One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 111: Restore the truth of the incident


On the wasteland-like battlefield, yellow sand and blue thunder continued to bombard each other, leaving ugly scars on the ground with every collision. The deafening explosion made the entire island tremble. Whether it was the royal army or the lucky nobles, they could only kneel down and pray when faced with the battle between two natural ability users.

On this side, Dongte, who had finished interrogating David and Lamine, took the phone and reported anxiously: "It is definitely King Shichibukai Crocodile! Major General Ron is currently fighting with him!"

After discovering that the sandstorm formed by the yellow sand in the distance was blasted away by thunder and lightning, no matter how unexpected it was, Dongte could only believe that Crocodile, the king of the Qibuhai, was fighting Ron!

So he immediately contacted the headquarters to report the situation. The flying squirrel who received the call did not dare to neglect and quickly brought the phone squirrel to the Warring States Office.

"This bastard Crocodile! Is he going to rebel?!"

Naval Headquarters, Marshal's Office.

Zefa punched the table angrily, and Warring States looked at the gap with some distress. His senbei was hidden in the mezzanine there, and even Garp had never found it. Zefa's punch would break his body into pieces and he would not be able to escape.

But now is not the time to worry about this. Sengoku comforted Dongte and turned to look at the general staff officer of the Navy Headquarters and the myth among female soldiers, Lieutenant General He.

"Crane, what do you think we should do?"

Dongte didn't know Crocodile's true identity, so Warring States and others also didn't know the reason why the two of them acted. After all, the Shichibukai under the King are the three major forces that maintain the balance of the sea with the navy and the four emperors. When it comes to the Shichibukai, every decision of the navy is crucial!

"Don't worry Zefa, it's not easy for Crocodile to kill Ron."

He crossed his hands and held his chin, and said quickly in a calm but clear tone: "And the headquarters is far away from Pukki, so we can't send reinforcements now."

This is a fact. Crocodile does not have domineering power. Although the sand transformation ability can restrain all elementalization effects and directly absorb the target's moisture, Ron is thunder and lightning! Sha Sha's attempt to catch up with Thunder and Lightning is nothing short of wishful thinking. Ron is unlikely to have any accidents in a short period of time.

Even if an accident does occur and the distance is in front of them, there is nothing they can do.

Dongte was slightly relieved by the conclusion of the senior management of the headquarters, but he still couldn't help but ask: "Is there really no other way?"

"We have to believe him, Donte!"

Zefa clenched his fists, and his whole body was full of murderous aura: "Ron must have discovered some traces a long time ago and is already prepared!"

"Do you know? He even put aside the six moves before, and instead learned Jade's Wind-Trading Fishman Karate!"

As soon as Zefa said this, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Have you even put aside the six forms of practice

Is that Ron? !

"Cough...cough cough cough!!"

Garp almost choked himself with a mouthful of donuts. After coughing for a while, he asked, "Jade's wind-walking fishman karate? That thing is useless!"

"Is this the point?!"

Zefa turned around and glared angrily: "Ron wants to master a way to deal with natural ability users before he learns Armed Haki! The wind flow can use the air flow to drive the power of water veins. Not to mention the natural ability, sea water can restrain all fruit abilities! "

"That's nothing compared to my fist..."

"Are you trying to fight asshole?!!"

"Shut up, why are you making such a fuss!"

He opened his mouth to stop the quarrel between the two that was about to develop from mouth to fist, and rubbed his temples with a headache: "In other words, Ron knew in advance that there would be people with natural abilities who were going to be detrimental to him, and even said that the opponent was confirmed to be Kroc. Dahl, right?"

"Then the key question is, why?"

In an instant, there was silence in the office, and everyone stared at the timid little girl following Lieutenant General He.

Garp: "Krokdal is Alabasta's national hero."

Zefa: "The goal of the Baroque Society is to overthrow Alabasta and establish an utopia."

Warring States: "Both Dora and Mr.1 don't know who the mysterious boss Mr.0 is, but their intelligence station is built in Alabasta."

Crane: "In the last mission to Huadu, King Kobra of Alabasta stood up and wanted to stop the navy."

