One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 116: The third enemy?


Although the name is a bit ridiculous, it is the most perfect interpretation of this move. The water flow brought out from the underground is mixed with sediment, forming a mudslide, and it is a mudslide controlled by Ron, using the wind-trading technique to create a mudslide!

Although part of the underground water veins have been sucked dry by Crocodile, how amazing is the power of nature

The amount of water is still spectacular!

Driven by Ron's huge size, this mudslide spread vigorously for thousands of meters, following the movement, slowly floating around Ron. The calm sky suddenly turned violent, and the sky was covered with dark clouds!

Immediately, Ron took a step forward and pushed out with both hands.

“You can’t stop the power of nature!!”

Boom! !

As the mud and water rolled, the huge mudslide was like a collapsing sky, crashing down on the two of them!

Even if the impact alone couldn't kill them, the mixed water flow inside could make Crocodile lose his elemental form if it wets him. And once Crocodile loses his elemental form, Ron can kill him instantly with his speed advantage. And after Crocodile died, Jino's fate was also foreseeable!

"Why are you still standing there! Block it now!!"

Under normal circumstances, the ballistic speed of the attack flight is far beyond the limit speed of the human body. This is a truth that can be applied anywhere in this sea. There are countless strong men in the sea, but no one is seen running side by side with Mihawk's sword energy, right? Therefore, Jino and Crocodile were no exception. Facing the oncoming mud and water tornado, they could only resist head-on.

The only two exceptions may be Kizaru and Ron, who are invincible in terms of speed.

“Desert Waterfall!!”


Boom... boom! !

The two of them took action at the same time, and Jino released all the impact power stored in the sealed space, trying to break up the tornado. At this time, he didn't even care about releasing Ron's life force. Facing the terrifying mudslide, as long as Crocodile got wet in the slightest, both of them would be finished!

Crocodile summoned a desert waterfall while dodging the mud, sucking away the water from the mudslides passing through the waterfall.

However, at this time, the two seemed to have forgotten Ron's existence.

Zizzi! !

The sound of electric current came from behind him, and Jino, who could use the Haki of Wisdom and Knowledge, immediately widened his eyes, and the omen of death suddenly appeared! However, before he could turn around and seal off the attack, a lightning blade shot out of his chest.

laugh! !


Jino suddenly vomited a large pool of blood, and Ron's light voice came to his ears: "You shouldn't be too confident in your fruit ability, Jino. If you choose to run away at the first time, there is really nothing I can do to you." "

Ron smiled faintly. The lightning man's speed was still astonishing. It was worth it that he released the hell ape form and teleported over, killing him with one blow.

"Oh, by the way... the coverage area of my Haki Haki is measured in kilometers. It seems like you can't escape even if you want to."

Then he exerted force on his arm, and the lightning blade exploded. Crocodile, who had no time to dodge, was instantly covered in blood, water and minced meat. Then, a rolling mudslide roared past and buried him.

bru bru bru…

"Moxi, Moxi, Dongte? I've got it done here. Get ready to get the sea-floor stone handcuffs!"

"Major General Ron!!"

Dongte, who was sitting on the ground, jumped up when he heard the sound, ecstatically surprised. The surrounding soldiers and the king were also relieved when they heard this.

"Great! Major General Ron wins!"

Princess Kelly of Lavit Island excitedly jumped on King Lapnis, knocking the old king out of breath. Although Lapnis is the same age as Garp, Rosa and others, he is hunched over and relies solely on the crutches in his hands for support. His frown can kill a fly, and he is one step away from being buried.

At this moment, Lapnis, who was wearing a luxurious king's costume with a brown base and gold trim, was blue and purple when being hugged by his daughter, but he was also full of smiles.

"Okay Kelly, your father is not in good health, come down quickly!"

"oh… "

Queen Kerela came over and pulled Kelly away to rescue her husband. Then she saluted Dongte who was walking towards the door and said: "Major Dongte, thank the navy for its help to Lavit Island! Please allow us to Major General Ron held a dinner to welcome the wind and wash away the dust... Of course, it was also a celebration banquet. "

Dong Te just hung up the phone and looked back at the woman impatiently after hearing this.

Due to Ron's activity, the pirate alliance was completely wiped out. The domestic peace-seeking faction naturally had no support, and the situation was excellent. Kerela immediately accused the navy of killing innocent people indiscriminately, citing the fact that the king's army was blown into powder by Ron.

This is a standard way of killing the donkey! !

After all, she didn't believe that Ron would be the opponent of Crocodile, who had been famous for many years! Once Ron was killed, she would chase him away without saying a word, telling Crocodile that the royal family had little involvement with the navy.

Now that Ron has returned victorious, Kerela immediately changed her expression and made such a gesture, for fear that others would not know that the navy is on the side of the king and that Lavit Island is a member of the World Government. Why don't you, Xiaoxiao, kneel down and beg for mercy

To be honest, Dongte was disgusted with such things. The other party's shamelessness simply refreshed his understanding. But the other party was a member country after all, and since the matter was reasonable and proper, he had no legitimate reason to refuse.

So he nodded and said, "I will convey it to the major general, but I can't guarantee whether he will come to participate."

"As long as the navy is willing, it's fine."

Kerela nodded just right, as if it was normal for a major general not to give him any favors after joining the King. After Dong Te led the navy to leave the palace, her face suddenly turned cold and she snorted softly.


