One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 12: Xiu Zuo's sneak attack test!


Seeing the door slowly closing, Major General Tryon breathed a sigh of relief... He could have gone in together, but as someone appeared, he felt it was necessary to stand outside for a while.

Looking back, a figure had appeared in the empty place just now, leaning against the wall and trimming nails.


The guard soldiers and Tryon stood at attention and saluted, shouting loudly: "General Kizaru!"

The person who appeared outside the testing point at this time was none other than one of the three most elusive navy generals in the original novel, "Kizaru" Porusalino.

He was wearing a bright yellow and white suit, with a righteous coat of arms with luxurious epaulettes unique to generals. He had curly black hair, a beard on his face, a pair of sunglasses, and a tall and thin figure.

He said he couldn't figure it out because Kizaru never showed a very obvious purpose in the original work and was indifferent to everything.

Two years after the major incident, Akainu and Aokiji fought in Punk Hassad for the throne of marshal due to different ideas, but Kizaru showed no interest at all... as if he had no idea at all what style the Navy would act in the future. care.

Akainu and Aokiji can be said to be the navy's hawks and doves with clear-cut positions, but Kizaru... To be honest, no one can see through him.

A certain comment on Earth analyzed Kizaru very clearly, and that's what it said.

Kizaru has no emotional entanglements, no entanglements in the judgment of justice, and there is no uncertainty or hesitation about anything in any sense. He is just responsible for carrying out tasks... nothing more.

Excluding the secrets hidden behind this person, from this point of view alone, Ron is the replica of Kizaru. It's just that the starting point is different. He really doesn't want it to be troublesome and doesn't want to think about all the twists and turns.

At this moment, Kizaru was leaning against the wall, holding a nail clipper and trimming his nails.

Hearing the salute, he blew his fingers and raised his head after a moment. His eyes skipped Tryon and locked on the closed door, speaking very slowly.

"Hey, Tryon... the one who went in just now is the one with the Thunder Fruit ability, right?"

"Well… "

Why does Kizaru care about this

Doesn't he care about everything

Tryon was surprised, but because of his position, he immediately replied: "Yes, General Kizaru. His name is Ron, and Lieutenant General Garp asked me to bring him to the recruit camp for testing!"


Kizaru repeated the name, blew the dust off his nails with a puff, stood up slowly, and said to Tryon.

"Then let's go in and take a look... Thunder Fruit, thunder and lightning in the sky? It's so scary, so scary!"

Tryon couldn't understand what was going on now, so he could only raise his chest and raise his head: "Follow your orders!"

The test site is an empty sand and gravel field without any people or equipment. It is as empty as a desert area. When Ron walked in, he thought he had gone to the wrong place for the first time. He looked back at the wall and the tall main body of the fortress outside to make sure that he had not traveled through time again.

This is not the same testing ground as the gym he expected! Not to mention the unique black technology equipment in the One Piece world, why can't even a single person be seen

At the top of the high wall behind Ron, in a room built into the wall, Kizaru and Tryon stood there, watching Ron's every move through the window. After seeing Ron step forward cautiously, Kizaru pouted and smiled obscenely: "Is there no one here? This style of the teacher's beloved disciple, Brigadier General Shusa, right?"

The only person who can be called a teacher by Kizaru is Zefa, the chief instructor of the new military camp, the former admiral of the navy, and the "black wrist"!

However, the two had long disagreed over certain ideas, and Kizaru never asked about matters in the new military camp. Tryon didn't expect that he would even know Xiu Zuo's testing style so clearly.

"Uh... yes, it should be Instructor Xiu Zuo."

After being stunned for a second, Tryon quickly answered.

All other instructors in the new camp were selected, but Zefa and Xiuzuo resigned. This had caused a stir in the headquarters, so Tryon was very familiar with them.

Hearing the answer, Kizaru pouted, and the wrinkles on his old face made this wretched expression scary: "Yoshi... It seems that Teacher Zefa is very interested in Ron... Now there is something exciting to watch!"

In response, Tryon's mouth twitched, but he could not refute.

If it were Xiu Zuo, he could indeed test Ron's current shortcomings most accurately, but the process...

At the same time, in the marshal's office, Warring States who heard the report looked at Zefa in surprise and asked: "He has only gained the fruit ability for about a month and has not experienced any actual combat training. Are you sure you want Xiu Zuo to be responsible?" ?”

Xiu Zuo's testing method is simply a nightmare for every new member of the navy!

"Marshal, please rest assured, Xiu Zuo will be measured!"

To this, Zefa replied confidently. At the same time, he glanced at the sleeping person across the table and grinned: "And I want to check whether he was taken on board Lieutenant General Garp's ship for a month. Crooked, do I need to correct it..."


The snot bubbles exploded. Garp opened his eyes blankly and glanced left and right.

What just happened

Why do I feel cold all of a sudden

But considering that this was Sengoku's office, there was no chance of an accident. Garp rubbed his nose, threw his head back, and continued to sleep.

Suddenly, Seng Guo's whole body was filled with black energy, and his teeth clenched.


In the wide gravel ground, Ron walked forward slowly, his muscles all tense.

He did not take it lightly just because there was no one there. As a naval important place, it was unreasonable that no one was guarding it. Besides, since it’s a test, anything can happen!


After taking a few steps forward and stepping on the ground, Ron was surprised. He suddenly squatted down, grabbed a handful of sand, and rubbed it in his palms, thoughtfully.

"I see… "

"Hey, you're the new recruit here for the test, right? Sorry, I just went to the toilet... Wait a moment, we'll start the test right away!"

Suddenly, a voice suddenly sounded. Ron turned around in an instant, and lightning almost burst out from his body. But he immediately stopped the impulse and twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Uh... OK! Instructor, you can do whatever you want..."

I saw an inconspicuous door pushed open on the wall, and a naval officer pushed the door open. The shoulder badge on his body told him that this person was a colonel. If nothing else, he was the instructor in charge of the test.

"Speaking of which, no one has come to test for a long time... Now is not the time for recruits to take the test every six months. I was suddenly pulled back while eating and said that I wanted to take a test... I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to leave you alone, little brother!"

The colonel came over complaining and apologizing to Ron.

"It's okay, me too... just arrived."

Did I make a mistake

Ron stood there with an embarrassed expression and some doubts about life.

Seeing Ron's dazed look, Kizaru's lips slowly curled into a smile in the stands.

"coming… "

Bang! !

as expected!

The words just fell.

The next second, the sand behind Ron suddenly exploded, and a figure emerged from the ground, like lightning, and rushed behind Ron in an instant. The sharp-eyed Kizaru discovered that the man's fist was wrapped with jet-black domineering energy. Ron could not dodge this punch with elemental transformation!

This... is the testing style of Brigadier General Xiu Zuo, the person in charge of the test site...

Actual combat! !

In his eyes, soldiers are for fighting!

It cannot be said that the tedious test of speed and strength is meaningless, but it is not as accurate as actual combat data!

Especially in the face of sneak attacks, it best reflects a person's actual combat ability!

An elite navy general who has mastered two-color domineering and has extraordinary attainments in the six styles of swordsmanship. He secretly hides underground and launches sneak attacks on recruits. He is unavoidable and unstoppable... It is no wonder that Shuu Zuo's test is regarded by every recruit. What a nightmare!