One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 132: Climb the current! (3/3)


Gaya Island, Oak Tavern.

This tavern, which has been renovated several times, continues the tradition of one hundred baileys and one cup of lees. It was once the favorite gathering place for island residents after a busy day.

However, the waves of the Great Pirate Age are rolling in, and there is no place to stay outside.

Most ordinary people were forced to move away from the island, leaving only pirates and villains. The daily reception of this old tavern has also changed from fishermen to criminals.

It is worth mentioning that the person who is taking over the Oak Tavern is the son-in-law of the former owner. The owner and his daughter died in the shipwreck, which means that different people have different opinions.

"Damn Navy!!"

At this moment, in the Oak Tavern, a drunken pirate opened his collar and cursed: "These bastards! Why are they the only ones who can go up there! We also want to go up to Sky Island!!"

These words immediately attracted a group of people to agree. Even if they are not pirates, there are many people who want to go to Sky Island.

The navy's blockade made them gnash their teeth with hatred, scolding He and Sengoku who had given the order. But facing strong ships and powerful artillery, even if they all join together, they may not be opponents.

The navy alone is indeed not a match for the masters from all sides here, but if you push them into a hurry and they sneak to the sea to focus their fire on the island, what can you do? !

Someone soon jumped out and sneered.

"Pull you down..."

The pirate rolled his eyes disdainfully: "So what if the Navy allows others to go aboard? Only the Navy has airships. Can you build them or fly them?"

"I have inquired about it. If other people want to go to Sky Island, they can either take a hot air balloon from the Seven Star Island on the first route to the sea of clouds several hundred meters high, and rush up with a narrow escape through the White Sea Channel...or they can come to Gaya Island to gamble their lives. , wait for the current to hit the sea!"

"All die together, or all survive!"

The man slammed his wine glass on the table and gritted his teeth: "Why don't I and the others wait to leave? Aren't they just waiting to rush up the current and fight for their lives?!"

Although what this person said may not sound good, it is also a reality.

Now it is unrealistic for most pirates to return to the starting point and change the first route. They are newcomers who have just set foot on the Grand Route for a few months, and various factors do not allow them to retreat.

So if you want to go up, there is only one way to go up the current.

Take a boatload of people and gamble on half of your life!

At this moment, a man rushed in in a panic. He was wearing coarse linen clothes, with a musket and a scimitar on his waist, and he looked like a pirate.

After looking at the tavern, the man swallowed his saliva and shouted in one direction: "Ship... Captain! The upstream current... is coming!!"


There was a sudden silence in the tavern. The pirate captain glared at his crew and walked out in a hurry with a group of people.

Even if you want to risk your life to gamble, you have to know in advance when there will be an upwelling current.

Near Gaya Island, updraft currents occur four to five times a month. It seems like a good chance, but the location is not fixed every time, and you can't even see the ones farther away.

If you fail to prepare in advance and accidentally appear in the center of the updraft current, that is not gambling, but courting death!

His family's navigator is somewhat capable, and he can see this, and he has always regarded it as his trump card. As a result, this person made trouble, and now everyone knew what many people didn't know.

After they left, several pirates recovered from the shock. They looked at each other and slapped the table.


"Notify everyone to be prepared! Mom, it depends on this trip whether you will drink and eat meat or fall to death!"

"Quick! Keep up! We only have this one chance!"

The huge tavern suddenly became empty and quiet, with overturned wine glasses, tables, chairs and benches scattered everywhere. In the corner, a young pirate wearing an orange cowboy hat with "Smile" and "Sad" badges on the brim suddenly woke up when his nose bubbles exploded. He glanced at the tavern, which was obviously bustling just now, and scratched his head strangely.

"Eh? Where is the person? No, I overslept again!"

"The Dangerous Passage of Life or Death", this is the name that Kurik, the chestnut head, said to the Straw Hats.

At this moment, on the western coast of Gaya Island, dark clouds covered the sky and the sun was completely blocked. It was clearly early morning, but the light was as dim as dusk. The low dark clouds seemed to be about to collapse, and the dark clouds pressed over the city. The doomsday scene made countless birds and fish sense the danger and flee in panic.

This is a cumulus cloud, formed high in the sky. But unlike ordinary clouds, no matter how thick they accumulate, they will not produce airflow, nor will they turn into rain and fall.

Wherever it occurs, there is an updraft current.

