One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 103: Level 2 combat readiness


At this time, Ron did not realize that his domineering power was gradually manifesting certain characteristics. In addition, a similar situation happened before the time travel, so he did not delve into the whim of the moment in terms of seeing, hearing, and sex domineering.

A few hours later, the City of Spring Queen, Shustenov Station.

"Major Dongte! The entire advance force should have 980 people, but the actual number is 980. Please give instructions!"

A navy captain led the troops to assemble at the station. They were the first 980 people to set off, waiting to join Ron here, and then rush to Puke together.

After all, the pirate alliance has tens of thousands of people, and a navy without high-end combat power cannot guarantee that the other party will not ambush them. At the same time, the sea train to Puke has been suspended for many days, and most of the sea trains have been transferred to other lines. Stopping one is just for the sake of Major General Ron's headquarters. It is not necessary to take away one train. Use two to add trouble and uncertainty.

"Yeah, well done."

Donte was wearing a brown suit, and his cloak of justice rustled in the night wind. He pressed the hilt of the sword with one hand, his eyes flashing fiercely, looking around.

Ever since Ron told him his premonition, Dongte looked at everyone as if they were looking at enemies. In his eyes, in the shadows outside the station, enemies seemed to jump out and attack Ron at any time. However, he did not forget his responsibilities. After scanning around, he made arrangements: "Notify all the second lieutenants to arrange for soldiers from all departments to get on the train. Keep a close eye on the workers who are replacing the front of the train. Leave a hundred people behind to patrol separately with me. No unrelated personnel are allowed to approach the train." , unexpected situations can be dealt with first and later!”

Dongte said the order murderously, and then added something.

"Now, on behalf of Major General Ron, I would like to announce that the entire army has entered Level 2 combat readiness!!"


The captain looked tense, raised his hands and shouted loudly.

As the order was issued, the station suddenly sank into an abyss of unspeakable horror. These soldiers who came out of the headquarters can be compared to ten on the battlefield. When they get serious, even the air becomes sticky. Everyone was silent, performing their duties and holding onto their weapons.

The combat readiness level is a distinction between the combat readiness of the troops, which is divided into four to one level from low to high. "Level 2 combat readiness" is the highest level of combat readiness that admiral-level officers can use while away from home. Once the order is issued, it means that the navy's war machine is fully operational.

On an unrelated note, the navy's "Devil-Slaying Order", which is terrifying at sea, is nothing more than a "second-level combat readiness". After all, only lieutenant generals are mobilized, not generals. It's just that the users are somewhat special and are limited to Just the three generals and Marshal Warring States.

So in layman's terms, the "Level 2 combat readiness" at this time is a castrated version of the Demon-Slaying Order without the gunboats! !

boom! boom! boom!

Just as the troops were getting on the bus one after another, a burst of gunfire suddenly sounded in the distance.

The gunfire alerted all the soldiers, and each elite rushed to the scene of the incident. Their actions were orderly and without a trace of panic.

Dongte led the soldiers to rush over and found seven or eight corpses lying in the alley. A group of soldiers aimed their guns in front of them with expressionless faces. A middle-aged man who was still alive leaned against the wall and cursed at the top of his lungs: "You guys Executioner! We are just civilians!"

"What happened?"

"Major Dongte, they are hiding here secretly and peeping. According to the order, we will kill them on the spot when they are discovered."

"Well done!"

Under the desperate and horrified gaze of the middle-aged man, Dongte patted the soldier on the shoulder, and then pulled out his sword.

"The navy is on level 2 combat readiness. All irrelevant personnel should be evacuated immediately, otherwise... they will be killed without mercy!"

laugh! !

The sword flashed, and a good man's head rolled to the ground. Then the soldiers continued to patrol, and someone called to inform the apparent ruler of the City of Spring Queen to come and clean the streets tomorrow.

