One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 18: The dormitory manager with a strong desire to survive!


When the recruit dormitory administrator arrived at the scene, he saw a mess.

The walls and floor, which were not very clean at first, were now even darker, with scorch marks remaining everywhere. On the ceiling, all the light bulbs exploded, leaving a large pool of debris. On the bed, the quilt ignited sparks, which were gradually spreading. On the ground...the recruits were scattered all over the place, their hair was messy, and black smoke was blowing out of their mouths.

In this regard, the administrator thought deeply and touched his chin.

"Sure enough... is the wire short-circuited?"

puff! ! !

The administrator's first words made this group of people vomit blood...

You are always blind!

Can this kind of damage be caused by a short circuit in the wire? !

However, he seemed completely unaware and shook his fist angrily and said, "I told the superiors that the equipment in the recruits' dormitory is old and needs to be replaced, but they still don't believe it... I think we should replace it together this time."

Recruits: "..."

While the others were speechless, Ron saw a hint of shock and a bit of fear in the administrator's eyes... He knew of his existence and saw that the damage here was caused by him. For some reason, he chose to turn a blind eye. It can be said…

The desire to survive is quite strong!

For such a "reasonable" dormitory manager, Ron stood behind the administrator and silently dismissed the thunder that was about to take action... This is the navy headquarters, so it's better to know the rules. Frictions between recruits can be excused, but if the recruits are more aggressive than the dormitory supervisors, then the problem will be serious!

It's definitely not because I'm afraid of some idle naval hero...

"You guys have made such a mess, clean up after yourselves! Let's talk about changing the light bulbs tomorrow during the day!"

After that, the dormitory manager walked out of the room without looking back and wanted to close the door.


The screws of the wooden door fell off and it fell down.

The corner of his mouth twitched a few times. The supervisor didn't look sideways, turned around and left... After disappearing from the door, Ron heard the rapid footsteps of "dong, dong, dong" and was quickly moving away from this place.

“What a talent!”

After the dormitory uncle, who had a strong desire for survival, left, Ron squatted down, took out the cigarette case from the pocket of the black man who was suspected to be Zorro, and selected a cigarette with less scorch marks.


The index finger and thumb shoot out electricity, igniting fire with thunder. Then, he sat on the bed and took a nice breath.

"Hiss... It's so powerful, it's worthy of being in the world of One Piece!"

Biting the cigarette rod, Ron looked at the fallen recruit and raised his eyebrows: "Bullying in the dormitory? It's quite interesting, isn't it..."

What's amazing is that even though Ron's physique was different from ordinary people's since he was a child, he has never been a member of the school bullies. Because... rather than bullying the brats in the same grade, he prefers to bully the gangsters who block the school gate to collect protection money.

After all, adults are no more resistant to beatings than children.

So things like dormitory bullying are really new to him...

Hearing these words, the recruits who had been showing off their power just now burst into tears and wanted to speak.

"I... wuwu ya ya gu gu gu gu..."

The numbness and tingling pain has not dissipated, and the body is already out of control. At this moment, when the upper and lower lips open and close, the remaining thunder and lightning spreads and coils between the opening and closing of the upper and lower lips, which is extremely exciting! Zorro, who was the focus of care, even had his tongue curled up and couldn't even speak clearly.

But his eyes were very unwilling, and he looked at Ron fiercely.

After all, he is a little superman with 300 power. It is true that the lethality of lightning is huge, but it is not enough to beat him out of temper with one move. It's just that my body is numb now and I don't have the strength to resist.

It can be seen from this that the reputation of Thunder Fruit as "the strongest natural type" is by no means groundless! Even though the power value is only one-sixth of Zorro's, without the armed Haki to enhance defense, the destructive effect of electricity on the human body alone is enough for Ron to fight over the top!

But Ron didn't like this look very much.

So under the horrified gazes of the recruits, he opened his big hands, grabbed Zorro's hair, and lifted him up.


What should I do if someone is not convinced

Keep beating!

Ron's ideas were always simple.

An hour later, Garp came to the dormitory.

By the light of the candle, he found Ron sitting on the bed closest to the door, with electricity flashing all over his body and blood spilling from the corners of his mouth, undergoing his daily self-mutilation exercises.

