One Piece – Thundergod Marine

Chapter 23: One month later


The training room is on the bottom floor of the recruit building, a hidden space ten meters underground.

In this position, even if it is knocked down, it will not affect the ground at all. It is the first choice for many recruits to try new moves. It is open to all recruits... As long as you don't bury yourself stupidly, there will be no problem.

When Zefa came to the training room where Ron was, what he saw was a bright ball of human-shaped lightning.

As a thunderman, as Ron gets stronger, he becomes more and more resistant to lightning. No matter how actively controlled, the elemental priority of the natural system will wipe out most of the damage, and only a small amount of current can stimulate the muscles. This means that he now has to increase the power to get the training effect.

Zefa Zizhuizhi was well-informed and amazed by such a magical way of use.

But he quickly remembered his purpose and spoke.

"Pause Ron, I have something to ask you!"



Thunder and lightning converged into the body, looking at Zefa entering the room, Ron stood up: "Chief instructor Zefa, why are you here?"

Even though Zefa spends most of his time guarding the recruit camp all day long, he only appears in front of the recruits very rarely. Most of them can only see him once during the year-end evaluation. The rest of the time they can come into contact with the highest ranking officer. , that is Brigadier General Xiu Zuo.

"I heard that you know a technique that uses thunder and lightning to stimulate muscles and strengthen your muscles, so come over and have a look..."

Zefa pulled up a small bench, sat down and lit a cigar: "That's the trick you just used, right? Tell me about your thinking."

"Really?! Okay!"

Zefa’s intention is obvious, he wants to guide himself!

Coming from the guidance of Zefa, a former admiral and one of the top figures in the world, Ron was overjoyed and agreed to start telling the story immediately.

No matter why Zefa did this or what reason he had for doing so, he was the one who benefited, and Ron could not find a reason to refuse. After explaining the principle, Ron slapped the back of his head and said, "That's the general situation. As for the specifics... I'd better use it again."

In response, Zefa bit his cigar and nodded without saying anything.


After getting Zefa's permission, there was a loud thunder. Thunderbolts wrapped around the body, emitting dazzling blue light. Zefa took a puff of his cigar and released his domineering aura. Sensing Ron's current state, his expression suddenly froze: "This... except for some small flaws, is it so perfect?!"

He originally thought that Ron developed this skill by messing around with his special self-healing ability... Regarding the special characteristics of Ron's body, if Ron didn't talk about it, they wouldn't mention it. Everyone just knew it. .

The real strong man, who doesn’t use his trump card to play ballast

So Zefa came here with the idea of giving pointers and corrections, letting Ron understand his mistakes, and then helping him to correct them and establish his authority as a teacher... But what he didn't expect was that this skill fit so well with the Thunderman's physique!

That is a powerful current that is enough to roast ordinary people into cokes. Because of the physical constitution of the thunder and lightning man, the power is weakened countless times, forming a perfect ratio with the physical strength! Not only is there no danger, but they complement each other!

Moreover, the strengthening of physical fitness will increase the power of the electric current, and the strengthened electric current can be repeatedly invested in exercises to enhance physical fitness... Apart from pain, this is a practice method with no upper limit!

A training method exclusive to those with thunder fruit abilities!

Even if you don't have super self-healing ability like Ron, you can still use this technique to practice!

Ron pioneered the use of Thunder Fruit, which is worthy of being recorded in history!


Zefa was a little dazed for a moment. Thinking about the past few decades, Ron was not the strongest recruit he had ever seen, but he was the most talented recruit he had ever seen. The person with the thunder fruit ability who disappeared hundreds of years ago only developed the lethality of thunder and lightning to the extreme, but with Ron's fantastic ideas, it was incomparable.

In addition, that thing opened the "Ren and Du Second Meridian" for Ron, activating his body's potential in advance. With this ability, if he keeps exercising, given time... Zefa can't imagine what Ron will achieve!

Thinking of this, Zefa's eyes were a little fiery...

Perhaps, it can not only make up for the shortcomings of the admiral... or even reach the top!

"No, you can't be anxious. Ron is still far behind! And... there are also strong and weak general levels, such as what I am now."

Smiling self-deprecatingly, Zefa greeted: "Come here Ron, I found some problems."

"Okay, Chief Instructor Zefa!"

"Call me Teacher Zefa..."


Ron's progress froze for a moment, and then he was ecstatic and bowed: "Understood! Teacher Zefa!"

At the end of 1514 in the Haiyuan calendar, the navy headquarters and new barracks.

The sun shines from the far east, and the cool sea breeze adds a touch of warmth. The silent Navy Headquarters, once again bustling with the call of the rising sun, remained unchanged as ever.

"As long as it works, leave the rest to me. I'll let Ron cooperate... you..."

Bang! !

At this moment, a dull explosion resounded through the high-rise building, making the phone worms tremble involuntarily...

Click... the phone was hung up.

In the office, Zefa grinned and put down the phone in silence.

"What is this little bastard developing again?!"

Underneath the recruit camp building, in a special training ground, muffled thunder continued to explode. Even with the best sound insulation materials, muffled explosions could still be heard in the corridor. Deafening explosions caused ash to fall from the ceiling, and the passing soldiers quickened their pace with disgraced faces.

"That monster is getting more and more terrifying!"

"The power of natural devil fruits... what do you think?!"

"Shh, keep your voice down! Don't let him hear..."

"Yeah, let's go quickly!"

A group of patrolling soldiers left quickly.

In the training room, dazzling lightning flashed, leaving streaks of light and shadow in the air. On the surrounding walls, there are pits that are enough to make the patients with secret fear breathe away, and flying saucers are fired from them, the speed is not much slower than bullets. But the thunder and lightning kept beating, and every time it hit the flying saucer extremely accurately, missing no more than one percent.

After a long time, the lights in the training room turned red, and a pleasant female voice signaled the end.

"... At the end of the training, the hit rate was 98.5%... "

The hit rate of 98.5%, after Vegapunk invented this tester, is already second only to those old monsters, and it is even more unique among these new recruits!


The lightning that had been continuously shooting stopped in the middle of the field, and Ron was naked from the waist up, breathing heavily.

"Are you still missing a few?"

Ron himself was not satisfied with data that was unimaginable to others.

He is a user with the Thunder Fruit ability and has huge innate advantages. Whether it is speed or lethality, ordinary people cannot match it. With such a huge advantage but unable to score a perfect score, Ron knew that he still had a long way to go...


Clenching his fist, a thunder pillar formed naturally, making a deafening explosion. Ron's whole body was wrapped with electricity, and cloud-like spots of light appeared on his body, flashing through his skin. His eyes were dark blue and emitted a strong light, making him look like an illusory being from mythology rather than a real living person.

"Finally, I have perfect control over this form..."

Looking at his hands and feeling the majestic power in his body as vast as the sea, Ron grinned with a satisfied smile.

Thanks to the book friend~from the abyss~ for the invitation~ for the 500 reward!


No date! !

The abyss will destroy a life and strengthen the poor for three generations. If you are not strong, you will not be in the abyss. You will become rich and handsome!