One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 122: Justice is never late! (3/10)


One month later, Isla Levitt.

"I'm warning you, come back right now!!"

Outsiders saw only the turmoil and Ron's scenery. After this incident, although there were still voices questioning the true strength of Ron, a "big shot" who had risen from a recruit to a major general, most people put aside their thoughts of provocation, and Ron's name was officially recognized by the sea and became a major general. A capable Navy rookie.

However, no one would have thought that the protagonist Ron, who should have been infinitely prosperous, was holding the phone bug and accepting the lessons from Zefa. Garp was snickering and winking at Ron.

After all, it was the downfall of the Shichibukai!

The Four Emperors, the Navy Headquarters, and the Shichibukai under the King. Since Roger opened the Age of Great Pirates, the Navy has spent several years of hard work and countless sacrifices to finally maintain this fragile balance on the surface. The tide of the times has its ups and downs like ocean waves, rapids and slowdowns. Not long after the Great Pirate Era calmed down, it climbed to a new peak again because of Ron's actions.

It will take an unknown amount of time to completely quell the chaos caused by Crocodile's downfall.

No matter what Crocodile did, the person who broke the balance was Ron after all...

So Ron got scolded.

Sengoku blamed Ron for not reporting the matter. If he had made the matter clear in advance, the navy would have been able to deal with it calmly and quell the chaos as quickly as possible with the least disturbance.

Of course, this sentence is just for fun.

If Ron really did that, Zefa would be the first to take action and lock Ron up to interrogate the information.

Even the Navy and the CP organization couldn't find out Crocodile's true identity. Why would Ron know about it

Now seeing him killing Geno and capturing Crocodile, his contribution was huge. Seng Guo swallowed the bitter pill without holding his nose, and found an excuse to scold Ron.

After all... there is someone behind him!

Zefa, Garp, and cp0 who suddenly showed kindness to Ron for no reason, what else can Sengoku do

You can't convict Ron just because the source of the information he knew was unknown, right

Zefa also believes that Ron has brought a great contribution to the Navy and also created a big trouble. Although he is no longer in office, the Navy's troubles are also related to him. He caught Ron and scolded him, telling him to go back immediately.

"Yes! Understood! Promise to complete the mission!"

Ron knew that Zefa was just having fun, pretending to be his grandson, and it took him a long time to calm down Zefa's anger. After hanging up the phone, Garp bit the donut and took the dive with dozens of chapters without any scenes. Major General Tryon came over.

"You boy, you did a good job this time!!"

Garp highly praised Ron's actions. He had long disliked the Shichibukai system and was a member of the opposition vote until it was established. No matter how many little secrets Ron hid, at least in terms of behavior, he did not disappoint Garp.

But after saying this, Garp immediately came over quietly and showed his true face: "I think Zefa is old and confused. What can you learn from such a teacher? Come with me, I promise to teach you what I know." Leave it all to you!”

In response to this, Ron rolled his eyes helplessly and complained: "Ha... Ha... Ha... Are you always going to throw me into an abyss or tie me to a hot air balloon and send it to the sky or the jungle at night? Don't think that I don't I know how you educated your grandson in Donghai."

"Pfft...cough cough cough!!"

Garp almost choked to death after taking a mouthful of donuts. He stared at Ron like a ghost, his fingers trembling: " do you know this?!"

Even Zefa and others didn't know these trivial matters, but Ron was able to explain them clearly!

"Haha, guess what!"

Now that he has revealed the fact that he knows secret information, Ron doesn't mind showing a little bit of specialness. This is a statement, telling Seng Guo not to be wary of me, otherwise he is fully qualified to act stupid, and no one can do anything to him.

Garp people are old and mature, and they are thieves if they are old but not dead... In short, after he was shocked, he quickly understood what Ron meant, smashed his mouth, shook his head and skipped this ring.

"Okay, I don't want to say forget it. I will take over the rest. Zefa asked you to go back, right? You can go back now!"