At the same time, Stussy, who was hiding in the dark, frowned silently and sighed: "Level 2 combat readiness, there is no chance now..."

Being born in cp0, she certainly knows how disciplined the navy is in this state. Not to mention a group of sneaky spies who stayed behind to get information, even if they are civilians, kingdom nobles, and government officials, regardless of their age or status. , any trespassing will be killed on the spot.

"Demon-slaying order without artillery fire" is no joke.

The navy under this order is a killing weapon!

Stacey wanted to take advantage of the chaos when the Navy got into the car to sneak in and see if he could find out anything about the connection between him and the Sand Crocodile from Ron's room. But with the Level 2 combat readiness order issued, if she sneaks in at this time and is discovered, Ron does not need to take action. He only needs to inform Warring States about the matter and put it in front of Wulaoxing. The only way to wait for her is to send her to a military court.

The army is not free and loose pirates, discipline is their blood and bones, and the privileges of cp0 cannot interfere with the steel-like discipline of the navy. Unless the Draco is willing to stand up for her loyal dog, Stussy can't do anything. But once the Celestial Dragons come out to protect him, Stusy is sure that his end will not be much better than going to a military court!

After thinking about it, Stusy took out the phone and dialed: "Hey, sir, the other party has activated level two combat readiness. I have to retreat."

"Level 2 combat readiness!!"

Opposite, the owl cp0 was surprised.

"are you sure?!"

"Confirmed! The spies left behind by Jino were not even interrogated when they were discovered. They were shot directly. The spies from other forces were scared to death and almost ran away."

"alright, I got it… "

CP0 frowned silently. Although the generals of the headquarters who went out to perform missions had the right to activate Level 2 combat readiness, it was not normal to mobilize troops like this just by arranging personnel to get on the train.

Could it be that... Ron discovered something

Who told him

Could it be that he and the Sand Crocodile were accomplices to get rid of Keno

Looks like I have to go to Phuket...

In order to clarify the doubts, cp0 made a decision in his heart and spoke.

"Sweep the wake and retreat immediately. You don't have to interfere in the rest. The records of today's actions will be sealed. Everyone should close the team!"


After hanging up the phone, Stusy took a deep look at the car where Ron was, and then quickly disappeared into the night.

The moment she left, in the room, Ron was silently looking through Puke's map. Suddenly his eyebrows raised and the corner of his mouth raised a trace of amusement: "Kino? Who is this?"

Just like what Ron said before, his talent for seeing and hearing domineering combined with the lightning man's natural sensitivity to radio waves, once mastered, it becomes very terrifying! Even if he has just become familiar with this power, it can cover half of the Spring Queen City. The scope is so large that even the controller Ron cannot calculate the specific value.

At the same time, Ron can easily monitor as long as he is within the coverage area of his Haki. The content of his practice in the past two days was to analyze and filter the massive amount of information in the newly constructed sensory map in his mind, thereby reducing the burden on his brain. After all, this feeling is scarier than the whispers of the ancient gods in WoW. Countless people are blatantly chattering in your ears, and the level of irritation is comparable to hundreds of Dongte. I don’t know how Anilu with the afro adapts.

As a humanoid self-propelled phone monitor, Ron discovered Stussy hiding on the roof near the station when the train was still running on the track before it entered the station. Thinking that there was no one to deal with if CP0 was involved, So the second-level combat readiness was started directly. However, he was originally monitoring CP0 in case of a sneak attack by Sand Crocodile, but he accidentally discovered another character.

"Kino... I remember hearing this name while chatting with Lieutenant General Dalmecia."

Ron closed his eyes and tapped his fingers on the table. After a moment, Ron smiled slightly.

"It turns out to be that madman!"

… …

Thanks to the book friend ~Xinghen Liuhuo~ for the 100 reward!

Sorry, I went to revise the previous article today, and when I looked back, it was already past eight o'clock. Let’s sort it out together after I finish the changes, and now I’ll present today’s update.