One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 121: The waves are rising! (2/10)


Half an hour later, Ron walked out of the room and teleported back to his room without saying a word, leaning against the wall and breathing heavily.

Although he had already heard from the original work that there was a top powerhouse in the world in CP0 who was comparable to an admiral, but it was only when he faced Zero's murderous aura that Ron realized that this statement was insufficient.

At least the three current navy admirals don't have as terrifying a murderous intent as Zero!

Different from the three generals' respective views of justice, it was a pure and incomparable killing intent that was not mixed with other ideas!

Zero claims to be the strongest shield of the Celestial Dragons, but in fact, he is also the strongest spear of the Celestial Dragons, clearing all obstacles for them!


"This is considered a deal! Hahahaha...hahahahaha!!"

Ron was sneering, a little crazy. He took off his clothes soaked in cold sweat and threw them on the bed, then walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

He succeeded!

This sentence can sum up everything!

The Tianlong people are an extremely terrifying mountain that hangs over everyone's heads, Ron is no exception, Zero...

No exception!

When Zero said, "So, is this the reason why Skant was caught by Crocodile?" Ron understood everything.

CP0 had long discovered Crocodile's little moves and knew about the assassination plan the two men were about to unfavorable to him, so he set off to Lavit Island first. If nothing else, Ron can guarantee that it was for him.

The reason was that the Level 2 combat readiness order he issued in the City of Spring Queen made Zero suspicious. Thinking about it now, although what he did at that time eliminated the danger and prevented his traces from being grasped by Crocodile and others, it was still like lighting a lantern in the toilet and seeking death!

Are you so cautious in front of CP0 agent Stussy because you are afraid that the other party will not see what is wrong

But these things are nothing with the appearance of Lirisk...

Just like Ron would be executed if he injured Lirisk without knowing it, because they didn't know it and caused Lirisk to fall into a dangerous situation, the fate will be the same between you and me. Those bastards of the Tianlong people don't care whether you know it or not. They only look at the results to determine whether they threaten the "Dragon people"!

So on the surface, Zero was trying to protect the Celestial Dragon family from being beaten to death by Orric, thereby protecting himself in disguise. In fact, Zero was also afraid that he could not bear the responsibility of putting the Celestial Dragon family in danger.

The purpose of Ron's question was to show that I knew about it. Everyone should shut their mouths, or we'd all be finished together! Use this to blackmail Zero into completely erasing him, otherwise he will die!

This is a confrontation about power. If you succeed, the sky will be brighter, and if you fail... you will die!

Ron didn't want to be hated by Zero, but he would rather have one more innocent enemy than having Zero grab his tail and teach others.

The only risk is that if the strength gap between the two sides is too big, you will be killed if you do this! However, Ron's self-healing ability is not limited. If he wants to escape, Zero's chances of catching him are not very high.

Fortunately, Zero did not kill him, indicating that he acquiesced to this result.

This was Zero's own mistake. When formulating key issues, his mind was not as fast as his. So this bath was very relaxing and enjoyable for Ron.

Not long after, Dongte came to the door.

Looking at the bathroom where singing was coming from, Dongte coughed and said.

"Major General Ron, Lapnis is holding a dinner tonight and inviting you to attend. Will you go?"

The status of the franchised countries is not as high as that of the Navy Headquarters. The world government only values the population of the franchised countries, not the king. That's why they don't even care about internal affairs, rebellions, etc., and let them be free. As a major general who came out of the headquarters, he still showed great strength to subdue the perverts of "King Shichibukai" Crocodile and "King of Assassination" Gino. Ron could go to Lapnis's dinner party if he wanted to, but not if he didn't.

"Emmmm, can you knock on the door and come in next time?!"

In the bathroom, Ron was startled, and then said something very speechless. At the same time, he thought silently in his heart that Dongte could ignore what he saw, heard, and felt. The problem of domineering perception must be solved as soon as possible!

Dongte smiled "haha" at this. Do you blame me for not closing the door? ! !

"I blew thousands of the Kingdom's troops into ashes with one strike of Kirin. Lapnis wished I didn't show up..."

Ron thought for a while and replied: "In that case, it's okay not to go!"

"Okay, that's how I'll reply. But there are a few guys who want to join in the fun. Are you sure?"

"You want to take the opportunity to drink, right?!"

Ron rolled his eyes, feeling really powerless against the drunkard under his command. Donte shrugged. He personally had little interest in alcohol, but he also thought Ron's prohibition was unreasonable.

Wasn't it because the house was bombed on the day we left the camp

Is it necessary to get so angry

The culprit is the Lieutenant General of the headquarters headed by Garp. The soldiers are innocent!

"Forget it, people from the headquarters will come to take over our tasks in a few days. It's good to give them a holiday these days."