Karp emphasized the word "go".

Ron: "..."

Naughty old man!

You deserve your son and grandson to contradict you!

Watching Ron lead the team away, Garp's indifferent expression gradually calmed down, but he stared at Ron's back, with constantly changing expressions in his eyes. Finally, he sighed and said to Tryon: "Let's go meet that CP0 and see what he wants to say!"

"Actually, what I want to say is that I retrieved Saint Liriske. I killed Skant on the spot when he fled in fear of crime. Tell Warring States that this matter has absolutely no connection with Major General Ron... "

Not long after, Ling was talking to Garp in the palace courtyard without changing his expression.

His identity was no secret to the old man in front of him. He took off his mask at this moment, revealing an ordinary middle-aged male face. The only feature that can be remembered is the red mark that looks like a blood spot in his left eye. It never moves with the movement of the eyeball, as if a spiral device is installed.

Garp had a sullen face, nodded when he heard this, and left without saying a word.

"This brat! He is really fearless!!"

Deep Sea Tuna Station, this is Ron's second time here.

The king went to greet Garp because of his arrival. They said hello and left without letting anyone pick them up. Sitting in front of the old man's cart, Dongte twisted his waist and said: "Major General Ron, it's time to set off soon, how long do you have to eat!"

"Don't worry, who dares to start without me?! Boss, here are ten more skewers!"


The restaurant truck owner agreed with a smile and turned around to work.

No matter what the rest of the sea thought, at least for the citizens of Puke, Ron had done a good thing. After the thunderstorm appeared that day, guys who looked like old men clapped their hands and shouted angrily that the pirates deserved to be struck by lightning! Later, when they found out that Ron had done it, although they couldn't understand what kind of power it was, they still thanked Ron from the bottom of their hearts.

At this time, Puke's sea train has returned to the train schedule, residents are returning one after another, restaurants have reopened, and pedestrians are gradually increasing. The smelly trash cans were cleaned out, and the stray cats couldn't find food, so they could only meow in front of various stores. At this time, the store owner will habitually prepare food for them.

The slogan of this food city is, “No one should leave hungry”!

Neither can cats.


A white cat with orange stripes raised its tail and walked past Ron's feet. Ron lowered his head and met its light blue pupils.

"Here you go, little one, eat!"

The boss smiled and cut off part of the unpickled octopus tentacles and threw it to it. It jumped up nimbly and caught it in mid-air. Then it ran to the underground of the dining car and took big bites. Cats are animals that are grateful and dependent on people. Ron mourned for three seconds of silence for his boss, and then said to Dongte: "Donte, do you think I was too hasty this time and didn't consider at all that there would be What are the consequences?"

"hehe… "

Dongte smiled but didn't answer.

There is no need to elaborate on this issue. If it weren't for Ron's extraordinary talent, Crocodile's sand transformation would have killed him countless times!

What are the consequences

Death is the consequence!

Ron didn't even think about Dongte's answer. He was eating alone and said to himself: "Teacher Zefa told me that justice may be late, but it will never be absent! In my eyes... it's just a fart!"

Dongte's expression changed, and he quietly sat down half a meter away from Ron.

"When I learned that the pirate coalition attacked Phuket, do you know how anxious I was?! What nonsense justice will never be absent, delayed justice is not worthy of being called justice!"

"Well said! I'll take this mustard-flavored meatball!"

The boss gave Ron a thumbs up and served a plate of pungent new flavored meatballs.

"Mustard? This is a really strange condiment!"

Watching Ron immediately give up his words and start to deal with the meatballs with his eyes shining, Dongte was speechless for a moment and silently tore into the skewers.

Justice that is never late

For now... let's just say that!

What those people want to see is probably Ron like this.

"Forget it, why are you thinking about these things? I can't clean them anymore..."

Dong Te laughed miserably and ignored the gaze cast from the hidden corner of the street.