One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 21: Training days


Although Zefa said the so-called "targeted adjustments" in a pleased tone, Ron still shuddered while walking in the passage behind the fortress. He is not afraid that the special characteristics of his body will be known by Garp and others. After all, this is the world of One Piece. The same ordinary people can grow to 3 or 4 meters tall, so it is not surprising that anything happens.

But one thing was beyond Ron's expectation. In the past on Earth, his self-healing ability was not so fast. Ordinary scrapes and cuts are fine, but once the body is damaged, the recovery speed is only ten days and a half faster than ordinary people. But this time, even if the arm was burned, it still healed overnight. The only reason Ron could find for this was that as his body strengthened, more mysterious energy was used to heal himself, which caused his healing speed to accelerate.

"There are always unscrupulous people who want to harm me!"

After the chill, Ron stopped suspiciously and looked around like a thief, causing the patrolling soldier to look at him carefully before he suddenly realized what he was doing.

"Oh, it turns out it's this kid..."

Ordinary soldiers didn't know exactly what happened last night, but it didn't stop them from knowing that Lieutenant General Garp was in jail with someone because of breaking regulations. This morning, Marshal Sengoku announced the matter during his routine lecture. While emphasizing discipline, he also blackmailed Garp... God knows what they were thinking after hearing that Garp was imprisoned!

As a naval hero, Garp's influence is particularly terrifying in the Navy Headquarters, and Ron, who is just a newcomer, is also remembered by many people.

"But... shouldn't he be in the cell? Why did he escape?!"

Did he escape? !

The eyes of a group of patrol soldiers immediately became serious. They looked at each other and nodded: "That one over there... that's right, it's you. Come here!"


Ron clicked the back of his head strangely, and just as he was about to lean over, another person suddenly stopped him.

"Ron recruit! Instructor Xiu Zuo asked you to rush to the recruit camp immediately to report... Um, what's going on?"

That was the colonel officer who was responsible for testing him yesterday. When he got closer, he saw the patrols waiting for him. He was stunned for a moment and suddenly realized.

"You don't have to worry about it. He was pardoned by the marshal and released from prison."

"I see!"

The patrol breathed a sigh of relief...

The colonel officer has been in charge of the recruit camp for many years, and several people in the patrol team have been trained under him. Since he guarantees this, then just check with the prison authorities. He immediately nodded and saluted and continued patrolling.

After finishing these tasks, the colonel instructor patted Ron on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Let's go! Don't keep Instructor Xiuzuo waiting..."


Ron woke up in an instant and almost forgot about it... Yesterday, he relied on elementalization and lightning speed to defeat Xiu Zuo. The opponent would definitely not give up, but now he has to be trained under Xiu Zuo, and the result...

The corners of his mouth twitched speechlessly, Ron looked up at the sky,

This wave is going to be cool again!

After bypassing the testing field, the two came to an open space in front of the main building of the recruit camp.

At this time, the place was already crowded with people, and the recruits were training on the vast playground under the leadership of their respective instructors.

It can be seen that the recruit camp is indeed teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. Those who line up to run a marathon are obviously not as strong as those who play sandbags. Those who are good at swordsmanship face off against each other, slashing at each other with unbladed iron swords to hone their skills. A few Devil Fruit users were assigned to the other side of the open space, constantly releasing their fruit powers, and were so exhausted that they were sweating profusely... Among them was an animal-type user who frequently switched between half-animal and human forms, which looked very funny.

But even so, these people all have the same characteristics.

Among them, even the most ordinary runners, everyone is full of energy! Because they can feel that in these seemingly ordinary exercises, they have become significantly stronger!

This is the day I want!

Ron suppressed his inner excitement and followed the colonel into the building behind the playground, stopping in an open classroom with no seats.

"Report! Instructor Xiuzuo, the new recruit Ron has been brought!"

"Well, thank you for your hard work..."

Xiu Zuo turned his back to the two of them and nodded when he heard this: "The seventh team's confrontation training still needs one person to supervise, so you can go there first..."

"Well… "

The colonel glanced at Ron and said, "Come on!" "Yes!"

After that, he walked away without looking back.

Ron stayed where he was and swallowed dryly, looking left and right, looking for an escape route. But at this moment, Xiu Zuo, who had been observing him through the Haki of Knowledge, said: "No need to look for it... The new barracks building is an important building of the Navy Headquarters. The walls and iron doors are mixed with sea floor stone powder. Your thunder and lightning It can’t be blasted.”

Then Xiu Zuo turned around, looked at Ron with an evil look on his face, and sneered: "And this glass is specially made and is extremely hard... even my fist can withstand it!"


"Hahaha, instructor Xiuzuo, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand!"

"Hmph! Stop pretending to be stupid!"

Seeing Ron laughing, Xiu Zuo suddenly remembered the face he saw through the gap in the steel yesterday before he fell into coma, and his teeth itched with anger. But soon, he sighed and waved his hands half-heartedly: "Don't think so much Ron, I'm not a petty person. If you lose, you lose. There's nothing to complain about..."

The characteristic of soldiers is that they only look at the results, not the process!

Excuses and reasons are the weakest words in the army.

Of course, as a brigadier general serving in the headquarters, he was defeated by a newcomer with a power level dozens of times lower than his own. This was something Kan Xiuzo would never be able to overcome. I can only say that I don't care and don't think about it, but I can't let it go.

Xiu Zuo's expression didn't seem to be fake. This villain in the original work, who only appeared in the theatrical version, was so free and easy that Ron was a little stunned.

"Uh... Brigadier General Shuzuo? Are you serious?"

Seeing Ron's confused look, Xiu Zuo's eyelids jumped wildly and he almost couldn't help but rush up and punch him. Fortunately, he knew his current identity. If he beat Zefa in private, he would tear him apart. He immediately took out a form and threw it to Ron.

"Nonsense! Take this...get out of here!"

Seeing Xiu Zuo angry, Ron quickly picked up the form and slipped out. He didn't want to be with this monster who could smash a three-meter-thick iron ball with his fist. Noticing Ron's panic, Xiu Zuo's expression changed.

There is speechlessness, anger, and expectation...

Recalling Zefa wearing reading glasses and handing him the form last night, Xiu Zuo lowered his head and said to himself: "Don't let the teacher down, Ron..."

As a naval headquarters recruit camp that "teaches students in accordance with their aptitude", each recruit's curriculum is different and will not be fixed, but will be gradually adjusted according to the actual situation. The form Xiu Zuo handed to Ron was the schedule of training courses he would conduct in the coming days.

Marathon, weight-bearing running, 100-meter sprint, push-ups, sit-ups... At a glance, Qing Yi Shui can enhance your physical fitness training.

A strong sense of déjà vu as a sports school student!

Ron made a fair assessment of this.

However, he also knew that compared with the humans born and raised in the Pirate King world, he was born from the earth and was born with insufficient physical strength. Even if his body has special talents and amazing self-healing power, it can't change the fact that he is a weakling.

When he arrived at the first position according to the instructions on the form, the instructor immediately threw a bunch of weights on him. The veins in his neck popped out and he roared: "I'll give you thirty seconds to put it on, soldier! Then start running!"

So scary!

Ron quickly put the weight on his body, and when the marathon troop passed by, he followed them with a quick step.

… …

Thanks to book friend Song Wenci for the 500 reward!

The name of the person in yesterday's chapter was incorrectly typed and has been corrected. Genuine users can just add the book back to their bookshelf, but pirated users... there is nothing they can do.