Even the warships stationed on Gaya Island did not dare to approach this dangerous climate zone at the moment, but the pirate ships spread their sails one by one, braved the waves, and headed straight towards the center point.

Regardless of their purpose and identity, this scene is enough to move anyone to say that.

The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage!

"Hmph! A pirate who doesn't know how to live or die!"

On the deck of the warship stationed here, Lieutenant General Mozambique put down his telescope and snorted coldly.

He was left by Crane to garrison on Gaya Island, and although he succeeded in containing more and more hyenas, he was still unable to eradicate them. Their military strength is insufficient, which is not worth mentioning to the entire Gaya Island thieves' den. In addition, the forces of all parties are weighing against each other, and the situation has to be a stalemate.

After thinking about it, Mo Zambia asked.

"Counsellor Kulik, what do you think?"

Behind Lieutenant General Mozambique stood Wen Brankulik, the former boss of the Aruyama United Army and now the security adviser of the Navy's airboat force.

Crane wanted to go to Sky Island, but even with the help of an airship, it was not completely safe. As the man who was most familiar with Gaya Island, Kulik was fortunate enough to land on Angel Island with Crane.

When he saw the other half of Gaya Island, the "Holy Land" in the mouth of Angel Island people, Apayado, this unyielding and persevering man who never bowed to fate cried like a child.

After that, Kulik, who was relieved of his heart knot, disbanded the Sarusan United Army and promised to sell a hundred kilograms of his flesh to the navy. He asked the crane to lift the bounty of the orangutan and others, and he took on the role of security consultant for the airship unit. position.

He expressed strong support for the idea of the Navy establishing a branch here.

The biggest dispute between the Sandians and the residents of Angel Island is land. If there is a safe rear to bring the soil to the sky, the four-hundred-year-old conflict between the two will not be completely resolved, but at least it can be temporarily alleviated.

Therefore, Kulik did not have the slightest fondness for this group of troublesome pirates.

When Mozambique asked, Kulik answered truthfully.

"The closer the cumulus cloud is to Gaya Island, the stronger the power of the updraft current will be. It can even push half of the island into the sky... That kind of power will instantly destroy the fragile sailboats of the pirates, making it almost impossible to reach safely! "


"Does that mean there is a chance of arriving?"

Mo Zambia frowned. Now that Crane and the ruler of Sky Island have gone to the Navy Headquarters, the remaining Sky Island priest team is still strong. But if you really want to face this group of thugs, you will inevitably end up like them, with insufficient troops and someone taking advantage of them.

"Isn't there any way to stop them? Can breaking up the Jiedi Cloud interrupt the updraft current?"

"The specific principle of upthrusting currents is unknown, but it is generally believed that the eruption of currents is caused by cavities on the sea floor. It is meaningless to break up the cumulus clouds. And... how can human power interfere with nature!"

Kulik shook his head with a wry smile. Of course he knew the consequences of being washed up on Angel Island by this group of thugs, but there was really nothing he could do about it.

The power of the upwelling current so close to the coast is extremely terrifying, and he doesn't feel safe even here.

"No... maybe someone can!"

Mozambia said suddenly, looking at the sky in the distance.

There, clouds exploded, and dazzling and brilliant lightning flashed between the clouds, connecting the clouds together. It was the special weather phenomenon that stretched across the first half of the great sea route before, zipper thunder!

The man who appeared with the zipper thunder was known as the navy's super rookie, a monster strong enough to fight nature!

Kulik was about to ask a question, but the next moment, a strange figure appeared in front of them.

"Am I late? Lieutenant General Mozambique."

Ron had a thundercloud hanging from his waist, wearing a black suit, and the cloak of justice was flapping behind him. The two-meter-five-meter height that finally stopped growing made him look like a giant, with Mozambique and Kulik only reaching his shoulders. The hard face and strong muscles are in perfect harmony. His appearance is not sunny, but he has an inexplicable calm temperament. Deep aura as deep as peaks and abyss spread out from his body, and the violent power of thunder was intimidating!

At this moment, Ron had a sneer on his face, looking back at the Emperor Clouds in the distance... and the pirate ships that were gradually gathering under the Emperor Clouds.

"Looks like I'm just in time!"

Touching Lei Yun's sword hilt, Ron suddenly grinned and smiled with murderous intent.

"The teacher said, don't stay in the open space during thundery weather... little guys!"