One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 102: Fishing plan


The world of One Piece is full of monsters, including humans!

The theory that it takes a hundred days to break the bones is a joke here.

Especially after breaking through the limits of the human body, with a Dao power value exceeding 500, and after the life potential is fully activated, the recovery ability will be greatly enhanced.

Dongte suffered seven broken ribs, displaced internal organs, and massive liver bleeding. After suffering such serious injuries, he was able to move freely after eating for two days! At the same time, it seemed that Ron's becoming stronger made him feel a lot of pressure. Even though the doctor recommended that he rest for a month, he still climbed on the roof of the car and practiced in the strong wind and waves.

Ron positioned Dongte as a managerial talent, and his talent in this area is undoubted. Many of his veterans said that following Dongte, they didn't even have to think, and everything was arranged in an orderly manner.

However, whether his subordinates are strong or not is also related to his reputation as a commander. So while taking a break from the journey, Ron became Dongte's sparring partner.

He won't take the initiative, that would be too boring, so he just relies on his knowledge, color and domineering power to dodge. Dongte covered the blade with armament-colored Haki and attacked.

So far, Dongte’s best time is 3.18 seconds.

After fighting for 3 seconds and 18 seconds, Ron finally pulled away...

Although he didn’t use his speed to bully others, this was still an achievement worth bragging about! The advantage of swordsmen in close combat is more terrifying than that of strong men of any other system!

Especially after mastering Armament Haki, even just Dongte can be taken seriously by Ron.

But no matter what, the gap in physical strength was there, and Dongte still couldn't avoid being kicked away by Ron's sudden acceleration.

In the car, Ron was leaning back on the chair, electricity crackling and flashing in his body, and his muscles were undulating and trembling at a slight level. The severe pain that was unbearable to ordinary people was no longer surprising to Ron.

There are two negative examples of sand crocodile and afro. Ron clearly realizes that in this world, physical strength is the foundation of everything, so he has never given up on practicing. Since the development of the Thunder and Lightning Stimulation Method, this simple, efficient and nearly unlimited practice method that can be used anytime and anywhere has completely replaced Ron's daily exercise, and now it has been completely integrated into his instincts. Now, just burp after eating, and the electric current will appear automatically and start to strengthen the body.

Dongte sat opposite him, and the silver tableware on the table kept trembling due to the magnetic field automatically generated by the current, making it almost impossible to hold it. Dongte rolled his eyes: "Major General Ron, can you go back to your room and practice again? "

With him sitting here, no one can have a good meal!

Ron: "Oh..."

Then continue to lie still.

Dongte: "..."

Forget it, I can’t beat him.

I will endure!

Seeing Dong Te venting his grievances on the food, Ron shook his head and said slowly: "When you get to Puji, you take people to negotiate with the king. I have something to go out for."

"Huh? Why?"

Dongte frowned slightly and asked solemnly.

He knew that although Ron was annoying, he was a reliable marine. Although what the Seven Waters Capital did was excessive, the scale was just right. As long as they don't take the initiative to report them, there is nothing the Warring States Period can do.

Judging from how much the soldiers admired Ron, there was no need to even think about reporting him.

In this case, why go out at a critical moment for the mission

"I have an uneasy feeling, as if someone is trying to harm me... If there is a fight, you guys with me are just a burden."

Dongte: "..."

Will it kill me to be polite? !

However, he also knew Ron's fighting ability. To be honest, if the lieutenant general seat was not currently vacant, becoming a lieutenant general based on his strength would be enough. The reason why the Hell Island Crab's merits were weakened by the Warring States Period was that, in addition to the necessary hidden clumsiness, what Ron lacked was also the connections, experience, foundation, and proficiency in two-color domineering.

The lieutenant generals in this part have always seemed to be foils in the original work, but on the eve of the big event, the Straw Hats had never had the experience of facing off against the lieutenant generals. This was something Oda deliberately avoided, because the general in the headquarters was unreasonably powerful to the Straw Hats at the time!

The generals in this department are proficient in six styles, swordsmanship, physical skills, domineering power, and fruit abilities. They are impeccable and there is no possibility of defeating them by trickery!

Even two years after the major event, only at the beginning of the story about the giant chef in the new world, Sauron and the flying squirrel had a brief encounter, and the two sides were evenly matched in a short period of time.

This is the position Ron is in now. Excluding the proficiency of dual-color Haki, he is confident that he can not fall behind against any lieutenant general! In the event of a life-and-death showdown, except for the two general candidates, Peach Rabbit and Tea Dolphin, Ron will accept anyone who comes!

The gap between Dongte and Lieutenant General is as high as the gap between Dongte and Ron, so this "burden" is not a problem at all.


"Could it be that you're overthinking it?"

Dongte asked seriously: "We just came out of the recruit camp, and we don't have any enemies in the sea. Who would target you?"

What kind of powerful enemy would it be if it could make Ron uneasy

People who venture out on the sea are quite superstitious. They would rather believe it or not. Dongte was a little hesitant.

"hope so… "

Ron shook his head and did not tell him about Baroque Working Society. It was a secret mission, and not many people know about it until now. In the future... even if the Baroque Working Society is completely destroyed, Wulao Xing will not allow this matter to be publicized.

After all, this was a disgraceful incident of the navy interfering in the domestic affairs of the alliance under their active instruction.

"The main members of the Pirate United Army are farmers and civilians who have been coerced here. There is an obvious gap in strength. You can cope with it by cooperating with the Royal Army. Just be careful of the other party's main force sneaking into the city to cause chaos and beheadings. I will leave first when I get there. "Don't make any noise, understand?"

Dong nodded: "Understood!"

What he meant by not making it public was that Ron wanted to use his body as bait to see if he could fish out the hidden enemy. There is no natural great joy, but if there is, it can be dealt with calmly.

"Okay, I'm going back to sleep first. Change the front end of the car immediately after arriving at the Spring Queen City, don't waste time."

After that, Ron waved his arms and left.

The taste of the lightning stimulation method is still so charming. In just a few minutes, it feels like my whole body has been beaten by Zefa.

Premonitions, or premonitions, never arise out of thin air.

The last time this uncontrollable sixth sense appeared was on Earth. Ron was trying to survive in the wilderness one day, and it happened once before he was attacked by a brown bear while sleeping. During the day, he found paw prints on the tree trunk, but the paw prints were old and he didn't pay attention to them. As a result, a brown bear attacked him in the middle of the night, and he narrowly escaped with his life until his intestines came out.

Now that this premonition appeared again, it was impossible for Ron not to become nervous.

"Who could it be? Crocodile?"

The only clue he could connect was the missing BW president, and he was even more prepared for the challenge during this trip. But to be honest, Ron didn't take Crocodile seriously. Even if he has not mastered the Wind-Ryuu Karate, as long as he is careful not to be sucked dry by his eroding reincarnation move, Ron is confident that he will not be defeated.

So in the first half of the Grand Line, are there anything worth being wary of

Rayleigh counts as one, the Empress counts as one, and the bear who "travels" everywhere counts as one.

But these three people are so full that they are looking for trouble for themselves

So excluding the pirate forces, the only ones that can threaten us in the first half of the Grand Line are certain entities in the dark world, and themselves... the navy!

Ron lay on the bed and closed his eyes silently.

"If that's the case, then I have to... look forward to it!"