One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 113: Everyone has damage


Boom... boom! !

Accompanied by the fire, the meteor fell to the ground, and the terrifying heavy blow made the earth tremble and scream, and it was torn apart! The ground was already in tatters due to the fight between the two, and was filled with cobweb-like pits, but this time it was especially powerful! The desert created by Crocodile instantly erupted into sand waves tens of meters high, and the air was pushed outwards, blowing strong winds.

"What kind of power is this?"

Even Ron was shocked by the power that the other party unleashed. He could conclude that Gino's power was definitely not inferior to his own in the hell ape form, and his speed was equally terrifying.

But he soon discovered there was more to it than that.

"How is that possible? My belly!!"

In the center of Ron's body, a bowl-sized depression was opened, allowing the internal organs inside to be clearly seen.

Ron knew that Gino would use two-color Haki, so he was prepared that his elemental transformation could not be avoided, and chose to use iron blocks to enhance his defense. But the feeling of powerlessness at that second caused the iron block to collapse without any attack, and he withstood the full blow from Geno!

But that's not all. Something is obviously wrong now. The punctured stomach is bleeding. If Ron didn't take it to heart in the past, now the body's self-healing ability seems to have disappeared, and the wound cannot be healed at all. !

"These red mist..."

Threads of red mist emerged from the gaping hole in his belly and continued to dissipate in the air.

Ron could feel that it was these strange and scattered red energy that prevented the wound from healing. It was even said that the pain in this part of the area was not even noticeable, as if it no longer existed!

Ron thought thoughtfully as he recalled the name of the move shouted out by Gino.

"I see, is this my life force? A devil fruit that can seal and block my life force?"

Without the support of vitality, it is equivalent to this part of the body being "dead", and "dead" naturally cannot heal. If Ron loses an arm, a second Ron will not grow.

Thinking of this, Ron smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Ahem... The sea is really full of wonders!"

That someone could restrain this self-healing energy that he couldn't even figure out was beyond Ron's knowledge.

In front of his domineering power, Jino was unable to hide, and was discovered by him before he even hid in the sand curtain. In the end, because of his confidence, he let Gino get closer and severely damaged him. It was his own mistake.

He put his hands on the ground and stood up. This action caused his body to stagger as part of his internal organs disappeared.

However, Ron suddenly took a step forward to stand firm, slowly straightened up, and a fanatical smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "But it is precisely because of this... that life is interesting!!"

On the other side, after Gino landed, he quickly said something to Crocodile.

"Damn it! He didn't hit the heart, help contain him!"

After saying that, he immediately rushed to pursue him.

The Thunderbolt Man was so flexible that he could move up, down, left, left, and right at will, and it was so fast that it couldn't be seen with the naked eye. As a result, Keno's fatal punch that was originally aimed at the heart only hit the stomach due to the height.

And his state can only last for one minute, and he will change back after one minute. Although there are no sequelae, Geno does not think that his normal speed can find a second opportunity to get close.

At the same time, once Ron goes crazy, Gino guarantees that he will not be able to withstand Ron's lightning bombardment.

The lethality of the natural system, Ron and Crocodile had already been fully demonstrated in the previous confrontation!

But at this time, under Crocodile's shocked gaze, Jino just took a step forward, and all the blood vessels in his body suddenly exploded like firecrackers, bursting out into dazzling drops of blood. While running, Gino made a mistake and fell to the ground with a scream.

"What's going on? What happened?!"

Crocodile was shocked and flew over and asked, why was Geno seriously injured when it was obviously Gino who beat Ron away

"It's thunder and lightning!!"

Jino endured the unimaginable pain and struggled to get up while vomiting blood and explained: "He placed invisible thunder and lightning needles around his body. When I rushed up, it was like jumping into the thorn bush on my own initiative. The lightning entered me." The blood vessels will explode as soon as they move!”

"I was careless, I didn't even notice it!!"

Jino gritted his teeth, feeling ashamed of his carelessness. As the former "King of Assassins", traps and poisoning were his special skills. As a result, he didn't find the enemy's trap at this moment, which I have to say is a shame.

Ron really didn't expect that Gino could restrain his self-healing ability, so the old god was setting a trap in advance, waiting for Gino to take the bait. When his whole body was filled with lightning and disrupted environmental factors, the lightning rods in the air that were thinner than a hair could not even be spotted by the wisps of Haki without careful observation.

