One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 133: Curse! (1/3)


At this moment, Gaya Island was in chaos. The streets and alleys were filled with people, and each pirate carried large and small bags, brought his own salutes, and hurriedly rushed to his ship. The pirates who had boarded the ship raised their sails and moved closer to the dangerous dark cloud area.

For many of the pirates, this was the first time in months that they had witnessed the upwelling current as it appeared directly off the coast.

This is also the only opportunity where you can directly risk your life without too much luck!

No one wanted to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, even if they knew the chance of survival was slim. Everyone looked ugly and cursed, making it seem as if everyone was rushing to die.

Except for one…

"Captain, why don't we go there?"

On the northwest coast, the Black Pirates gathered here. As the ship's doctor and deputy captain, Mascudadeus looked back at the densely crowded pirate ships on the distant sea, with a trace of fire in his eyes.

That is the legendary empty island! !

Even if it's not for the treasure, if you leave like this as a pirate... you will be punished by God! !

In response, the captain of the Spade Pirates, Portcas D. Ace, smiled evilly, put his arm around Deus's shoulders, and said, "Deus, do you still remember the rules we set when we entered the Grand Line?"

"Of course you remember, we will go wherever the record pointer points!"

Deus responded quickly.

This is the experience gained by the Spade Pirates through a painful experience. They once deviated from the record pointer out of curiosity and encountered a heavy rainstorm. There were dozens of people on the ship, but only seven or eight survived, and Deus was one of them. One member.

"Then tell me, where is the record pointer pointing now?"

Deus: "..."

"alright, I got it!"

Deus slapped Ace's hand away angrily, muttering as he strode towards the pirate ship: "You guys, please get moving and let's go!"


Watching the crew begin to move, Ace silently pressed his hat, and the smile on his face gradually faded.

"An empty island? I want it too! But..."

"I don't have time to play around, Deus!"

Ace looked into the distance. The Grand Line sailed without distinction between north, south, east, west, and only the record pointer could be trusted. However, he still remembered the direction he came from and the unknown areas he had not yet reached.

"Is the place where Roger dominates called the New World...?"

At this time, a dense and continuous drum-like thunder suddenly sounded in the sky. The hairs on Ace's back suddenly stood up. Looking at the silver snakes flashing in the sky and the busy crew directly below, he shouted: "Danger! Leave quickly." That!!"

boom! !

Time went back to a few minutes ago. Looking at Ron who suddenly appeared, Kulik rubbed his eyes, the cigarette in his mouth fell to the ground, his expression was dazed.

Where did he come from? !

Although the Grand Line is full of strange things, there must be a path for movement, right

They were on the deck of a warship dozens of meters away from the shore!

How could it appear suddenly

Ron didn't take Kulik's surprise seriously. To him, the security advisor of the Roush Aircraft Force was the most meaningless character. If it weren't for the fact that Sky Island didn't have enough things to arouse his interest, it would only take him a minute to get to Sky Island. And more than forty seconds of this minute were still used to avoid Baibaihai.

Ron remembered the feeling of falling into the sea cloud, so he had no interest in trying to break through.

At this time, Mo Zambia came back to his senses, with a wry smile on his face, and shrugged: "Although I heard Ms. He say something about you, when I actually see you, I still feel... it's a bit exaggerated!"

day and a half!

Rush to Gaya Island from the Navy Headquarters! !

It’s almost enough to say it’s a god, right? !

After saying that, Mozambique saluted with a military salute: "Thank you for coming to help, Major General Ron."

Major General... Ron? ! !

Kulik's breath was stagnant, and he suddenly remembered the news he had read in the news.

The one who killed the Hell Island Crab, rose to the top in one step, and became a major general from a recruit; the one who personally arrested the rebellious Shichibukai, Crocodile, causing the sea to turmoil; the legendary Thunder Fruit user, the Navy's super rookie, Major General Ron! !

In the past six months, the two biggest news in Dahai are about Ron. Although he is not in the world, the legend of Ron is spread everywhere in the world.

Now that he finally saw him in person, one can imagine Kulik's surprise!

"Lieutenant General Mozambique has promoted me. It is my duty and my duty to do so!"

A lieutenant general took the initiative to salute the major general, which is rare even in this world where strength is respected. Ron quickly returned the salute and then asked: "By the way, there are no of us lurking over there, right?"

