One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 16: The headquarters is shocked!


"Nani? You said Ron defeated Xiu Zuo in the testing field?!"

In the marshal's office, Warring States slapped the table and stood up, eyes wide open: "Do you know the consequences of lying about military information?!"

"I know, Marshal. But..."

The messenger was about to cry: "This is true!"

Who knows how a new recruit defeated Brigadier General Xiu Zuo of our headquarters? He was a truly powerful figure! As a member of the new barracks, the messenger received training under Xiu Zuo, so he didn't know how terrifying that monster was!

However, that's what happened.

The instructor of the new barracks, Deputy Garp Tryon, and General Kizaru all recognized the result at the same time. Brigadier General Shusa was still taking oxygen in the infirmary. After the news was presented, he repeatedly confirmed that it was not an auditory hallucination, and then rushed in to report in a panic.

"Hey, how did he do it?! Give me the report!"

Warring States took a deep breath, took the information, and waved it away. Before he could return to his position, Zhenguo smelled an extremely strong murderous aura and immediately turned around.

"Well… "

Speechless, the corners of his mouth twitched, and Warring States looked at the sturdy old man with thick purple hair wearing sunglasses on the seat. The black energy behind him was visible to the naked eye, and he was as vicious as a ghost. After thinking for three seconds, he decided not to ask about it and moved away silently.

Sitting back in his seat, Warring States handed out the information: "The timing is quite coincidental. I just said that the meeting can be dismissed... Everyone, take a look and give us your opinions."

After saying that, Warring States put up the paper and looked at the report with the same curiosity.

The first is a simple physical fitness test.

Maximum strength with one arm: 400 pounds

Barely enough, even somewhat unqualified.

Sengoku frowned slightly, commented, and then looked at the next item.

100 meters speed: 8.5 seconds

Same rating as above!

5000m weight run: 19 minutes

The evaluation continues as above!

Attack power: 60 power


Just looking at these items, Seng Guo felt that the news of Xiu Zuo's defeat was ridiculous! How could such a small person defeat Xiu Zuo? The two sides were literally in heaven and on the ground!

Brigadier General Shuzuo's power value is close to 4000, and he can knock a sea king weighing hundreds of tons into the air. He is extremely powerful. He can reach 100 meters in less than 3 seconds, which is faster than ordinary six-style users. He also has two-color domineering and combat experience. Rich, he can be called the strongest instructor in the navy recruit camp, second only to Zefa!

He is the superman among supermen!

Ron's physical test data shows that he is just a strong ordinary person. When converted into a power value of up to 50, it is impossible to defeat Shuzuo head-on!

The colonel in charge of statistics also gave this a fair score...

Comprehensive evaluation: 50 Daoli passed

If you fail, you can go back and forth wherever you go... The recruit camp of the headquarters only accepts geniuses and strong men. Soldiers with an ordinary power value of 10 are not qualified to enter the recruit camp of the headquarters for training. The "Qingyun Shortcut" headquarters recruit camp where you will start with the rank of major after graduation, the requirements are strict as it should be!

However, the following data from the fruit ability test surprised Warring States.

Lightning attack power: 228 power

Thunder and lightning 100 meters: 2.5 seconds

Practical test: full score

Overall rating: 80/100!

"Power value" is a special term set by the world government to reflect a person's combat effectiveness, but it cannot completely determine a person's strength. After all, there are too many things that affect victory or defeat in actual combat, so it can only be used as a reference.

Since it is a rule set by the World Government and is used by its intelligence agency "cipher pol" and the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku knows exactly what it means for Ron to hit a "228" power attack with a physical fitness of 50 power!

This is a pervert who has achieved four and a half times his own strength! !

Since it represents combat effectiveness, a well-trained naval soldier has a strength value of 10, so the maximum attack he can make is also 10. Therefore, it stands to reason that Ron's normal attack power value is only around 50. The ability to hit 60 attack power before is proof that he has exceeded his physical limits!

In their minds, it had just been a month since they obtained the Thunder Fruit. In terms of the fruit's ability, it was impressive enough that Ron could attack with 50-100 power. Unexpectedly...


Four times his own strength!

It simply refreshed their understanding!

Thunder and lightning are indeed powerful, but such an extraordinary value cannot be eliminated by a fruit advantage!

This is genius!

He has a terrifying talent for thunder fruits!

Looking at this number, everyone in the audience was shocked and admired.

"It's amazing! Sakaski was a few years older than Ron back then... The first test was only about 240, right? And it was only twice as much... "

"Yeah, I still remember that Porusalino's power value was 270, while Kuzan only had 200."

The current three generals are all natural ability users, and they all came out of the new military camp. It is inevitable that they will be compared by others.

Although holding ice cubes that had no lethality in the early stage, Kuzan scored a high score of "200", which was more than three times his physical power. However, Ron was much younger than the three of them during the first test, and it was still four times higher. ! Over time, his achievements will be immeasurable!

While the others expressed shock, Garp was unsure about this in his seat.

"No! What's going on?... The electric kid polishes his body all day long, how can he still have such a high degree of fruit development?"

On the way back, Garp knew exactly what Ron was doing all day long. He couldn't figure out how Ron achieved such amazing numbers.

"Could it be that...he is practicing behind my back?!"

This bastard brat!

Garp felt that he had discovered the truth, and his teeth immediately itched with hatred.

"I'll go find out tonight!"

After that, the thunder and lightning 100-meter race results... no one cared about that number.

