One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 19: Go to jail!


Ron didn't know what Garp was thinking, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

His purpose in joining the navy was just to become stronger and surpass his limits!

Other than that, he was more kizaru than kizaru, completely indifferent.

In fact, even if Garp doesn't come tonight, Ron will ask the other instructors to use their vision to perfect the moves during the formal training tomorrow.

The moon was sparse, the cool sea breeze blew through the headquarters fortress, and the broken hair in front of the eyebrows was slowly fluttering. Making fists with both hands, Ron gradually opened his posture and stepped forward with a lunge.



Under the moonlight, a sky-blue thunderbolt as thick as a thumb spilled out from his skin, and in the blink of an eye, the air exploded! Garp keenly discovered that the thunder was not deliberately released by Ron... He condensed all the power in his body and locked it under his skin. Until now, it has been somewhat difficult to control!

If it is an ordinary natural type, the right hand has already been transformed into elements at this time, turning into a dazzling thunder... The purpose of the elemental physique of the natural type is not to let them use elementalization to bully others, but to make better use of power, which is made by the body Adaptability.

"What does this guy... want to do?"

Garp frowned slightly, and Ron's arm turned from flesh and blood to bright sky blue in a moment. Cloud-like spots of light shine out from under the skin, and the skin becomes like a transparent film. There was a vague smell of burning.

That's the burnt smell of flesh and blood!

With this move, Ron's arm was roasted by Thunder!

"you… "

Kapton was shocked and opened his mouth to ask Ron to stop... He knew this little guy too well! For the sake of strength, they can even develop terrifying methods of using thunder and lightning to stimulate exercise. It is conceivable that if you can use moves beyond the current physical limit, you will be disabled without hesitation!

The attack that is four times the body's power value is not only the talent, not only the advantage of the Thunder Fruit, but also the terrifying toughness, and the monster's will to never give up and be indestructible until it achieves its goal!

However, it was too late now. Ron raised his head and said with a smile: "This move is more powerful than during the test! Be careful, Lieutenant General Garp!"

"Wait a moment… "

But the propagation speed of sound is too slow, far less than that of lightning. When Garp spoke, Ron had already crossed dozens of meters and arrived in front of him at a speed that stunned him.

That's the speed of thunder and lightning!

At this time, the thunder in his right hand could no longer be restrained and burst out violently, forming a dazzling electric ball and hitting his head.

Overload Ten Million Volts of Thunderbolt Fist! ! !


The dazzling lightning sphere suddenly enlarged, covering Garp and a large area around him. The air was filled with an unsettling and dangerous atmosphere, and the chirping of insects in the forest stopped in unison... Two seconds later, the electric light suddenly shrank to a point, and then A violent explosion!

Boom... boom! ! !

The deafening terrifying shock woke up the entire navy headquarters, and everyone was restless! It was a sound louder than a cannon, coming from the might of heaven and unstoppable!

When the thunder exploded, behind the fortress, Warring States opened his eyes in an instant, came to the window in his pajamas and looked into the distance. After seeing the thunder rising from the sky, I was stunned for a second... Then, the corners of my mouth twitched wildly, and I gritted my teeth and spit out two names: "Garp, Ron..."

At the same time, some people who knew the inside story looked out the window, each thinking.

In the room where the science force is stationed, General Kizaru.

After a hunch, Kizaru rubbed his eyes and looked at the thunder in the distance: "Is it thundering? It's really scary..."

Inside the new barracks, on top of the tall building where Zefa is.

Zefa, who had taken off his prosthetic leg, showed off his chest and arms, wearing only a bath towel around his waist. Staring at the thunder and lightning in the distance, Zefa, who had just finished taking a shower, slightly raised the corners of his mouth: "You have courage! What a nice little guy!"

Then he looked at the long line of soldiers below who had picked up their weapons and headed to the scene of the incident, and his eyelids twitched.

"Tsk, but the law has no mercy!"

On the platform behind the recruits' dormitory, after a long time, the smoke and dust finally dispersed.

At this time, the place has been greatly changed. The stone slabs collapsed and sunken, the trees were blackened and on fire, and the earth seemed to have been baptized by cannonballs. In the air, the remaining electricity swayed from time to time, and the crackling sound made Garp shrink his neck in fear.


The night wind blows and sparks fly.

Garp slapped away the expanding sparks in his hair, then hugged the unconscious Ron, speechless and choked.

I'm so stupid, really.

Knowing that Ron had just used this trick in the afternoon and it was nothing, he still worried about his safety.

If he hadn't neglected to protect his surroundings just now in order to control Ron and prevent him from causing greater damage to his body, how could he have caused so much damage.

He clearly understood Ron's move, it was still imitating Kizaru's light speed kick. However, because the gap was too big, he could only use disguised tricks. Lock the powerful electric power in the arm, let the arm reach an overload state, and swing out explosive punches with lightning speed!

Instead of accumulating inertia through elemental transformation, it can directly transform into thunder with the power of the physical body! It is somewhat similar to the thunder and lightning training method he usually uses, and he probably evolved from it.

I didn’t secretly train more without telling Garp, but Garp didn’t expect that simple exercise method could be used in such a wonderful way!

And its power should not be underestimated... You can see this just by looking at the surrounding environment.


"You fell asleep easily, what should I do?!"

Great now!

Looking at the patrol soldiers getting closer and closer, Garp had a second thought and threw Ron out directly, letting him roll on the ground like a salted fish several times.

"I didn't do it!... It was him! Catch him quickly!"

The person in charge of leading the team was an old acquaintance, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel of the Navy Headquarters. Garp was overjoyed and greeted loudly: "Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel! Quick, send this kid to the prison before he wakes up!"

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, who had a mohawk that looked like a purple potato, walked out of the team with an expressionless expression on his sword hilt. When he heard these words, he stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

Then he calmed down his expression and shouted angrily: "The marshal has an order! Escort the prisoners Garp and Ron to the prison!"


The soldiers wanted to laugh but didn't dare. They were all holding back their faces and came up with guns in hand. Kapton was blinded for a moment, until the soldiers took out handcuffs and put them on him, then he jumped up and cursed.

"Warring States, you bastard! I'm not done with you!!!"


The cold light flashed, and the flying squirrel drew his sword in his hand with an expressionless face: "Insulting the marshal will be punished with an additional penalty!... Take him away quickly!"

Karp: "..."

There are countless monsters and strong people in this world. After getting rid of their group of top combatants, just in the Navy Headquarters, there are still many people left who are capable of demolishing the headquarters fortress... A powerful force needs to be restrained and rules need to be established, not to mention the Navy Headquarters, which is already solemn and sacred. The place.

So it has nothing to do with the Golden Lion. As early as hundreds of years ago, the Navy established a rule: Anyone who takes action in places where the headquarters is not allowed, without legitimate reasons, regardless of their position, will be escorted to prison for accountability!

Tonight, the two of them woke up the entire headquarters, and the impact was extremely bad. Not to mention "Lieutenant General" Garp, even the three generals cannot escape the fate of sleeping on a stone slab in prison.

It's not that Garp doesn't know this rule, but in his eyes, no matter how powerful Ron's moves are, he can neutralize them invisibly without causing too much impact... This comes from his confidence in strength at the top of his game!

However, just now, in order to control Ron, his attention was distracted and he had no time to consider the scope of the impact, which led to such a result...

In the eyes of outsiders, the dignified naval hero, Iron Fist Garp, personally captured the big shot of One Piece, the legendary navy devil, was in prison for the first time since his birth.

It’s really gratifying, congratulatory, congratulatory!