It's true that he paid a heavy price for this, but Gino also felt uncomfortable!

The blood vessels all over his body burst and blood flowed like water. This kind of injury could be fatal to Crocodile! Jino relied on his beast-like arrogant physique to resist tenaciously. Fortunately, he did not die, but he was also seriously injured.

"How can it be?!"

Hearing Jino's words, Crocodile's eyes suddenly widened and his saliva flew everywhere: "If he knows my existence, why does he still know you!!"

Ron had never used this defensive move of placing lightning needles around his body before, and it was of no use to him at all. It was obviously used by Ron specifically to defend against Keno's sneak attack!

So the question is, if it is incredible for Ron to know his true identity, why is even Geno included in the calculation

Could it be that…

"Ah, I'm starting to doubt it too..."

Jino's face was gloomy and frightening, and he pressed his calloused palms with thick knuckles to his chest. The next moment, the wounds all over his body disappeared quickly, and the effect was comparable to Ron's self-healing ability! After doing this, Jino breathed a sigh of relief and said the second half through gritted teeth.

"I suspect that Scanter betrayed us!!"

Southeast of Puke, coast.

Scanter, who had blond hair, carefully poked his head out of the cabin. After confirming that no one was around, he breathed a sigh of relief. He took out three photos from his pocket and smeared them with honey and blood respectively.

On the deck, a tall cage shook and trembled constantly, as if some beast was locked in the middle.

As if smelling the sweetness in the air, the cage suddenly became quiet, but the atmosphere became more oppressive, filled with the murderous intent of the thick liquid. Scanter swallowed nervously and walked over slowly.

If the cage's materials were not made of sea floor stone powder, Scanter would not dare to come close even to death!

Crouching carefully not far away, Scanter arranged the photos in order, pointed at the two covered with honey, and whispered to the creature in the cage: "Friend... friend... don't kill..."

Intermittently, gently and softly, as if teaching a baby how to speak.

But the creature in the cage does not seem to have a high IQ. He looked at the photo, nodded, and repeated stupidly: "Friends... don't kill..."

The voice was low and hoarse. It sounded very old, but it had the ambiguity of a child.


Scanter was overjoyed. It was rare for this guy to have such clear thinking, and he understood the meaning after just one lesson. Then he struck while the iron was hot and brought over Ron's photo that was stained with blood. The other person smelled the blood and excitedly hit the cage repeatedly, making it creak.

"The enemy... kill... the enemy... kill!!"

This time there was no need for Skantism, and the monster immediately howled in an excited voice.

Scanter was very satisfied with this, but he was not in a hurry to let him out. Instead, he continued to ask: "What should I do if I'm hungry?"

"I'm hungry... Come back when I'm hungry... I'll have meat to eat when I come back..."

"very good!"

Scanter was finally satisfied and stood up. Then he walked to a seastone compartment next to the iron cage. After locking himself up, he took out the hilt of his sword and tried to open the lock.

Bang! !

The next moment, the entire deck was trampled to pieces! Large pieces of sawdust were flying, causing Scanter to deal with it in a hurry. After the monster jumped out, it glanced at him with a cold gaze, then landed on the sea tower stone and turned its head.

Scanter was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat, and the fear of death made him paralyzed on the ground. When he came to his senses, the monster had disappeared into the distance. From his perspective, he could only see a layer of green scales, disappearing into the dense forest.

"Damn Crocodile!!"

Skant's expression was extremely ugly. If he hadn't been threatened by Crocodile, this monster would have starved to death in the dungeon instead of coming to Puke for a fight!

… …

Important notice, dear readers, after discussion between Dashu and the editor, this book will be on the shelves this Friday.

10.12 12 noon!

There were too many big names at the same time. I originally wanted to join Sanjiang, but said, rbqrbq, it slipped away from the shelves.

Although this book only has more than 110 chapters, Dashu manages the number of words in each chapter, and currently has 300,000 words, so he considers himself to be a good writer. After all, the magical two-dimensional channel can be put on the shelves with only 100,000 words... ahem.

So I am bold here and ask all readers to support me and vote a lot! Whether Dashu drinks porridge or eats meat, that’s all up to you!

Your dime subscription supports the genuine version, which is the best reward for the author!

A pack of cigarettes, watch for a day!

In addition, ten updates will be released, and we will do what we say!