"Over there" refers to the pirates who are now swarming towards Sekitei Cloud. The Navy has suppressed the world for many years and believes in the creed of nipping danger in the cradle. When so many pirates gather together, it is normal to send people to hide.

"We withdrew it a few days ago. Ms. He said you would be here soon..."

Speaking of this, Mo Zambia had a premonition and asked, "Well, do you want to..."


Kulik was startled and opened his mouth: "No way?! What are you going to do? We can't get close to Jiudiyun now, otherwise we are very likely to be involved!"

“It’s not that troublesome…”

Ron shook his head slowly, raised his thumb, and the thunder cloud was unsheathed!

Sizzle! !

The thundercloud that had just exposed an inch suddenly surged with dazzling lightning, turning white. At the same time, there was a burst of muffled thunder in the sky, and a depressing atmosphere enveloped the earth.

In the past three months, Ron has not only strengthened his body, but also gradually strengthened the development and application of the fruit in the process of learning the Underworld Peak.

After Zefa's careful instruction, Ron realized how rough his previous use of the Thunder Fruit was. The most important point is that he completely abandoned the mobility of thunder and lightning, trusting only in his own body instead of choosing the thunder and lightning that should be the main body.

So much so that the "billion-volt unicorn" looks domineering and powerful, and with one strike, not a single blade of grass grows for dozens of miles.

But he only achieved simple activation.

But in fact, the thunder and lightning in the clouds are much more than that...

Therefore, in addition to improving his control over thunder and lightning and using the beyond-visual-range "Thunder God's Judgment", Ron also developed another set of unique ways to use the Thunder Fruit.

Aiming to control the thunder and lightning in nature, lay the foundation for the awakening of fruit abilities in advance!

It's a never-ending progression of moves, similar to his Overdrive series.

Its name is…

"Borrow thunder"!

Buzz! !

With a soft sound, Lei Yun instantly pulled out the Dragon-Ending Sword. The thunder in the dark clouds could no longer bear it, and gathered into a dazzling lightning, striking him head-on. The mighty thunder made people suffocate and despair. Kulik lost the ability to speak as he looked at the thunder pillars struck down from the sky. Under this kind of power, he was almost unstoppable. Mo Zambia also frowned, but he didn't believe that Ron would take aim at nothing.

Sure enough, at this time, Ron held Lei Yun with his backhand and slashed it forward!

Boom... click! !

A crescent-shaped thunder flew out instantly and collided with the thunder pillar. Then, as everyone looked at God, the thunder pillar was suddenly cut open by the crescent moon, split into countless thunder and lightning snakes, and was about to dissipate. But that's not all, the thunder that shattered like glass suddenly flew onto the crescent-shaped thunder, and the rich electric current illuminated the sky, and stretched out a thunder cloak hundreds of meters long.

The victorious general took advantage of this opportunity and plunged into the Ji Emperor Cloud.

"It's about to begin..."

Ron suddenly said lightly.

Mo Zambia hesitated and said: "What?"


The thunder cloud was put into the scabbard, and the impact of the sword's jaw was crisp and sweet.


It's about to start thundering!

Boom! !

As the words fell, there was an explosion in the sky, layers of dark clouds, and thunder snakes rolling and surging among them, and then...



boom! !

Thousands of thunderbolts suddenly struck down, and endless lightning flooded the entire sea area!

The terrifying current surged and most of the people on the warship fell to their knees. Kulik rolled around and got up, looking at the sea in front of him that was flooded by thunder, his eyes full of fear.

"This is... the power that can compete with nature!"

As much area as the cumulus cloud covers, so much area is flooded by thunder. In the face of this mighty power, human power is so insignificant. Pirate ships crowded the sea, escaped, collided, and were later destroyed by thunder. Every second, double-digit pirate ships were sunk, and every second, hundreds of pirates were killed. However, their tragic cries were concealed behind the gorgeous deafening thunder, and did not cause any concern. Notice.

This is no longer called a massacre, but a divine punishment as magnificent as a myth!

Borrow thunder and sky to punish!

"So, don't stay outside in the open areas during thundery weather, little guys!"

Ron said with a sneer on his face and an indifferent tone.

The next second, an earth-shaking water column rushed upward! The sea water from all directions formed a terrifying whirlpool that was as big as half of Gaya Island, sucking in countless pirate ships!

The updraft current has finally begun.

But at this time, the pirates had no chance to think about it. The world was blocked, and there was no escape or avoidance. What the rising current brought was not hope, but the last straw that broke the camel's back!