of island cloud and allowed to float on the island. The sky is floating, there is nothing to grab around, you are 10,000 meters high in the sky, and you can't get to the shore. In the end, you can only die of starvation or thirst, which is similar to the sea punishment used by coastal countries and pirates in the Middle Ages to banish prisoners to the sea.

"No, please listen to my explanation... Are you really the one holding the grass?!"

He wanted to defend himself, but an arrow flew out of his ear and made Ron understand that the logic no longer made sense, so he just ran away!

A chase began. With his strong physique gained from constantly challenging the limits, Ron ran away crazily.

The island was barren and sparsely populated. Soon they passed through the town and entered the empty area. The soldiers were no longer afraid of missing the target, and they drew their bows and fired volleys.

call out! call out!

Arrows were fired one after another, with a shrill and piercing sound in the air. Ron was frightened and kept moving, narrowly avoiding being shot.

"Huh... Huh... I can't stand it anymore, there's not enough oxygen... I'm so tired!"

Ron was panting and running, his vision began to dim, and every time he raised his feet, it was like stepping into a quagmire.

In the world of One Piece, naturally formed sky islands are at least 5,000 meters above sea level, and the oxygen concentration is appallingly low!

If ordinary people suddenly come to this altitude from a height around sea level, even if they do not suffer from altitude sickness, they will still suffer from symptoms such as cerebral hypoxia and difficulty breathing due to insufficient red blood cell oxygen carrying capacity during continuous running.

If he hadn't been to Tibet frequently in the past and had climbed Mount Everest once, and his body had adapted to the environment, and his physical fitness was there, Ron would have collapsed halfway.

This is a run on Everest!

Not to mention whether running is allowed or not, if you don’t carry an oxygen bottle at that location, someone will die!

However, the people on Sky Island have long been familiar with the oxygen concentration here. In this harsh environment, even if they don't exercise, their bodies will be much stronger than those on Earth as adults. When Ron was about to collapse due to lack of oxygen, the pursuers behind him were all alive and well.

"No! There's a shrine ahead!"

"Stop him! Don't let Qh people enter the shrine!"

Suddenly, the soldiers behind him shouted, waking up Ron who was in a semi-conscious state. He steeled himself and opened his eyes. At the end of the road ahead, a Shimagumo building that looked more like an altar than a shrine appeared in his sight.

"Hey, what is that? Human?"

Ron sighed softly, and through the short wall, he noticed a figure sitting on the ground in the corner of the shrine, holding his knees with his hands and burying his head between his knees. and…

Unlike the Kong Islander who was chasing him behind him, this man, like him, had no wings on his back!

"Finally we see the same kind of people... Big brother, help me!"

Ron exclaimed in surprise, diverting trouble to the east is always the only way to escape.

It's not that Ron can't die on an empty island, but he doesn't want to die in the hands of a group of miscellaneous fish.

This is an insult to his past persistence!

The sudden shout made the man raise his head in panic. He seemed to be asleep and was still a little dazed when he opened his eyes.

However, when he noticed the Sky Islander behind him, he jumped up immediately.

"'s not me...I didn't mean it..."

Seeing this appearance, Ron suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart. I wanted to divert trouble to the east, but this person seems to be a coward. And besides that, the other person is very kind! Even with an afro, it's a little different from the impression...

The next second, the soldiers behind him roared angrily.

"Enilu! It's you bastard again!!!"

"Get out of the shrine! Freak!"

"Defiling the shrine! Unforgivable!"

"We can't spare him this time! Let him be punished!"


Ron braked with his heels, pulled out a trail of smoke, and stopped in front of the explosive head with a confused look on his face.

"Wait a minute? Are you Enelu?!"

The man with the afro looks about the same age as himself, maybe a year or two older at most, and his earlobes are long enough to reach his chest. Judging from his appearance, he is indeed the "Sky Island God" and Enel who appeared in the original work.

But compared with the domineering "Thor God" who would be arrogant and arrogant in the future, and who would regard human life as nothing, Enelu was cowering at the moment, with a weak look on his face. When he heard that the soldiers were about to punish him with "Yun Fu Liu", he was frightened. Tears and runny noses were almost coming out, and he couldn't even hear Ron's question clearly.

But at this time, Ron didn't care about Enelu's impolite behavior. There was a glint in his eyes and the corners of his mouth slowly cracked.

"This is Bika. The time seems to be a long time ago in the original plot, and Enel has not yet obtained the thunder fruit. In other words..."


Grabbing Enel's long earlobe, Enel was caught off guard and let out a cry of pain. Ron pulled him in front of him, looking at him with fear and confusion.

Seeing this, Ron smiled slightly: "Enilu... right? Let me ask you, do you know any strange fruits here?"

"Fruit... fruit?"

A tired, but beast-like expression appeared on Ron's face. Adrenaline was secreted rapidly. His rapidly beating heart and lack of oxygen made his face look red, like an evil ghost.

That kind of naked malice and greed was something Enelu had never seen in his life.

Snow-white teeth exuded a cold air like bone. Ron pulled him close, and the gas spurted from his mouth directly hit Enel's face. The broken alveoli under the pressure made the breath full of blood, and his voice was full of blood. A little trembling: "Ah... that's right. It has spiral thunder patterns, and you will feel an electric shock when you get close. It's a fist-sized fruit. Have you... seen it?"

… …

A new book is on the way, looking cute and rolling, please collect it. I originally wanted to postpone it for a few more days, but it was too embarrassing for the tree to disappear for so long, so I chose to upload it as soon as I got off the plane.

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