One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 101: sign!


City of Spring Queen, dark alleys.

If there are people, there will be rivers and lakes, and if there are rivers and lakes, there will be disputes. Where there is dispute... there is slander, assassination, trafficking, rape, fraud, slaves, arms, and most importantly... Pele!

This beautiful island with spring-like weather all year round is no exception, and Dark Alley Street is the place to house these things.

The City of the Queen of Spring is the only place that the first and second routes of the seven routes of the Grand Route must pass. It has two magnetic lines that extend all the way to the Chambord Islands, the end point of the first half. At the same time, with the help of the "Miracle Creation" sea train, it is connected to the three famous cities of the Grand Line: Food City, Carnival City, and the City of Seven Waters. Its geographical location extends in all directions, making it the island with the most convenient transportation on the Grand Line.

With such an advantage, the City of Spring Queen naturally became extremely prosperous.

Similarly, there is naturally a lot of filth behind the scenes, even beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

Kingdom rebellion, slave trade, human trafficking, arms trading, all the filth and nastiness you can imagine can be found here. The navy's role here is no longer a protector, but a vested interest and oppressor.

Only rotten soil can produce beautiful flowers.

The World Government is certainly aware of the troubles in the City of Spring Queen, but due to the balance of the sea and certain problems of their own, they have never been able to destroy it. So in order to control this core point in disguise, the World Government spent a lot of money to engage in skin trading, making CP0 member Stussy the king of the dark world in the City of Spring Queen, and collecting intelligence for them.

"Hey, hey, hey, I didn't expect that the famous Sand Crocodile would also ask me to cooperate. It seems that Major General Ron is putting a lot of pressure on you!"

This is a dark basement with stuffy heat, humidity, and no lights. Not even rats, snakes, or scorpions want to live here. But the owner of this place obviously likes this. He chews the steak and occasionally raises his head to take a breath of the turbid air, with an intoxicated look on his face.

"Don't tell me you're not interested, Gino."

Crocodile rested his feet on the tattered wooden table, leaned back on his chair, and chewed on his cigar: "Major General Gascant 300 million Bailey has acquiesced in your island management rights, which is enough for you to recruit people to make a comeback."

"Hey, hey, I didn't expect you to bribe that white-eyed wolf that couldn't feed Skant. I thought you were so forgetful about being a hero in Alabasta!"

"but… "

Gino stuffed the last piece of steak into his mouth, chewed it a few times and swallowed it, then picked up the dinner plate and continued to bite. He only heard a few crisp sounds of "thump, thump, thump, thump", and he also swallowed the ceramic dinner plate into his mouth.

Picking up a napkin to wipe the corners of his mouth, Gino grinned.

"not enough!!"

Crocodile narrowed his eyes slightly and his expression became cold. The penetrating scar on his face made him a little more evil: "Don't be too greedy for Keno... You haven't made a move in three years, now you are only worth this price."

"Although I really want to kill you to prove it, that's not what I'm talking about..."

Jino stood up, and it was only then that he could see that he was a head taller than Crocodile, and his arm muscles were thicker than a woman's waist, like an upright beast.

"Oh? What's not enough?"

"There's not enough manpower!"

Gino put his hands covered in sauce into his crotch, took out a piece of paper and threw it on the table: "Although the Major General Ron you mentioned has not mastered Haki, the Thunder Fruit has given him powerful combat power, and at the same time, this guy's physical strength , also quite amazing!”

"It's just like you said, Sand Crocodile... I haven't made a move in three years! If this mission is not completed, all my worth will be lost."

Crocodile was not interested in picking up the paper, and just glanced at it from a distance. Suddenly, his pupils shrank and he took a breath.

"This is!!"

It was a photo, a photo of Ron holding up a pirate ship with one hand and using it as a warhammer to hit the pirate prisoners.

Crocodile knew what this meant. In addition to his fruit ability, his physical strength was not inferior to that of the Lieutenant General of his headquarters. If a fruit ability user has such a powerful physical support, his strength is not as simple as one plus one.

Coupled with the advantages of Thunder Fruit's speed and attack range, he and Gino alone cannot be foolproof.

A moment later, Crocodile in a cloak walked out of the basement. In the passage, corpses of guards whose water had been sucked were scattered about, with fear and horror on their deadwood-like faces. Combined with the dim torch light, the scene seemed as deep as a ghost.

Walking out of the passage, a rear admiral in a suit and a cloak of justice held two scantily clad women against the wall, surrounded by navy soldiers who were hacked to death. From the bleeding sword on his waist and the indelible horror in the woman's eyes, it was obvious who the murderer was.

"Hey, Crocodile!"

Major General Skant has blond hair, a tall and handsome appearance, and can charm little girls and big girls when he walks on the street. But the anger and cruelty in his eyes ruined the overall temperament, making this handsomeness extremely enchanting. Seeing Crocodile walking out of the passage, Scanter said impatiently: "I have done as you asked, now is it time to hand over the things to me?!"



A video phone bug flew over and was caught in Scanter's hand.

next moment…

laugh! !

Gulu gulu…

With fear and confusion, the two women clutched their bleeding throats and fell softly to the ground. Scanter crushed the phone bug to death, then pointed the tip of his sword at Crocodile and sneered: "You should know what the consequences of deceiving me will be, right? Your Majesty Qibukai, Lord Crocodile..."