Plop, plop!

A large number of ministers and nobles from the peace-seeking faction fell to their knees, with tears and runny noses streaming down their faces, and they were trembling.

"Your Majesty, please spare my life!!"

Ron didn't know what happened in the palace, and he didn't want to know. Although Dongte is a bit weak in strength, he has a good brain. Ron believes that he can handle it well... Even if he can't handle it well, Ron can handle everything with his fists.

When the general is out, military orders are not obeyed.

He didn't mind at all accusing the royal family of colluding with pirates and assassinating a rear admiral, and completely changed the dynasty.

At this time, he was sitting on the sand dune, silently smoking a cigar while waiting for Dongte to bring someone over.

After fighting Crocodile and Geno, many problems were revealed, and he still had many shortcomings. The two biggest points are that, first, he does not have a move that can carry out ultra-long-range strikes like Enel, so he is forced to fight head-on with the two.

Although he pays great attention to physical development, it cannot be denied that after eating the Thunder Fruit, he has become a lightning man. His main fighting methods come from thunder and lightning. As long as his body can support the consumption of abilities, it is enough. It should be a basic ability, and Not the main combat ability.

Previously, if he had a super-long-range strike move, he could just pull away and kite two dangerous thorns to death! Based on Sand Crocodile's ridiculous flying speed, Ron allowed him to run ten kilometers first. And Jino's sealing ability couldn't even block his two hundred punches, not to mention the more powerful lightning bombing!

The second is a very obvious shortcoming, which can be seen without saying much.

Without armed domineering power, even if he is a top natural ability user, he will still have great disadvantages in actual combat! Crocodile, whose physique is only slightly better than Enero's, is not his first-in-command enemy at all. Instead, he gets hurt repeatedly because he doesn't know how to use Armament Haki!

"Fruit ability development, armed color domineering, life return..."

Ron rubbed his hair, smacked his lips, and blew out a smoke ring: "Tsk, tsk! There seems to be a lot going on!"


For the first time, Crocodile discovered that the smell of second-hand smoke was so pungent. He coughed twice, causing injuries on his body and making him miserable.

The reason why Ron didn't kill him was because he considered whether he could get some benefits in exchange for it. After all, he was a Shichibukai. Sengoku might spare his life due to certain considerations, and his own military merit could be increased.

Wanting to rule the world from the pinnacle of power, Ron first set a small goal for himself: to become a general within three years!

He doesn't want to wait for the future world conscription to show his abilities. It's only the end of 1516, and there are still four years to make a full plan!

too long!

Even if he had the guts to go to the East China Sea and tie up Ace and hand him over to the World Government without being killed by Garp, none of the Yonko Pirates would be willing to start a war with the Navy Headquarters for the son of the Pirate King who has nothing to do with them, let alone the heavy casualties that would befall him. The Warring States Period took the blame and abdicated, triggering a duel between Akainu and Aokiji.

If Shanks valued Ace so much, his hat would already belong to Ace, and what's the matter with Luffy

Therefore, if you want to become a general, you can only take one step at a time, which requires the support of massive military achievements.

As long as his contribution is great enough, Wulaoxing may not give him a position as the fourth general!

If there is no success within three years, Ron will have to say sorry to Fujitora and Midori, because one of them will definitely want someone to leave.

So, Crocodile is still alive.

But at this moment, Crocodile would rather die!

Ben was knocked half to death in the mudslide, with all his muscles and bones broken. Now his hand tendons and hamstrings were cruelly severed by Ron, and even if the wounds healed, he still couldn't use his strength. Moreover, Ron also took out one of his kidneys, so that his energy and energy could never be restored to its peak state, and he was completely reduced to a useless person.

This was a truly broken spine!

From a physical level!

If the dangerous fruit ability users imprisoned in Impel Down City are not killed, why not destroy them

Does Push City lack that labor force

The criminals on the sixth floor weren't released to look out, were they

Ron couldn't figure this out, so he processed it in advance according to his own ideas, just like marinating and seasoning fish before steaming it.

Knowing that he was reduced to a useless person, Crocodile felt nothing more sad than his death. Apart from coughing twice, there was no sparkle in his eyes.

Attracted by the sound of coughing, Ron took a puff of cigarette and spit it into his face. Then in Crocodile's extremely disgusted eyes, he said coldly: "Are you curious about how I know you?" His real body?”

Hearing this question, Crocodile's face flushed, but then he slumped down and said with a sad smile: "Tell that bastard Skant that he will not end well!! I want to see Sengoku and Wulaoxing, and I want to do it to him Everything is made public!”

Ron stopped smoking and looked at Crocodile solemnly.

"Who is Scanter?"

"So he didn't tell you his true identity?"

Crocodile glanced at Ron with pity, thinking that he was a poor guy who had been deceived, and immediately sneered: "He is the rear admiral of your navy's g-6 branch, and he is also the third helper I found. But he betrayed We gave the information to you!"

"Damn it!!! If it wasn't for him, how could I have failed so miserably!!!"

Crocodile suddenly became excited and roared to the sky regardless of his injuries.

Ron's expression became more solemn after hearing this. Where are they? !

But he knew that there was a third enemy hiding in the dark!

Suddenly, Ron's ears twitched, he frowned and teleported away.