One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 126: Guests from the Sky Island (7/10)


Will the "general who doesn't kill" have a real killing move

Even if you think about it, you know it's impossible.

Although Garp and Zefa are both strong in physical skills, their ideas are different. Garp thinks that he has only one pair of fists, and he can knock you down with just one punch! If one punch is not enough, use two punches. If two punches are not enough, use ten punches or a hundred punches. With the fist that never flinches, he will kill all enemies and earn the reputation of "Iron Fist"!

However, Zefa is more talented than Garp in terms of armed color domineering, and he pays more attention to the control of power, and can produce ten thousand effects with one point of force. "Black wrist" is not only an expression for Zefa, but also a fear of his enemies.

His terrifying achievements in power control are proved by those black wrists!

"Iron Fist" and "Black Wrist" are both symbols. The former represents Garp's indestructible fist, just like the person he is, and the latter is the best answer to Zefa, just like his real killing move. Wu Wan Ming Feng!

This is a move that Zefa uses his unique control to integrate the armed color domineering and the six-style secret life return into one, mobilizing the whole body's strength to execute a devastating killing move!

With one move, it was like the peaks of the underworld in the land of the dead appeared. The trees and rocks on the peaks were all filled with wailing and screaming souls!

"The Mingfeng was originally just a shock wave skill used in conjunction with life return. It was created by an old man in the Navy two hundred years ago. At that time, I remember it was called the Six Kings Spear..."

That night, Zefa sat in front of the bonfire and told Ron about the origin of the Gate of Hades.

"The Mingfeng back then was not perfect. When mobilizing the whole body's strength, the body was stiff, and at the same time it could not integrate the armed color haki. As a result, the power was impressive, but the practicality was not high. However, the senior saw the possibility of integrating the armed color haki, and left I hope that future generations can implement the concept I created, so before me, Mingfeng, or the Six Kings Spear, was only a more powerful ordinary move."

"Marshal Kong saw that I had strong control over my power, so he taught me it. It took me decades to completely integrate the armed domineering force and form my unique martial arts, which is also my nickname 'Black The origin of the wrist'... Then, I discovered that it is more than that... "

Speaking of this, Zefa smiled with some anticipation on his face.

"The key point of 'Underworld Peak' represents fusion, not pure destruction. I found the key point of fusion and tried to teach it to Aokiji and Akainu. Although they failed to learn it, they did use it in their attacks. A hint of fruit power.”

"So Ron, as long as you can control it, maybe you can knock out the power of thunder and lightning together, making it more powerful!"

Ron's heart was filled with excitement when he heard this, and he couldn't wait to ask: "Are you talking about General Aokiji's unique move, Blazing Mouth, and General Akainu's special move, Ghost Dog?"

"That's right!"

Zefa nodded, with a proud smile on his old face: "Although they were unable to completely learn Mingfeng, the two of them developed their own unique skills with the power of their respective fruits. It is not that Dahai does not have other natural elements, but the two of them This unique technique developed by Mingfeng cannot be stopped by other natural ability users!"

Listen, the origins of Mingfeng can be traced back to the history of the Navy two hundred years ago. Rob Luqi's six-style secret six-king spear is just an ordinary shock wave that he uses his whole body to release with his fists after mastering the life and returning it. , is the foundation of Mingfeng!

The generals Aokiji and Akainu, Baozhizui and Minggu are just derivative uses of Mingfeng!

Only "Mingfeng" is the true pinnacle of skills! !

By fusing various powers, the destructive power that destroys all things is unleashed! At the same time, the stronger the individual's strength, the stronger the power. As long as the violent turbulence of several forces mixed together can be controlled, there is almost no upper limit to the power!

This is Zefa's real trump card and a reflection of his recognition of Ron.

As a lightning man, he can control the violent thunder power in his body at any time. Coupled with his exaggerated physical skills talent, Zefa believes that Ron is qualified to learn this trick.

"Martial Arms Mingfeng" represents the pinnacle of physical skills. Even if someone can be stronger than it in terms of pure destructive power, they cannot surpass Mingfeng in terms of skills. It's like a big tree, with this as its foundation, it spreads its branches and leaves!

"Then when do we start?!"

Ron couldn't help but ask.

"Don't worry, you return your life to the society first, and then I will teach you slowly..."

Speaking of this, Zefa asked with a smile: "Have you found that even if you have mastered all six postures, you can't even touch the threshold of returning life?"

"Uh... That's right? Wait... Could it be that?!"