Ron said this, and suddenly stopped Dongte, and said seemingly unintentionally: "By the way, Dongte, when you took Crocodile away, who else besides you saw my opponent clearly?"

Dongte: "No, the rest of them have poor dynamic vision and can't even see the human form... Come on..."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Dongte immediately regretted it, and cold sweat flowed down his body. Ron also stopped talking in the bathroom, and for a while he could only hear the sound of water dripping from the showerhead on the floor.

Days are like years, which is not enough to describe Dongte's feeling at this time. The heart beats rapidly and soon reaches 200. The surge of energy and blood made Dongte's mouth go dry, but at the same time, he only felt that his bones were solidifying into ice in the murderous intent.

After an unknown amount of time, in the bathroom, Ron said slowly.

"It's help me keep an eye on it."

Dongte breathed an exaggerated sigh, pressed the hilt of his sword upon hearing this, and nodded with a complicated expression.


A few days later, shocking news spread across the sea.

Crocodile, the veteran "Shichibukai", "National Hero of Alabasta" and "Sand Crocodile" for more than ten or twenty years, turned out to be the boss behind the Grand Line's notorious Baroque crime company! !

The whole world was shocked when this happened! !

Since the establishment of the Shichibukai system, it has been updated many times in the past twenty years, but Crocodile will always be among them!

At the same time, as a national hero of Alabasta, he repeatedly blocked pirates from passing through Alabasta, and was shamed by countless pirates. He was considered a staunch supporter of the World Government, and his loyalty was second only to the "tyrant" Bear. This is a fact that even the Navy has almost recognized, which is enough to show how good Crocodile is on the surface!

Compared to those uneasy Shichibukai, he and Xiong are simply models!

A red heart towards the sun!

The result is that Crocodile is actually the president of Baroque behind his back!

It simply refreshed the world’s outlook! !

At first, many people were unwilling to believe that the news was true, mainly Alabasta nationals. They firmly believe that Crocodile is the great hero of Alabasta and this is another conspiracy of the navy.

But after General Aoki led the Demon-Slaying Order, they arrived in Alabasta from the Navy Headquarters, and found the kidnapped true king Kobra, the news was recognized by the world, and then spread crazily across the sea!

Both the Warring States Period and the Five Old Stars regarded this matter as a shame, and ordered all the Shichibukai to gather at the Navy Headquarters to cooperate with the inspection. The sea was shaken for a while! The aftermath of the fall of Crocodile in the Shichibukai spread throughout the world, and comments could be heard everywhere.

In the new world, there is a giant sailing ship with a whale head carved on the front. On the Moby Dick, the strongest man in the world today, "Whitebeard" Edward Newgate, holds a newspaper in his hand and laughs "gu la la la".

"This little brat Sand Crocodile turns out to be a bit of a pirate! I thought this was the end of his life! Goo-la-la-la!!"

After saying that, Whitebeard picked up the giant wine bowl in front of him, which was about one person in diameter and long, and kept drinking.

Marco, the captain of the first team, was looking at the newspaper in shock. Unprepared, he had to put the newspaper down and complained: "Dad, you can't drink anymore, your body won't be able to bear it if you continue like this!"

"For me, wine is the best medicine for healing! Come on, sons, let's drink to the pirates!"


The Grand Line, the Devil's Triangle.

Moria sat on top of the ghost castle, biting her fingers and reading the newspaper carefully. Only after she had memorized every word, did Moria scream and curse.

"Damn Crocodile! I didn't expect you to be such a guy!!"

The zombie army also needs arms. One time, the arms he purchased were intercepted by Baroque Works. He has been holding a grudge. Now he has finally found out the real culprit.

"But this Major General Ron is very strong. He can kill Geno and capture Crocodile. If we can get his shadow... 嘁嘁嘁嘁嘁!!"

Listening to the roars and curses coming from the castle, they quickly turned into sneers, as if they were crazy. On the terrifying triangle, the living people who had been deprived of their shadows were trembling.

City of Seven Waters, Bruno Bar.

"Have you heard? Crocodile has fallen!"

"Nonsense, we've been arguing about this for the past few days!"

"No, no, no, I mean if a Shichibukai falls, who will the Navy choose to become the new Shichibukai?"

The faces of several drunken pirates were flushed. After hearing this, they all flashed fiercely: "Yes, who could it be?!"

"Do you know who Major General Ron is? I had a drink with him last time!"

"You know Teabeard and Hook, right? They went to sneak attack the warship, but no one survived!"

Listening to the various sounds in his ears, Bruno continued to wipe the wine glass with a simple expression.

This era of great pirates, which had been stable for many years, finally began to make waves because of Ron.