One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 100: Seeing and hearing is domineering!


In the name of mental damages, Ron got a huge compensation from Corgi, and Ron happily continued to arrange for the soldiers to board the car. After the soldiers were arranged and the train set off, Ron asked each team to pay attention to discipline and protect their weapons and medicines. Then he returned to the luxurious single room prepared for him by Bingshan and put his head on the bed.

"Ah... so tired!!"

Normally, he didn't think much of Dongte's work arrangements, but now that he was personally involved in every detail, Ron realized how complicated it was to manage an army! The arrangements for more than 300 people to eat, drink and have sex were extremely complicated.

Fortunately, the sea train could not transport all the soldiers at once, so the large group set off early, otherwise Ron thought he would really die of exhaustion.

After taking a few breaths, Ron suddenly got up, knocked on the partition, and shouted loudly: "Donte, when will your injury heal?!"

Next door was Dongte's room. Apart from him, the highest officer, only the wounded Dongte had the privilege of staying in a separate room.

As for everyone else…

Go back to the carriage and sit on the bench!

Soon, Dongte's very unhappy complaints came from next door.

"Please Major General Ron, not everyone is a monster like you, okay? My broken bones have to grow!"

You don't have to look the same as me... could it be assembled

Isn't it just faster

Ron curled his lips, but it wasn't over yet. Dong Te complained endlessly as soon as he started.

"And... I am a seriously injured number! Do you understand a seriously injured number? I should be recuperating in the Capital of Seven Waters, not accompany you to fight!"

"No, you are a soldier and you must have the honor of a soldier!"

Ron said seriously.

"Huh??? Military glory?! Is the military glory you talk about blackmailing government officials?!"

"Nani?! How did you know? Someone snitched on you?!"

Ron was shocked.

"Don't worry about this!"

"There is also the matter of you killing the prisoner. You can't hide this matter. Let me see how you explain it when you get back?! You are not afraid of death, but I am!"

"Also, do you know what your reputation is now in the Water City? Others say you are a monster and can eat people! Oh my god, you are a navy!!"

"And the damage to the warship was concealed and not reported. You know%...&¥%("

Overall, waking Donte was a mistake.

Ron listened to the complaints chattering in his ears, his eyes blank.

Killing prisoners, causing accidents on warships, etc.

It’s all little things!

Ron is sure that no one has the guts to go out and talk nonsense, whether it is cp9, iceberg or anyone else.

So while Dongte's eighth wife was scolding him, Ron began to concentrate on his body and practice his domineering power.

After finalizing a series of transformation plans with Bingshan yesterday, he called Zefa to tell Zefa about his situation. The answer he received made Ron both depressed and happy.

Normal people can't hear the sounds coming from the body at all. Even if they learn to see and hear the color and domineering power, the focus of "listening" is only on the outside world, not on one's own body. In other words, this kind of situation will not happen to ordinary people when they practice the hegemony of knowledge and knowledge. It is like crossing the river by feeling for the stones. Once you learn it, you can use it, and the sound of the body itself will not cause interference.

Only those who are gifted in the aspect of seeing, hearing, color and domineering will be disturbed by various sounds and unable to maintain the situation. Because after they awakened to see the Haki, their initial levels were completely different, and their starting point directly opened a gap with ordinary people!

The emergence of an unfamiliar form of perception is still far beyond the control level of beginners. This makes their "habits" or "instincts" receive two similar but completely different signals at the same time due to body bone conduction. The sound has an indiscernible sense of dissonance and is automatically judged as "abnormal" by "instinct", thereby interrupting the effect.

At this point, the answer is clear.

It's not that he has no talent so he can't learn it, it's that he's too talented that he can't learn it, which makes Ron dumbfounded.

Fortunately, the navy has been around for many years and has a solution to this situation.

First, slowly suppress your instincts, and strive to adapt to the world after mastering the Haki of Wisdom and Color through repeated attempts. It is like threading a needle through a needle and selling charcoal. It is just a matter of proficiency. Of course, the speed of this method is uncertain and varies from person to person. Some people can adapt in a few days, while others need a year and a half.

Second, just like Ron now, he actively avoids the sounds he doesn't want to hear.

It all depends on talent.

Because from a technical point of view, the latter is several times more complicated than the former. It is an indispensable and advanced skill in the application of the power of knowledge and color, and it is also the only way to go.