"Don't worry, those are indeed all the image data in my hand. If you destroy it, no one will be able to find out what you have committed before."

In response, Crocodile chewed his cigar and turned over his hand to take out another phone bug.

"However, I have a better one now... let him see."

"Yes, mr.0."

A slightly magnetic female voice came from the other end of the phone, and then the switch was pressed, and screams and exclamations rang out.

"Ah!! Be careful!"

"Rear Admiral Skant, are you going to betray the Navy?!"

"Asshole! Do you think only we know about this secret prison? You are dead, Scanter!!"

"No... please, don't kill me! Ah!!"

As the sound became louder and louder, Scanter's face became scarier and darker. He held the hilt of the sword tightly and gritted his teeth: "You... are very good!!"

"Tsk, tsk, you're all working in the dark world for a living, don't look like you're disappointed, Scanter."

Crocodile had a hint of disdain on his face and said casually: "You have lost yourself in the false rights brought to you by the navy. I am just reminding you of the rules of survival in the dark world. Once some things are touched, they will be destroyed. It can never be cleaned.”

Some people have the world, and people's hearts are the world. How do you withdraw

City of Spring Queen, Happy Street.

This wide street that almost runs through the entire city has only one manager, who is also the king behind the entire city, Stussy.

She has a nice nickname, Queen of Happy Street.

At this moment, in a splendid room, Stussy sunk himself into the soft sofa and fiddled with the phone worm carelessly: "Yes, Scanter released the assassin king Jino, it seems that the sand crocodile has mastered his What a handle."

"Then what purpose does Sand Crocodile have for looking for Jino? Have you found out?"

The phone bug tried hard to imitate the mask opposite his companion, and finally made himself look completely different.

"Although it has not been found out, Jino's men are watching the sea train timetable. If nothing else, it should be to deal with that Major General Ron. After all... the only big shot who will come by sea train in the past two days is him. The Major General of the Headquarters is making a big fuss."

"Ron and Crocodile?! How could they become enemies?"

In the distance, under Mariejoia, a CP0 wearing a familiar owl mask frowned and said unequivocally: "Find out the connection between Crocodile and Ron immediately, fast!"

"Yes, yes, I know... But he is going to Puji to perform a mission and will not stay here. I don't have enough time."

Keno will not blatantly attack the Sea Train. This railway has been open for several years and has become a top priority related to the economic lifeline of several large countries along the way. If he dares to destroy the maritime train, the overt and covert pressure from various countries will be more terrifying than a naval raid!

After finally being released, Jino would not be stupid enough to give up a promising future for money.

So the place where Gino took action must be Puke. When they left the City of Spring Queen, Stussy's intelligence network would not be so reliable.

"Just hurry up and report immediately after finding out Crocodile's motives."

"Don't we inform Major General Ron in advance to prepare?"

Queen of Happy Street, Stussy, who is also a member of cp0, raised a smile and said lightly: "'King of Assassination' Geno and 'Sand Crocodile' Crocodile, if they join forces, even the lieutenant general of this department will have a hard time Deal with it?"

Opposite the phone bug, CP0 pondered for a moment, and that unique smiling face appeared in his mind: "No, these two wastes with their spines broken are not worthy of being his opponents."


Stussy held the broken wine glass, her expression condensed, and she nodded and replied: "I understand!"

After hanging up the phone, Stussy looked solemn.

How many years has it been since this officer of mine said something to praise someone

ten years

Or twenty years

She couldn't remember clearly.

But the last time he said these words was the man who was later called the "Pirate King", Gol Roger! !

Stussy tightened her mink coat tightly, looked out the window at the night, and murmured to herself: "Are these times going to change again?"


There was a loud thunder and heavy rain fell to the ground. In the night, drunken drunkards, bankrupt gamblers, and flushed pimps come in an endless stream, bringing vitality to the city. The next moment, raindrops streaked across the window, and the picture was torn and shattered, never to be put back together again.

"I hope it's just an illusion..."

Stussy huddled together and fell asleep silently.

A rainstorm targeting him was about to come, and Ron was casually dealing with Donte's attack on the roof of the car. Suddenly there were dark clouds overhead and silver snakes dancing wildly. Ron frowned, turned around and kicked Dongte away, shouting: "It's going to rain, swim back quickly!"

Dongte: "..."

So why did you kick me so far away? ! !

It's definitely intentional, right? ! !

Looking at the sea train driving further and further away, Dongte cursed secretly and used all his strength to start freestyle, breaststroke and butterfly stroke.

… …

Thanks to book friend ~Yun Dan Feng Qing 6666~ for the 500 reward! Thanks to book friend Song Wenci for the 100 reward!

Thank you both for your support!

Today I went to climb Mount Qingcheng. To be honest, as a Sichuanese, it’s ridiculous that I have never climbed Mount Qingcheng. But it’s just because it’s so close that I never bothered to go. This is just like going out to buy a pack of cigarettes, it’s completely uninspiring!

In addition, after reading the book review area, there was indeed a lot of discussion about the character of the protagonist in the early stage. Dashu will take a look at it tonight to see what needs to be modified.
