One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 123: Real flying!


Ron's sudden emotional outburst was not an accident. The large naval force, which could arrive from the nearby branch in half a month, was delayed for a whole month, traveling at full speed through the stars and nights, before Garp arrived at Puke.

Although on the surface CP0 requested the Navy to send a fleet to escort Saint Lirisk back to Mariejoia, the matter was so important that the Warring States Period sent Garp. But Ron knew that this was Sengoku's statement, saying that he could let go of Ron's knowledge and not report it, but don't forget that he was still staring at him.

At this time, Ron had better let Warring States see what he wanted to see, otherwise the consequences would be serious!

After bidding farewell to his boss, Dongte came to the station alone. The second lieutenant who slapped him twice asked strangely: "Where is the major general?"

Dongte pointed to the sky with an expressionless expression.

The second lieutenant's expression froze, then immediately turned red, then blue.

The major general has ascended to heaven!

With a scream, the news quickly spread throughout the car. The startled soldiers ran out of the car and saw Dongte who had caught two second lieutenants and beat them violently. He immediately showed his extraordinary discipline and neatness. Turn around, step forward... I run!

At the same time, high in the sky.

Ron remained elemental and floated on the clouds, putting away the record pointer.

"In this direction, we should be able to rush over..."

There was a cloud in front of him, and there was also a cloud in the distance in the sky. The distance between the two was more than three thousand meters. Even if Ron burst out at his fastest speed, it would take two to three seconds to fly over, otherwise he could only Teleport.

However, he was not prepared to do that. Whether it was elemental movement or teleportation, it was too wasteful of energy compared to what he was about to do.

Through Yifa Qilin, Ron found a good way to quickly increase fruit development. It would take a month to return by boat, and this time could be used to develop the Thunder Fruit. After all, this method was something he had never thought of, and it was also a unique movement skill of the Thunderman. By the way, it protects the environment and reduces unnecessary natural disasters on the sea surface.

"I'm such a fucking genius!!"

Ron swallowed nervously and cursed to cheer himself up.

What he has to do is very simple. The clouds must be filled with positive and negative charges. With electric charges, lightning people can move without loss. This is a new discovery brought to him by Qilin. So, since the sky is full of charged clouds, why can't we launch ourselves out through the electric power accumulated inside

This not only ensures speed but also reduces losses. At the same time, familiarity with the fruit's ability can also protect the environment and reduce natural disasters.

Of course, the most important thing is that he looks tall and handsome!

That's right, Ron is going to fly directly back to Marineford in this way! !

Is justice never late difficult

Just be fast enough!

As long as I'm fast enough, even the wind... and light can't catch up with me!

One of the difficulties in operation is to mobilize the electric current accumulated in the clouds to burst out at a sufficient speed, which requires a high level of proficiency in the thunder fruit.

The second difficulty in operation is to determine the direction while moving at high speed, which is a test of your domineering power and reaction speed.

The third difficulty in operation is that this is a long-lasting process. Reasonable allocation of physical strength to enable continuous flight and teleportation in places without clouds requires strong physical support.

The fourth difficulty in operation is also the most important point.

Believe in your luck!

After awakening his Haki, Ron was already able to control the direction in a straight line. The inner network covering an abnormal area provided Ron with enough confidence. The second and third operational difficulties were due to his lack of proficiency. Parts that need improvement.

Teleportation is an unreasonable jump in space and consumes a lot of physical energy. It doesn't matter once or twice, but now what he has to do is to cross the sea! Teleportation seems to be a very long distance, a drop in the bucket compared to the ocean.

The sea is so vast that when he runs out of strength and cannot find an island to rest, he falls down and drowns!

So points one and four are crucial to Ron.

The first point is that for the time being, you can use the cooperation of thunder clouds and lightning rods as conductors. Even if you fail, you can fly yourself out and gradually become familiar with it. Only the fourth point is beyond human control. If we encounter some weird weather, or encounter a pointed head with a rudder on its head, or a sea cloud with an abnormal height, Ron will die or be disabled!

Taking a silent breath, Ron pulled out the thunder cloud and jumped into the cloud before the electricity in the cloud was sucked into the thunder gem.

Zizzi...bang! !

The next moment, a waist-thick lightning shot out as the clouds exploded. The terrifying speed left lingering afterimages in the air. Dongte heard the thunder and raised his head thoughtfully, his expression strange as never before.

"Good luck, Major General Ron."



Boom! !

Sounds of thunder rang out from the sky. When I first heard the lightning, it was still several miles away, but in the blink of an eye, it had disappeared into the horizon.

Pieces of swollen and scattered clouds were stained by lightning and dotted on the blue sky. They were connected in series with the current, like a zipper with intertwined teeth, traversing the sky and locking the world.

People on the Grand Line discovered a new strange climate phenomenon, which was extremely attractive to climatologists. They were busy looking at the data, trying to explain the reasons for the occurrence of this climate... Although no one was optimistic about them. .

After all, according to statistics, among the thousands of unique climate phenomena known to the Grand Line, they have explained less than 500 clearly, and they are still the most common 500! Such as storms, blizzards, etc...

This unique climate phenomenon was named zipper thunder.

High in the sky, Ron had a wild smile on his face, transformed into thunder and lightning, and moved quickly between the clouds. At this time, Ron finally understood why the Speed series has endured for so long. For men, except for one aspect, the faster the series is, the more exciting it is!

The faster, the more passionate!

This rapid secretion of adrenaline makes the heart beat wildly. It only takes a second for two clouds that are thousands of meters apart to reach each other. The feeling of being left far behind by the terrifying sound barrier is really...

“So exciting!!”

It was now Ron's second day of departure. He had spent two days familiarizing himself with this method of movement, and now practice makes perfect. The specific difficulty is not very high, the only requirement is to be fast!

The charge inside must be mobilized in advance to form the barrel before entering the clouds, otherwise the propulsion force will be lost because the current cannot meet the requirements. The direction of the next movement must be determined before the previous movement starts, otherwise the speed will be too fast and there will be no reaction time.

In less than a second, as long as all operations are completed, such incredible speed can burst out!

The flying speed of this simple incarnation is so fast that it is beyond comprehension!

Standing high in the sky, the arc of the sky draws the boundary of the planet, and the blue sea is in full view. In Ron's eyes, ships traveling with the wind were like crawling turtles, and rain clouds sprinkled tens of thousands of tons of rainwater into the sea like showerheads, while he flew past them.

This can be called flying!

In one day, just as he was gradually getting familiar with it, he had already flown across the Capital of Seven Waters! Three times faster than the sea train! Now that he is proficient in the operation, the speed continues to increase. As long as he is given one more day, Ron guarantees that he can fly back to Marineford!

In the future, the speed will only be faster!

Because he still has a lot of room for improvement in the development of Thunder Fruit.

His current speed is only 2000km/s~5000km/s, while the maximum speed of thunder and lightning can reach 1/5~1/3 of the speed of light, which is about 60000km/s~100000km/s!

The minimum distance is 60,000 kilometers in one second!

So the space is scary!

And he only needs to double or triple his speed, and it only takes an hour to circle the planet!

Just ask Kizaru if he can do it? !

Light is faster than lightning, but Kizaru is not necessarily faster than Ron!

It may be a disadvantage for short-distance movement. After all, the Eight-foot Mirror allows Kizaru to move at almost the speed of light after transforming into light particles. But for long-distance movement, Ron allows Kizaru to run for half an hour first!