One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 15: Win!


In the dark underground passage, the air was stuffy and hot, and it was hard to see even one's fingers. The current in Ron's hand was the only source of light here, allowing the two to look at each other.

Looking around, unable to spot the ambush, Xiu Zuo frowned and shouted, "What do you want to do?"

"Speaking of Brigadier General Shuzuo...right?"

Ron leaned his hand against the metal wall, and while the electric light was flowing, he leaned down and gasped for air: "Anyway, if you continue to chase me, you won't be able to catch up with me for a while, so why not just pass this test?"

Ron was very tired from the chase just now, so he increased his strength now and almost hollowed him out.

"You that what you mean?"

Xiu Zuo was stunned for a moment, then understood.

Indeed, he almost forgot that this was a targeted test and he did not have to defeat Ron. I was so angry just now, but now I think about it, Ron's performance was already perfect.

If you know your own strengths and weaknesses, you can only use your strengths to restrain yourself. Even if there is a swindler who knows the information in advance, it is because the other party's intelligence work has been done well! As a soldier, you should never make excuses. Xiu Zuo knew this very well.

"Yeah, it's just a test!"

Ron leaned against the wall and smiled: "Can you honestly say, with my current performance, how many points can I get?"

"Well, let me think about it..."

It is our duty to do our duty.

After hearing what he said, Xiu Zuo thought about this problem seriously. He is the main person in charge of the testing ground in the new military camp. He is known for being strict in the past and rarely gives high scores. But he couldn't deliberately make things difficult for Ron's performance today.

Just like Ron said, follow your conscience!

"I think... actual combat points should be..."

good chance!

Seeing that Xiu Zuo was distracted, in an instant, Ron's eyes lit up, and the electricity in his hands exploded all over again!

For a moment, thunder and light exploded in the passage, and there was a continuous piercing buzz. Xiu Zuo raised his head blankly and thought to himself.

Aren't you asking for ratings

What do you want to do, kid? !

With no time to pay attention to him, Ron raised thunder and lightning in his hands and shouted loudly: "Lei Yetie!!!"

This is something Ron has been able to do for a long time. He has never been exposed before. Using metal to interfere with the pursuit is to hide it, just like the fangs in the mouth of a poisonous snake, waiting for the opportunity to drive the fatal venom into the prey's body, defeating the enemy!

He does want to win... because he can't...

This is the true meaning of challenging yourself: do something you can’t do! !

Boom! ! !

Under Xiu Zuo's dumbfounded gaze, suddenly, the surrounding steel that had never moved since it was created suddenly twisted and began to squirm as if it were alive! Iron blocks from all directions were wrapped around the thunder and lightning pythons, and the terrifying high temperature caused them to turn into gelatinous molten iron, getting closer to him little by little.

Instantly, he was covered in steel in all directions, including front, back, left, and right! The thick steel was like a cage, trapping him in place!

At the same time, the steel was still shrinking, squeezing his range of activities.


Xiu Zuo was immediately shocked and had to push himself up hard, leaving fingerprints on the hot red steel to get a space for himself.

But in this way, more steel took the opportunity to rush in and block those positions that he couldn't care about.

Gradually, the blue light began to dim, the gap between him and Ron was shrinking, and the cage was about to be completed.

Raising his head and looking through the last crack, Xiu Zuo discovered that Ron's hands were unabashedly inserted into the steel. As the thunder exploded, his lips turned white and he was dripping with sweat. It was obvious that he was exhausted, but the smile on his face was so hateful!


Not knowing that he was being tricked, Xiu Zuo filled up his domineering anger and hit the face with his fist.

But he moved a step slower, the steel had already closed, and the punch hit the thick steel wall.

Boom! ! !

The dull bells echoed in the quiet underground passage, and dust continued to fall. Ron was so shocked that he fell to the ground, shrank his head and covered his ears. After a long while, when the shock subsided, he had time to look back, looking at the raised fist mark of the steel ball, and smacked his lips.

"It's a good risk, but luckily I prepared enough steel in advance!"

In the square passage, this section of soil was completely exposed, and the steel that was originally attached to it melted into a ball, forming a steel ball to wrap around Xiu Zuo. He pulled all the underground steel within a radius of twenty square meters. This was really not an easy job!

Xiu Zuo thought that he had driven Ron into a panic and panicked. In fact, every road was within Ron's calculation. He deliberately chose a path without any abnormalities to lead Xiu Zuo forward. The rest... had already been there. When Xiu Zuo was hiding from the thunderstorm outside, he was transformed by Ron in a circle. As a lightning man, the steel passage is like a cheating device for the maze game to him. The passage was dark and there were times when Xiu Zuo couldn't remember it, but Ron definitely wouldn't!

However, the duration of the thunderstorm was too short and the completion was incomplete. Ron had to choose a path and continue construction while chasing, using the heat of thunder and lightning to melt the wall.

Xiu Zuo, who was focusing all his attention on Ron, didn't realize that except for the road he passed, the steel in other places was constantly melting and deforming. The dark underground passage made of pure steel with excellent thermal and electrical conductivity was a perfect place for Ron. Provides the perfect environment for troublemaking.

The gap in the last corner was left intentionally by Ron. Arriving at that location means that he has completed all preparations and is just waiting to be activated.



On the gravel field, thunder and lightning surged.

Ron rushed out of the ground and sat down on the ground with his back against the steel ball exposed from the soil.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The muffled sound of bells kept ringing in his ears, making him tremble. He immediately turned around and inserted his hand into the steel ball. Using the last bit of strength in his body, he used the high temperature of lightning to continuously heal the cracks caused by Xiu Zuo.

It’s impossible not to do this!

The other party is simply a monster!

The iron ball, which was more than three meters thick, cracked under the punch and was about to burst out of the cage!

That is the fist of mortal flesh!

Not a pile driver!

And this is under the premise that the space is limited and the punching distance is not enough!

If it weren't for the fact that he was too exhausted to continue, he would really have wrapped Xiu Zuo in steel, leaving him no room to move.

But even so, the final result is already determined.

The high temperature in the steel melting room will rapidly consume the internal oxygen. In addition, Xiu Zuo's demand for oxygen will also increase under high temperatures. There is not enough space inside, and there is not enough oxygen. Soon he will faint inside due to lack of oxygen, and he will no longer be as energetic as he is now.

Being able to swing so many powerful and heavy fists in succession in a small area, anoxic or even anaerobic environment, breaking the steel ball, Xiu Zuo's strength is already evident.

Regarding Ron's crazy methods, Kizaru pondered for two seconds in the stands and said.

"This Ron... well... is very unique..."

As someone who was watching from a high place throughout the whole process, he could clearly see the long steel plates extending bit by bit from the ground, suddenly moving closer to the center at a certain moment, and finally wrapping the area.

Not surprisingly... that's where Xiu Zuo is.

The muffled drumming in his ears continued to weaken, from earth-shattering to inaudible. One can imagine what Xiu Zuo encountered.

Regarding such a result, Tryon's mouth twitched, and he was smiling.

"Ha, haha... indeed... very unique!"

Damn it!

I want to turn this kid upside down!