At the speed of lightning, running 100 meters in 2.5 seconds is considered too slow. The record Kizaru set in the recruit camp was 0.3 seconds!

For the Shining Fruit and the Thundering Fruit, the value of this value is not to test their speed... No matter how fast ordinary people move, can they still be compared to the lightning

That makes absolutely no sense!

Does the speed, which is already at its peak, need to be tested

If it were a simple speed test and the current Kizaru was asked to go, there would be no time interval at all. He could arrive instantly, exceeding the reaction limit of the test device! There will also be no time lag when Ron learns Enel's technique of teleporting in an electromagnetic field.

Therefore, this value mainly reflects the speed or slowness of their ability to release the fruit, as well as their ability to capture targets with dynamic vision during high-speed movement. It is an overall test of the coordination between the use of the fruit and the coordination of the body.

The 100-meter run at the test site is not just a matter of rushing over. You must stay in the designated area to be considered successful. The recruit camp does not teach the domineering power of knowledge, knowledge, and color. Before you have independent awakening, you can only use your eyesight to locate your position.

It is conceivable that within 2.5 seconds, in addition to wasting time at the moment of departure, Ron must have slowed down to determine his position midway. The sharp-eyed instructor discovered that Ron was directly deducted 20 points. Otherwise, this time will definitely be around 1 second, and you can get 100 points.

Finally, it’s the practical test with full marks…

"Ahem, let's see how... uh... how he defeated Xiu Zuo, right?"

After calming down the atmosphere, Zeng Guo coughed dryly and glanced at someone quietly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zefa, who was in awe just a second ago, immediately frowned and snorted: "Don't look at it! At best, Xiu Zuo is careless and underestimating the enemy, at worst, he is stupid!!!"

The monstrous black gas suddenly rose up, Zefa stood up, his face was dark and oily.

“Let’s see if I don’t take care of him enough when I get back!!”

As Xiu Zuo's mentor, Xiu Zuo was also his favorite disciple. As soon as he got the information, Zefa scanned the details of the battle.

After discovering that Xiu Zuo was being tricked around by the opponent, and finally defeated by being wrapped in an iron ball and suffocated, the anger in Zefa's heart almost burst out. It was like being furious!

If this was not the marshal's office and the meeting hadn't officially ended, he would have rushed out, pulled Xiu Zuo up from the hospital bed, and sent him to Hell Island for additional training!

"calm down!"

Warring States comforted him dryly, but noticing the look in Zefa's eyes, he knew that it would be useless to say more. So I held a moment of silence in my heart, turned my head, and looked at the stooped woman next to me with a frown on her face, but her eyes were filled with the light of wisdom.

"Crane, what do you think?"

"very nice!"

The myth in the minds of the general staff of the Navy and all female soldiers, the goddess that this large group of people chased when they were young, Lieutenant General He praised Zefa without caring about his feelings.

"This is a standard case of David defeating the strong, enough to be included in textbooks! I recommend revising the textbooks immediately so that those brats in the military academy who complain and complain all day long know what persistence means victory!"

He spoke highly of it in his first sentence and even made suggestions to revise the teaching materials! However, no one had any objections to this, because if they were in their own shoes, they wouldn't be able to achieve a more perfect record than Ron!

After calming down, He picked up the information, looked at Ron in the photo kindly, and said.

"... No matter how strong the enemy is, they are still human beings. They need oxygen to breathe. This is a well-known weakness. But it is not easy to take advantage of it? At least let me go. I can't think of any way."

"...But Ron is different! He must have had an idea immediately after he first discovered the existence of underground steel! So he first angered Xiu Zuo, pulled him into a steel channel environment that was more beneficial to him, and used his speed to contain him; then he slowly laid out the plan , without exposing Lei Yetie's ability, and leading Xiuzuo into the trap step by step; in the end, even if he collapses from exhaustion, he must keep the iron ball unbroken, waiting for Xiuzuo to suffocate and fall into a coma to win! Such flexible thinking, decisive judgment, and tenacity! Character, I have to say... Garp, you have done a rare good thing!"

"What do you mean Crane-chan?"

Kapton suddenly blew his nose and glared, looking at Lieutenant General He unwillingly.

"I've been through life and death for so many years, isn't it a good thing?!"

In response to this, Lieutenant General He didn't even look at him and spoke a name lightly.


When Kapton... shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, he sat back down without saying a word and vented his anger on the donut in his hand.

"Ahem, no matter what, Ron's victory over Xiu Zuo is an established fact."

Warring States stood up and concluded: "The next issue of his training will be left to Zefa. We must ensure that he grows in all directions without leaving any loopholes! After four months... it will be up to him!"

Although Zefa was angry at Xiu Zuo's defeat, he would definitely not anger Ron. On the contrary, he liked this seedling very much and had a strong sense of mission in cultivating him.


Nodding, Sengoku patted the table and continued: "In addition, strengthen our defenses and search for traces of Baroque Co., Ltd.!"

"Since they dare to take action once, they will definitely do it a second time, a third time... I'll kill them on the Grand Line. I don't want to hear that this situation will also happen in the Four Seas and the New World. Do you understand?!"


No matter how good the relationship is, Warring States is still a marshal.

The three of them stood up at the same time and saluted in unison.


"The protagonist is a character created by the author. He is the author's clone. To praise him is to praise yourself."

In the past, Dashu never understood how to express the supporting characters' admiration for the protagonist. Recently, he came across this wonderful line during an exchange with a certain master, and he suddenly became enlightened!

I accidentally praised myself for three thousand words!

Oops, so shameful...