But for now, Ron is more suitable for the second method.

Dongte's remarks were actively blocked by him, and his eyes seemed to have stopped working, staring ahead blankly. In my mind, a tin carriage was constructed, followed by two, then three, and the area became larger and larger. The colorless sea water and air currents were constantly beating against the carriage, allowing Ron to "see" clearly.

In the picture, he sketched out a human-shaped object, someone was walking around, someone was chatting, the frequency of the heart beating, the trembling screws when the train made a clanking sound, everything appeared in Ron's mind out of thin air. The person was in the carriage, but... Can overlook everything within a hundred meters radius.

Ron was silent in this unique perception and didn't know how long it took.


"When will Major General Ron wake up?"

"I don't know, but don't worry, the Major General should be practicing."

"Huh?? Being in a daze is also cultivation?!"

"You don't know this! How can a person as powerful as the Major General cultivate in the same way as us!"

"Hey! Tell us quickly!"

"Ahem... So, so, so, so."


Ron suddenly came back to his senses, and the energy returned to his eyes.


The stomach is contracting and secreting acid.


Blood vessels flow with platelets.

Creak, creak, creak…

The periosteum between joints is rubbing.

"Is this... seeing and hearing domineering?"

Ron turned back and looked at the blue sea. In his perception, the sea was no longer peaceful. Except for the waves, countless fish and shrimps were swimming under the surface of the sea. They were hunting, fighting and reproducing. All kinds of sounds entered his ears, allowing Ron to "see" clearly.

Donte asked someone to move him into Ron's room at some point. When he saw him waking up, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Have you awakened to see the domineering nature?"

"That's right!"

Ron nodded, stood up from the bed, and closed his eyes.

"However, due to the physique of a thunder and lightning man, not only the range of my hegemonic power is a bit exaggerated, but in addition to perception, I can also collect distant vibrations through radio waves to monitor... You can call me a humanoid phone monitor bug from now on!"

"That's really... congratulations!"

Dong Te smacked his lips, realizing that even if he awakened to the power of knowledge and knowledge, he would not be able to do this to the same extent as a phone-monitoring bug. But he then pushed the cold food on the table and smiled.

"But you haven't eaten for 24 hours. Aren't you hungry?"

Ron: "Meow meow meow??"

No wonder it’s still bright!

It turns out that it’s not that not a short amount of time has passed, but a full 24 hours have passed! !

Human beings' judgment of time mainly comes from the brightness and darkness of light. Naturally, this concept does not exist in the world of "listening". Ron didn't finally wake up until he completely awakened to the Haki of Seeing, Hearing and Instinct, his voice and instinct merged into one, and the strange feeling of incoherence disappeared, triggering a chain reaction.

Yesterday, when Donte was having dinner, he was notified by the soldiers that there was no response to Ron's door no matter how hard he knocked. He asked the captain to take out the spare key, and immediately noticed Ron's abnormality after entering the door, so he immediately arranged people to prevent outsiders from approaching, and at the same time, he also guarded Ron's room.

Without his judgment, Ron would definitely be disturbed by soldiers who were worried about his safety, and he might still be able to awaken his Haki, but the process would definitely not be so smooth.

That kind of enlightenment state cannot be sustained once it is broken. It can be encountered but not sought.

"Damn it! I obviously mastered Armament Haki before you, but you were brought back so quickly!"

After eating and drinking, Ron picked his teeth and smiled at Dongte who was unwilling to give in: "Don't worry, isn't it just a knowledge-based Haki? Soon... I can also learn the armed Haki!"

Dongte: "..."

"Here, help me back to the house!"

"Yes, Major Donte!"

Dongte choked to death on a bowl of poisonous chicken soup. Ron leaned back on his chair and continued to master the domineering power of seeing and hearing. I don’t know if it was because his body actively blocked Dongte’s voice when he entered the state of enlightenment. He found that if he didn’t concentrate, Dongte would not be within his range of perception!

You have to take the initiative to follow him! !

I'm not gay... Ron complained and practiced hard to overcome this problem as soon as possible.

… …

That’s it for 100 chapters!

It’s really true when writing novels that you don’t know the time in the mountains.

Thank you all book friends for accompanying me all the way. After 100, there are still 200, 300, and 400. I hope you can accompany Dashu all the way.

Not to mention, someone shouted to drink, eat beef, and slipped away.