However, the rest of the people were not much better. Each one was covered in bandages and silently cleaning the dormitory... twitching from time to time, twisting and turning like a malfunctioning doll.

"Uh... what happened here? Why is the gate gone?"

Hearing the sound, the recruits turned around in surprise.

Navy hero, "Iron Fist" Garp

Why did he come to the recruit camp? !

As a lieutenant general in the headquarters, Garp has a high status and "busy" tasks. In the past, he rarely appeared even when the recruit camp's year-end evaluation or even the graduation assessment decided to assign. For a moment, the recruit's eyes were full of shock and admiration, and he stared blankly at Garp.

But... this is also an opportunity!

A group of people looked at each other and nodded!

"Lieutenant General Garp!"

Suddenly, the recruits rushed over excitedly, wanting to expose Ron's atrocities to Garp!

But before that, the electric current in Ron's body seemed to bounce uncontrollably, hitting the puddles on the floor. For a moment, there was a big blue light and electric current surged!


Noticing that the others were all break dancing, Ron opened his eyes and looked at them sincerely with apologetic eyes: "Oops... I'm sorry, everyone, I didn't mean to do it!"

God didn't mean it!

Do you think I'm blind? !

Kapton's mouth suddenly twitched, and he couldn't help but want to punch him. He already roughly understood what was going on... Decades ago, he, Warring States, and Zefa came here the same way. They fought fiercely in the dormitory, and no one accepted the other.

He wanted to ask a few more questions, but considering the purpose of his trip and in order to get Ron to cooperate, Garp just pretended not to see him and said to Ron under the desperate gazes of the recruits.

"Come on, come out with me!"


A few minutes later, the two came to an open area.

This is the platform behind the new barracks dormitory. From here, you can overlook the sea, including most of the Navy Headquarters, and the scenery is magnificent.

Of course, its value is not as a viewing platform, but as part of the evacuation passage in the dormitory area in case of emergency. A few steps ahead and around the corner, you can lead to the underground port for evacuation... The history of the legendary big pirate "Golden Lion" back then Ji's attack on the Navy Headquarters left a profound lesson in blood and tears for the Navy!

On the platform, the two stood ten meters apart. Garp took off his white cloak and put it on the tree trunk, moving his hands and feet.

"Come on, let me try your new move!"

His purpose was stated on the way. How did Ron manage to hit an attack four times his body's strength? Garp wanted to test it himself. The purpose... is just curiosity.

Talent is the most unreasonable thing!

Some people work hard all their lives but can't get out of their own shackles, and can only watch others go further and further away.

Karp deeply understands this truth.

"Hey, don't waste my training time, Lieutenant General Garp..."

Ron sighed helplessly... Garp was not Shuzuo. Even if he had the right time, place and people, there was no way he could defeat him. This fight, to put it bluntly, is to satisfy the curiosity of some old and disrespectful people.

During the test in the afternoon, if it wasn't for the purpose of fully demonstrating his current level so that the instructor could make a targeted training plan for him, Ron wouldn't have bothered to use that trick, attracting the old bastard Garp.

"Stop talking nonsense! I'll let you go back after the fight!"

Garp snorted coldly and waved his hand impatiently: "Are you coming? If not, I'll go first?"

"No! You should just stay where you are. I can't control the direction of this move..."

"It is indeed an imperfect move!"

In response, Garp narrowed his eyes slightly.

Ron indeed has amazing talents and perseverance that ordinary people don't have, but he has only obtained the Thunder Fruit for more than a month, and the extent of what he can achieve is limited. He had never shown any too shocking moves on the ship before, such as an attack with "228" power. But when he came to the headquarters, he fought out and immediately attracted the attention of the Warring States Period!

This made Garp couldn't help but wonder whether Ron had deliberately shown weakness in front of him before, so as to penetrate into the Navy, gain trust, and complete some ulterior secrets.

Garp is careless, not stupid!

Sometimes, people like him are the smartest people.

And... He was the one who brought Ron into the Navy. He was inseparable from his responsibility for every move he made, just like Dolag's departure a few years ago.

"If you go astray...I'll pull you back!"

Firmly thinking, Garp's muscles tightened, always ready to welcome Ron's powerful new move.