Ron was shocked. He didn't expect that the Navy would have a hand in the Sixth Form of the Navy!

But it’s right to think about it.

For hundreds of years, countless pirates have loved and hated the Sixth Form of the Navy. There are thousands of Sixth Form skills that have been spread about assassinations, kidnappings, and thefts, but why is it that only the Navy controls the return of life

Are the pirates disdainful of Xuequan


There is no distinction between good and evil in power, let alone those scum of pirates!

The real reason is naturally that there is a seventh move among the six naval moves! !

It is this seventh move that integrates the six moves into one, activates incredible potential, and develops the return of life!

"Returning life is the seventh move. It is not a skill that can be mastered by learning the six moves, but a brand new ability!"

Zefa answered Ron's doubts.

Three months later, Naval Headquarters.

Sengoku got up early and came to the office because someone informed him that Crane was back. Regarding the issue of Ron's potential, the Warring States Period sent the only woman who knew about the matter back then.

Think about Ron's influence. For him, Garp traveled thousands of miles to come to Puji in person to deal with the aftermath; Warring States allowed him a half-year vacation to test the efficacy of the potential fruit; Zefa put aside his status as the chief instructor to teach personally; He took the risk Set off to the empty island to find the mysterious potential fruit.

The entire core members of the Navy Headquarters took action because of his appearance, and Ron's influence was evident.

"How is it going?"

Warring States entered the office, closed the door, and said no nonsense. The first sentence got straight to the point.

Crane shook his head calmly.

Warring States looked tense and asked: "How serious is it?!"

"I don't know... I just found out that Ron's life on the Sky Island for several years was fake. He appeared suddenly, snatched away the Thunder Fruit, and then disappeared suddenly. It happened at the same time as Garp picked him up halfway. "

He sat down and replied seriously: "In addition, Bika ate all the potential fruits because of Ron, and the king's line lost the strongest means to rule Bika. Half a year ago, a noble named Rudarfendis rebelled, Some kind of ancient instrument deep in the core of Bika was detonated, and Bika was completely destroyed, and the past history disappeared. I came from Bika on Angel Island, which is three days away from Bika. Heard it from the mouths of the refugees.”

Even without Enelu, Bika did not avoid the ending of destruction in 1516 in the original work.

"Hiss... Bika disappeared?!"

The Warring States Period was shocked. The birdman they rescued originally came from Bika. He stole the potential fruit controlled by the king's lineage and was chased and accidentally fell into Qinghai. The birdman at that time told them that if they wanted this kind of fruit, they should go to Bika, the sky island. There were countless potential fruits there, but they were all controlled by the king's lineage.

At that time, Marshal Kong ignored it, even though Garp became the strongest among them because of a fruit. Because he clearly knows how greedy and corrupt the world government is. If this kind of thing is exposed, the whole world will not be peaceful!

Now another navy rookie has emerged who has eaten the fruit of potential and blossomed with dazzling light. Sengoku said it was impossible not to consider it, especially now that the Shichibukai has fallen and the situation is becoming increasingly complicated.

However, Crane told him that Bika... was gone

"Yes, that ancient instrument is said to be the source of the Potential Fruit. Fendis wanted to snatch it away, but the king refused. During the battle, the machine detonated, and the entire Bika was reduced to ashes."

He rubbed his eyebrows. If it hadn't been for this trip, she would never have thought that such a bloody dispute would occur on an island thousands of meters above the sea.

In this era of great pirates, there is really no peace anywhere.

"That's it..."

Sengoku's face couldn't tell whether he was disappointed or lucky... Now that the navy has pacifists and lightning stimulation equipment, maybe without the potential fruit, it's not a loss... right

When did I become an ambitious old man

With a wry smile, Warring States waved his hand: "Okay, if it's gone, it's gone. It's okay if I don't miss it at all."

At worst, Ron would just become an ordinary person. He has a strong heart. Even without the help of that fruit, it would only be a matter of time before he grows up.

However, He suddenly said: "As for Ron, I think things are not that pessimistic."


"You can come in..."

He spoke in a loud voice, and several people in strange and different clothes from Qinghai walked in. They are both male and female, old and young, but the most eye-catching thing is that they all have a pair of white, delicate, lifelike wings on their backs.

The leader was wearing a knight's armor, but his figure was thin and old.

"Hello, Mr. Admiral Sengoku!"

The old man nodded slightly to Warring States, and then said: "I am the god of Angel Island, Ganfu."