Everyone stared at Dora, talking to each other, connecting all the known clues, and a shocking truth gradually came to light.

Dora was about to cry. Although she had grown up in a group of killers and had seen no matter how big or bloody the scene was, none of these people in front of her were powerful leaders in the world. They were completely different from the world she had been exposed to before. levels!

He felt that the little girl was trembling, rolled his eyes and held Dora in his arms, and then said: "Although it is incredible, the worst case scenario seems to have happened... King Shichibukai Crocodile, in the great A member of the baroque criminal association engaged in arms trade across the world, and even King Kobra was involved in this matter!"

"The Huadu mission failed. One of the two senior cadres died and the other was arrested. Baroque Working Group's reputation in the dark world is almost ruined. So they hate Ron and want to regain their glory! But at present, Ron doesn't know what to do. I had this information at the time, but because I couldn't explain the source of the information, I prepared myself to deal with it in advance, forcing Crocodile to show up and take action... Is there anything else I want to add? "

It has to be said that as the general staff of the army, He's IQ is really nothing to say. The Warring States Period was better at dispatching commands and leading troops to fight. In addition to "wisdom", "wisdom" and "general" are equally important. And Crane is pure "wisdom", and his ability to analyze intelligence and coordinate analysis is far better than that of the Warring States Period. Just by connecting the clues, he can almost tell the truth of the entire incident!

The only difference is that Kobra was not involved. The previous matter was done by Mr. 2 Von Clay. Because of Ron, at this point in time, Kobra has probably been locked up in advance. The king who usually appears in front of people is played by von Klay.


After the words fell, Garp raised his hand with a serious expression, then rubbed the bruises on his face caused by Zefa, and said: "The things dug out in Huadu are historical texts!!"

And... the legend is an important part of recording the location of the ancient King of Weapons!

Garp did not say this sentence, he believed that others knew what he meant.

Everyone's tone froze. Warring States narrowed his eyes slightly and sneered: "After more than ten years of silence, Crocodile seems to be evil-minded!"

"Ao Pheasant!"


Aokiji, who had been acting as a listener, took off his blindfold and looked at Sengoku.

He was the only general present today. Kizaru went to Vegapunk's secret base in the North Sea to transport the first batch of pacifist PX-1. He needed to test the power on the way and he wouldn't be able to come back in a short time. Akainu asked for help from a franchised country in the New World, and Charlotte Lingling forced them to make candies and led people to fight against the Big Mom Pirates. The only general left at the headquarters now is Aoki Pheasant.

"Take the Demon-Slaying Order and go to Alabasta! Ask Kobra what does it mean?! Don't think that since they are the twenty royal families who founded the world government, the Demon-Slaying Order will not fall on them! !”

Regarding the historical text, the navy has enough reasons to launch the demon-slaying order. This is the privilege of the Five Old Stars and the Navy, in order to completely prevent anyone from studying ancient forbidden knowledge, even the descendants of the Tianlong people!

"Ala, are you so angry, Marshal?"

Looking at the golden phone bug that Sengoku handed him, Aokiji's eyes flashed, he stood up lazily, took it and put it in his pocket. Then a rare cautious look appeared on his face and he nodded.


Hearing that Ron had already estimated this, the marshal also sent a general to go out with the demon-slaying order. On the other side of the phone, Dongte breathed a sigh of relief.

If Ron had done some calculations, there would probably be no danger...right

etc! !

At this time, Dongte suddenly remembered what Ron told him a few days ago, and his back was instantly wet with cold sweat.

"Wait, Marshal! If Major General Ron knew that his opponent was Crocodile, he shouldn't have said that!"

The Warring States people immediately turned around, and Dongte immediately repeated what Ron said in the City of Spring Queen. Warring States took a breath and said in unison with the others: "No! Crocodile has helpers!!"

… …

Thanks to the book friend ~Ashes No Words~ for the 100 reward! Thanks to book friend ~Si Liang~ for the 100 reward!

Thank you for your support!

Dashu's status at work today is "work → stand → sit → lie down → fall asleep → get off work". I don't know how many book friends are like me.

Holiday syndrome seems to be incurable...